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Ogre Localisation : Country Latvia, Municipality Ogre.
Available Information : Postal address, Email address, Website, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ikšķile, Ogresgala and Ķegums.


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Ogre Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Ogre? Here are all the details of Ogre available below.

Ogre Postal addressBrīvības ielā 33
Ogre LV-5001
Ogre Phone numberNot available
Ogre Email address[email protected]
Ogre Websitewww.ogresnovads.lv
Ogre Birth certificate, Ogre Death certificate

Ogre Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ogre.

Ogre Population26,093 inhabitants

Ogre Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ogre.

Ogre Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 56.8192, Longitude: 24.6078
56° 49′ 9″ North, 24° 36′ 28″ East
Ogre Altitude36 m (118 ft)
Ogre ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Ogre Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ogre and the biggest cities of Latvia.

Riga 34 kmDaugavpils 158 kmLiepāja 223 km
Jelgava 57 kmJūrmala 53 kmVentspils 195 km
Rēzekne 170 kmValmiera 94 kmJēkabpils 85 km
Tukums 89 kmSalaspils 16 km closestCēsis 68 km

Ogre Map

Locate simply the city of Ogre through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ogre Nearby cities and villages

Ikšķile 7.4 kmOgresgala 9 kmĶegums 11.3 km
Daugmale 11.6 kmRembate 13 kmBaldone 16 km
Salaspils 16.3 kmLielvārde 17.2 kmRopaži 17.4 km

Ogre Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Ogre has international agreements with its different pairings.

Ogre Zone

Time zone of Ogre.

Ogre Local time
Ogre Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Riga)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Ogre Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ogre.

Ogre Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ogre.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 January07:41 - 11:32 - 15:2306:56 - 16:0706:08 - 16:55 05:23 - 17:41
20 January07:40 - 11:32 - 15:2506:55 - 16:0906:07 - 16:57 05:22 - 17:42
21 January07:38 - 11:32 - 15:2706:54 - 16:1106:06 - 16:59 05:21 - 17:44
22 January07:37 - 11:33 - 15:2906:52 - 16:1306:05 - 17:00 05:20 - 17:45
23 January07:35 - 11:33 - 15:3106:51 - 16:1506:04 - 17:02 05:19 - 17:47
24 January07:33 - 11:33 - 15:3306:50 - 16:1706:02 - 17:04 05:18 - 17:49
25 January07:32 - 11:33 - 15:3506:48 - 16:1906:01 - 17:06 05:16 - 17:51

Ogre Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ogre classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Club 1934Hotel Club 1934

Located in a traditional resort town, just 30 minutes from central Riga, Hotel Club 1934 offers spacious, individually decorated guestrooms offering free, high-speed wired internet access... view more
€ 36
Hotel Kempings SniedzesKempings Sniedzes
Kempings Sniedzes is a camping site by the Daugava River, with water sports facilities and a sauna. It offers wooden cottages and the Internet connection is provided on the site... view more
€ 35
Hotel SpadropsSpadrops

Spadrops is situated by the Daugava River, offering rooms with free Wi-Fi, as well as an indoor swimming pool. Guests can relax in a hot tub or use a sauna. Each room at Spadrops includes traditional interiors and private bathroom facilities... view more
€ 41
Hotel Recreation Center TurbasRecreation Center Turbas
Recreation Center Turbas is a spacious recreation complex with a number of facilities, including a 17 metres waterslide, a choice of saunas as well as a private beach and an island on Mazā Jugla river... view more
€ 40
Hotel UmuriUmuri
Located in quiet and green surroundings of a forest and just 20 metres from the Daugava River, Umuri offers accommodation with a fireplace and an outdoor hot tub. The town of Kegums is 4 km away... view more
€ 142
More Hotels »

Ogre Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ogre and its surroundings.

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