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  11. Hof van Twente

Hof van Twente

Hof van Twente Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province Overijssel.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Rijssen-Holten, Borne, Overijssel and Wierden.


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Hof van Twente Administration

Hof van Twente Code1735
Hof van Twente Post code7470
Hof van Twente MayorH. Kok

Hof van Twente Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Hof van Twente? Here are all the details of Hof van Twente available below.

Hof van Twente Postal addressDe Hofte 7, (Postbus 54)
7470 AB GOOR
Hof van Twente Phone number(054) 785 85 85
International: +31 54 7858585
Hof van Twente Email address[email protected]
Hof van Twente Websitewww.hofvantwente.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Hof van Twente
Hof van Twente Birth certificate, Hof van Twente Death certificate

Hof van Twente Demography

Information on the people and the population of Hof van Twente.

Hof van Twente Population35,602 inhabitants
Hof van Twente Population Density167.9 /km² (434.9 /sq mi)

Hof van Twente Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Hof van Twente.

Hof van Twente Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.2414, Longitude: 6.59156
52° 14′ 29″ North, 6° 35′ 30″ East
Hof van Twente Area21,200 hectares
212.00 km² (81.85 sq mi)
Hof van Twente Altitude13 m (43 ft)
Hof van Twente ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Hof van Twente Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Hof van Twente and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 117 kmRotterdam 149 kmThe Hague 157 km
Utrecht 102 kmEindhoven 118 kmTilburg 128 km
Almere 95 kmGroningen 108 kmBreda 144 km
Nijmegen 67 kmEnschede 21 km closestApeldoorn 43 km

Hof van Twente Map

Locate simply the city of Hof van Twente through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Hof van Twente Nearby cities and villages

Rijssen-Holten 8.8 kmBorne, Overijssel 13 kmWierden 13 km
Haaksbergen 13.8 kmHengelo 13.8 kmAlmelo 13.8 km
Berkelland 14.2 kmLochem 14.9 kmHellendoorn 19.1 km

Hof van Twente Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Hof van Twente has international agreements with its different pairings.

Hof van Twente Zone

Time zone of Hof van Twente.

Hof van Twente Local time
Hof van Twente Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Hof van Twente Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Hof van Twente.

Hof van Twente Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Hof van Twente.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
5 February08:06 - 12:47 - 17:2807:30 - 18:0406:50 - 18:44 06:10 - 19:24
6 February08:05 - 12:47 - 17:3007:29 - 18:0606:48 - 18:46 06:09 - 19:26
7 February08:03 - 12:47 - 17:3207:27 - 18:0806:47 - 18:48 06:07 - 19:27
8 February08:01 - 12:47 - 17:3307:25 - 18:0906:45 - 18:49 06:06 - 19:29
9 February07:59 - 12:47 - 17:3507:24 - 18:1106:43 - 18:51 06:04 - 19:30
10 February07:57 - 12:47 - 17:3707:22 - 18:1306:42 - 18:53 06:03 - 19:32
11 February07:56 - 12:47 - 17:3907:20 - 18:1506:40 - 18:55 06:01 - 19:34

Hof van Twente Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Hof van Twente classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Holiday Home Het Reef MarkeloHoliday Home Het Reef Markelo

This farmhouse is in the town of Markelo in the Province of Overijssel. The holiday home is in the front part of this traditional Twente farmhouse. The house dates from 1910. Authenticity is the central theme here... view more
€ 95
Hotel Holiday Home Erve Luttikhengel Kerspel GoorHoliday Home Erve Luttikhengel Kerspel Goor

Peaceful and rustic situated in the Hof van Twente. close to the woods. in the midst of the nature. This Twente farm is furnished cosy and is a good starting point for hiking and cycling trips with the entire family... view more
€ 89
Hotel Holiday Home T Leuske Ambt DeldenHoliday Home T Leuske Ambt Delden

This holiday house is situated on the property of the house owner in a peaceful and rural surrounding. From the pleasant terrace you have a beautiful view over the landed estates... view more
€ 122
Hotel Landhuis Hotel de HerikerbergLandhuis Hotel de Herikerberg

Landhuis Hotel de Herikerberg is situated in a beautiful area and yet only 10 minutes from the A1 motorway. It offers free Wi-Fi, free parking and fine dining including a daily high tea... view more
€ 129
Hotel B&B Boerenbed 't MorshuisB&B Boerenbed 't Morshuis
Located on the countryside in Diepenheim surrounded by meadows, B&B Boerenbed 't Morshuis offers spacious rooms with free WiFi access and possibilities for a campfire and barbecue. It has a garden with a terrace... view more
€ 53
More Hotels »

Hof van Twente Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Hof van Twente and its surroundings.

Hengelerbrug 2.1 kmWeldam 2.7 kmWiene 3 km
Herikerberg 3.7 kmDriebelterveld 4 kmMonte Bello 4.1 km
Nijenhuis 4.4 kmOosterhof 5.2 kmApenberg 5.5 km
Huize Diepenheim 5.5 kmRoolderbrug 5.7 kmWarmtinck 5.8 km
Warmelo 5.9 kmHagmolen 6.3 kmHof te Boekelo 6.3 km
Friezenberg 6.4 kmHollands Schwarzwald 6.8 kmWesterflier 6.9 km
Backenhagen 6.9 kmBennink 6.9 kmElbertsbos 7 km
Groote Boerman 7 kmRijsserberg 7 kmSchelver 7.1 km
Markelerberg 7.2 kmElsenerveld 7.4 kmDe Scholte 7.6 km
Bentelerheide 7.7 kmKattenberg 7.7 kmBrummelhuisheide 7.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 55.8 km  

Hof van Twente Page

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DB-City.comHof van Twente 5/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page