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Valmiera Administration
Valmiera Post code | 4201 |
Valmiera Mayor | Jānis Baiks |
Valmiera Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Valmiera? Here are all the details of Valmiera available below.
Valmiera Postal address | Lāčplēša iela 2 Valmiera,LV-4201 Latvija |
Valmiera Phone number | 64207120 International: +371 64207120 |
Valmiera Fax number | 64207125 International: +371 64207125 |
Valmiera Email address | [email protected] |
Valmiera Website | |
Valmiera Birth certificate, Valmiera Death certificate |
Valmiera Demography
Information on the people and the population of Valmiera.
Valmiera Population | 27,040 inhabitants |
Valmiera Population Density | 1,397.4 /km² (3,619.3 /sq mi) |
Valmiera Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Valmiera.
Valmiera Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 57.5389, Longitude: 25.4261 57° 32′ 20″ North, 25° 25′ 34″ East |
Valmiera Area | 1,935 hectares 19.35 km² (7.47 sq mi) |
Valmiera Altitude | 50 m (164 ft) |
Valmiera Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb) |
Valmiera Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Valmiera and the biggest cities of Latvia.
Valmiera Map
Locate simply the city of Valmiera through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Valmiera Nearby cities and villages
Valmiera Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Valmiera has international agreements with its different pairings.
Valmiera Zone
Time zone of Valmiera.
Valmiera Local time | |
Valmiera Time zone | UTC +2:00 (Europe/Riga) Summer time UTC +3:00 Winter time UTC +2:00 |
Valmiera Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Valmiera.
Valmiera Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Valmiera.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 07:52 - 11:26 - 14:59 | 07:04 - 15:47 | 06:14 - 16:37 | 05:27 - 17:24 |
12 January | 07:51 - 11:26 - 15:01 | 07:03 - 15:49 | 06:13 - 16:39 | 05:27 - 17:26 |
13 January | 07:50 - 11:27 - 15:03 | 07:03 - 15:51 | 06:13 - 16:40 | 05:26 - 17:27 |
14 January | 07:49 - 11:27 - 15:05 | 07:02 - 15:52 | 06:12 - 16:42 | 05:25 - 17:29 |
15 January | 07:48 - 11:27 - 15:07 | 07:01 - 15:54 | 06:11 - 16:44 | 05:24 - 17:30 |
16 January | 07:46 - 11:28 - 15:09 | 06:59 - 15:56 | 06:10 - 16:45 | 05:24 - 17:32 |
17 January | 07:45 - 11:28 - 15:11 | 06:58 - 15:58 | 06:09 - 16:47 | 05:23 - 17:33 |
Valmiera Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Valmiera classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Wolmar Valmiera The hotel is located a 5-minute walk from the centre of Valmiera and is surrounded by a number of clubs and restaurants of the Old Town. It offers accommodation with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. The hotel offers rooms with private bathroom facilities... view more | from € 48 | |
Unce Valmiera The Unce property is located in the quiet area of Valmiera, only 500 metres from the centre. It offers homely rooms with free Wi-Fi, wooden furniture as well as a shared kitchen... view more | from € 25 | |
J. Daliņa stadiona viesnīca Valmiera Offering free access to an indoor pool, J. Daliņa stadiona viesnīca is located in Valmiera and surrounded by a pine forest. The Gauja River is just 200 metres away... view more | from € 25 | |
Holiday Complex Avoti Valmiera Holiday Complex Avoti is located a 6-minute drive from the centre of Valmiera. It offers apartments with free Wi-Fi, as well a camping site, with a mini golf course and a sauna... view more | from € 45 | |
Herta Valmiera Herta is located in Valmiermuiža, about 2 km away from the Valmiera Drama Theatre and just 650 metres from the E264 route. It offers free private parking and Wi-Fi... view more | from € 24 | |
More Hotels » |
Valmiera Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Valmiera and its surroundings.
Valmiera Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Valmiera /5 (2016-09-05 01:00:00) |