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  11. Hengelo


Hengelo Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province Overijssel.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Borne, Overijssel, Enschede and Oldenzaal.


Find all the information of Hengelo or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Hengelo Administration

Hengelo Code0164
Hengelo Post code7550
Hengelo MayorSander Schelberg

Hengelo Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Hengelo? Here are all the details of Hengelo available below.

Hengelo Postal addressBurgemeester Jansenplein 1, (Postbus 18)
Hengelo Phone number(074) 245 98 76
International: +31 74 2459876
Hengelo Email address[email protected]
Hengelo Websitewww.hengelo.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Hengelo
Hengelo Birth certificate, Hengelo Death certificate

Hengelo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Hengelo.

Hengelo Population80,916 inhabitants
Hengelo Population Density1,309.7 /km² (3,392.2 /sq mi)

Hengelo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Hengelo.

Hengelo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.2637, Longitude: 6.79092
52° 15′ 49″ North, 6° 47′ 27″ East
Hengelo Area6,178 hectares
61.78 km² (23.85 sq mi)
Hengelo Altitude20 m (66 ft)
Hengelo ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Hengelo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Hengelo and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 130 kmRotterdam 163 kmThe Hague 170 km
Utrecht 115 kmEindhoven 129 kmTilburg 141 km
Almere 108 kmGroningen 107 kmBreda 157 km
Nijmegen 79 kmEnschede 8 km closestApeldoorn 57 km

Hengelo Map

Locate simply the city of Hengelo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Hengelo Nearby cities and villages

Borne, Overijssel 4.8 kmEnschede 8.3 kmOldenzaal 10.9 km
Haaksbergen 12.4 kmAlmelo 13.6 kmHof van Twente 13.8 km
Losser 14.7 kmTubbergen 16 kmWierden 17.1 km
Germany Gronau 18 kmRijssen-Holten 19 kmDinkelland 19.1 km

Hengelo Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Hengelo has international agreements with its different pairings.

Hengelo Zone

Time zone of Hengelo.

Hengelo Local time
Hengelo Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Hengelo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Hengelo.

Hengelo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Hengelo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February08:09 - 12:46 - 17:2307:33 - 18:0006:52 - 18:40 06:12 - 19:20
4 February08:07 - 12:46 - 17:2507:31 - 18:0106:51 - 18:42 06:11 - 19:22
5 February08:06 - 12:46 - 17:2707:29 - 18:0306:49 - 18:44 06:10 - 19:23
6 February08:04 - 12:46 - 17:2907:28 - 18:0506:47 - 18:45 06:08 - 19:25
7 February08:02 - 12:46 - 17:3107:26 - 18:0706:46 - 18:47 06:06 - 19:26
8 February08:00 - 12:46 - 17:3307:25 - 18:0806:44 - 18:49 06:05 - 19:28
9 February07:59 - 12:47 - 17:3407:23 - 18:1006:43 - 18:50 06:03 - 19:30

Hengelo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Hengelo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hampshire City Hotel Hengelo - EnschedeHampshire City Hotel Hengelo - Enschede

Hampshire City is centrally located in Hengelo and only a 2-minute walk from the train station. There is free wired internet in the rooms and a restaurant on site. Every floor of Hampshire City Hotel Hengelo - Enschede has its own theme... view more
€ 50
Hotel Tuindorphotel 't LansinkTuindorphotel 't Lansink

This hotel is located in a monumental building in the Tuindorp area, only 10 minutes’ walk from Hengelo Railway Station... view more
€ 89
Hotel Van der Valk Hotel HengeloVan der Valk Hotel Hengelo

Located in the beatiful area of Twente, the pleasant Van der Valk Hotel Hengelo offers many recreative possibilities and arrangements. A variety of rooms are available... view more
€ 77
Hotel Aparthotel DeldenAparthotel Delden

Aparthotel Delden is situated in the beautiful courtyard of Twente and is ideally equipped for an active or relaxing holiday, with many sport and leisure facilities available... view more
€ 59
Hotel Holiday home DeldenHoliday home Delden
Holiday home Delden is located in Delden and can accommodate up to four persons. The accommodation is provided with a TV and a DVD player. There are two bedrooms with two single beds... view more
€ 51
More Hotels »

Hengelo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Hengelo and its surroundings.

Weusthag 2.3 kmDe Belder 2.3 kmLoofriet 2.8 km
De Tol 3.3 kmBuren 3.5 km’t Stroot 3.8 km
Breeriet 3.9 kmKromme Brug 4.1 kmHoge Brug 4.4 km
Ruwe Braak 4.5 kmBokdam 5 kmTwickel 5.1 km
Kasteel Twickel 5.2 kmHaverriet 5.2 kmChristinalust 5.5 km
Twenthe 5.7 kmSteenveld 6.1 kmGravenbos 6.2 km
Flierveld 6.2 kmHendrikshoeve 6.5 kmKlumpershoeve 6.7 km
Hellecaterveld 6.8 kmSchijvenveld 7.2 kmDassehaar 7.4 km
Elbertsbos 7.4 kmHerthemerbrug 7.6 kmDe Weele 7.9 km
Hof te Boekelo 8.1 kmHagmolen 8.1 kmTwente 8.2 km

Nuclear power plant

Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 42.8 km  

Hengelo Page

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