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  11. Haaksbergen


Haaksbergen Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province Overijssel.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Hengelo, Enschede and Berkelland.


Find all the information of Haaksbergen or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Haaksbergen Administration

Haaksbergen Code0158
Haaksbergen Post code7480
Haaksbergen MayorK.B. Loohuis

Haaksbergen Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Haaksbergen? Here are all the details of Haaksbergen available below.

Haaksbergen Postal addressMarkt 3, (Postbus 102)
Haaksbergen Phone number(053) 573 45 67
International: +31 53 5734567
Haaksbergen Email address[email protected]
Haaksbergen Websitewww.haaksbergen.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Haaksbergen
Haaksbergen Birth certificate, Haaksbergen Death certificate

Haaksbergen Demography

Information on the people and the population of Haaksbergen.

Haaksbergen Population24,412 inhabitants
Haaksbergen Population Density231.4 /km² (599.4 /sq mi)

Haaksbergen Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Haaksbergen.

Haaksbergen Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.1568, Longitude: 6.73863
52° 9′ 24″ North, 6° 44′ 19″ East
Haaksbergen Area10,548 hectares
105.48 km² (40.73 sq mi)
Haaksbergen Altitude28 m (92 ft)
Haaksbergen ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Haaksbergen Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Haaksbergen and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 128 kmRotterdam 157 kmThe Hague 166 km
Utrecht 111 kmEindhoven 118 kmTilburg 132 km
Almere 106 kmGroningen 118 kmBreda 149 km
Nijmegen 70 kmEnschede 13 km closestApeldoorn 53 km

Haaksbergen Map

Locate simply the city of Haaksbergen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Haaksbergen Nearby cities and villages

Hengelo 12.4 kmEnschede 12.6 kmBerkelland 13 km
Hof van Twente 13.8 kmGermany Vreden 14.8 kmBorne, Overijssel 16 km
Oost Gelre 18.9 km

Haaksbergen Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Haaksbergen has international agreements with its different pairings.

Haaksbergen Zone

Time zone of Haaksbergen.

Haaksbergen Local time
Haaksbergen Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Haaksbergen Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Haaksbergen.

Haaksbergen Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Haaksbergen.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
4 January08:41 - 12:38 - 16:3508:00 - 17:1507:17 - 17:58 06:36 - 18:40
5 January08:40 - 12:38 - 16:3608:00 - 17:1607:17 - 17:59 06:36 - 18:41
6 January08:40 - 12:38 - 16:3708:00 - 17:1707:16 - 18:01 06:35 - 18:42
7 January08:39 - 12:39 - 16:3807:59 - 17:1807:16 - 18:02 06:35 - 18:43
8 January08:39 - 12:39 - 16:4007:59 - 17:2007:16 - 18:03 06:35 - 18:44
9 January08:38 - 12:40 - 16:4107:59 - 17:2107:15 - 18:04 06:35 - 18:45
10 January08:38 - 12:40 - 16:4307:58 - 17:2207:15 - 18:05 06:34 - 18:46

Haaksbergen Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Haaksbergen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel BenboverijsselBenboverijssel
Benboverijssel lies in the village of Haaksbergen, offering extensive wellness treatments including massages, yoga classes and a sauna. There is a large backyard garden, bicycle rental and free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 36
Hotel Best Western Hotel ScholtenhagenBest Western Hotel Scholtenhagen

Hotel Scholtenhagen is located 5 minutes from the city centre and offers free parking. The surrounding area is ideal for walks and cycling trips. A bike shed is available. The hotel rooms have a seating area and free internet access... view more
€ 60
Hotel Villaparc ScholtenhagenVillaparc Scholtenhagen

The comfortably and luxuriously furnished villa is located in a small-scale section of the park. It is located in Haaksbergen city. Its size in 120m2 and it is suitable for 6 persons... view more
€ 105
Hotel D’ouwe diepvriesD’ouwe diepvries

D’ouwe diepvries is located in Haaksbergen. Free Wi-Fi access is available in this holiday home. The two-bedroom accommodation will provide you with a patio.There is a full kitchen with a microwave and a refrigerator... view more
€ 127
Hotel Restaurant & Hotel Bij de WatermölleRestaurant & Hotel Bij de Watermölle

Restaurant & Hotel Bi'j de Watermölle is only 10 minutes away from the centre of Haaksbergen, and it is located in a very beautiful rural area around the Oostendorper water mill... view more
€ 130
More Hotels »

Haaksbergen Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Haaksbergen and its surroundings.

Jordaanshoeve 3.1 kmHet Lankheet 3.6 kmHet Assink 3.7 km
’t Zand 3.7 kmNijhuis 4 kmHaaksbergerveen 4 km
Buurserzand 4.3 kmDe Bulten 4.5 kmHoneschbos 5.2 km
Zonnebeek 5.2 kmRecreatieterrein Het Rutbeek 6.1 kmDe Weele 6.1 km
Brummelhuisheide 6.1 kmPiepermolen 6.5 kmDe Scholte 6.7 km
Bentelerheide 6.8 kmMallemsche Esch 6.9 kmAchterveld 7.3 km
Steenveld 7.4 kmUsselerveen 7.6 kmFlierveld 8.1 km
De Helmer 8.2 kmFondse Brug 8.2 kmKerkloo 8.3 km
Olthaar 8.4 kmChristinalust 8.5 kmBramerveld 8.7 km
Groote Boerman 9.2 kmMarkslag 9.2 kmHagmolen 9.3 km

Nuclear power plant

Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 52.9 km  

Haaksbergen Page

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