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  11. Rijssen-Holten


Rijssen-Holten Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province Overijssel.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Wierden, Hof van Twente and Hellendoorn.


Find all the information of Rijssen-Holten or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Rijssen-Holten Administration

Rijssen-Holten Code1742
Rijssen-Holten Post code7460
Rijssen-Holten MayorP. van Veen

Rijssen-Holten Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Rijssen-Holten? Here are all the details of Rijssen-Holten available below.

Rijssen-Holten Postal addressSchild 1, (Postbus 244)
Rijssen-Holten Phone number(054) 885 48 54
International: +31 54 8854854
Rijssen-Holten Email address[email protected]
Rijssen-Holten Websitewww.rijssen-holten.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Rijssen-Holten
Rijssen-Holten Birth certificate, Rijssen-Holten Death certificate

Rijssen-Holten Demography

Information on the people and the population of Rijssen-Holten.

Rijssen-Holten Population37,542 inhabitants
Rijssen-Holten Population Density397.6 /km² (1,029.9 /sq mi)

Rijssen-Holten Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Rijssen-Holten.

Rijssen-Holten Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.3074, Longitude: 6.52168
52° 18′ 27″ North, 6° 31′ 18″ East
Rijssen-Holten Area9,441 hectares
94.41 km² (36.45 sq mi)
Rijssen-Holten Altitude16 m (52 ft)
Rijssen-Holten ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Rijssen-Holten Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Rijssen-Holten and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 111 kmRotterdam 147 kmThe Hague 153 km
Utrecht 98 kmEindhoven 121 kmTilburg 129 km
Almere 89 kmGroningen 101 kmBreda 144 km
Nijmegen 69 kmEnschede 27 km closestApeldoorn 39 km

Rijssen-Holten Map

Locate simply the city of Rijssen-Holten through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Rijssen-Holten Nearby cities and villages

Wierden 7.4 kmHof van Twente 8.8 kmHellendoorn 10.3 km
Almelo 11.2 kmBorne, Overijssel 15.9 kmTwenterand 16.6 km
Lochem 17.8 kmRaalte 19 kmHengelo 19 km

Rijssen-Holten Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Rijssen-Holten has international agreements with its different pairings.

Rijssen-Holten Zone

Time zone of Rijssen-Holten.

Rijssen-Holten Local time
Rijssen-Holten Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Rijssen-Holten Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Rijssen-Holten.

Rijssen-Holten Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Rijssen-Holten.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
6 January08:41 - 12:39 - 16:3708:01 - 17:1807:18 - 18:01 06:36 - 18:42
7 January08:41 - 12:40 - 16:3908:01 - 17:1907:17 - 18:02 06:36 - 18:43
8 January08:40 - 12:40 - 16:4008:00 - 17:2007:17 - 18:03 06:36 - 18:44
9 January08:40 - 12:41 - 16:4108:00 - 17:2107:17 - 18:05 06:36 - 18:46
10 January08:39 - 12:41 - 16:4307:59 - 17:2307:16 - 18:06 06:35 - 18:47
11 January08:39 - 12:41 - 16:4407:59 - 17:2407:16 - 18:07 06:35 - 18:48
12 January08:38 - 12:42 - 16:4607:58 - 17:2507:15 - 18:08 06:34 - 18:49

Rijssen-Holten Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Rijssen-Holten classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel de BeyaardierHotel de Beyaardier

Hotel, Brasserie & Proeflokaal de Beyaardier is situated in the heart of Rijssen, only 15 minutes' drive from the Sallandse Heuvelrug National Park. There is a spacious roof terrace with views on the city centre... view more
€ 48
Hotel Fletcher Hotel Restaurant Sallandse HeuvelrugFletcher Hotel Restaurant Sallandse Heuvelrug

Surrounded by extensive forests and heathlands, in the heart of Twente, you’ll find this luxurious mansion with its tasteful, modern guest rooms... view more
€ 64
Hotel Vakantiepark MölkeVakantiepark Mölke
Featuring an indoor swimming pool and a restaurant with a bar, Vakantiepark Mölke is located in Zuna in the Regge district where there are cycling and walking routes... view more
€ 29
Hotel ’t Boschhuys’t Boschhuys

Located in Holten, ’t Boschhuys offers free bikes. This self-catering accommodation features free Wi-Fi. The property is 2.7 km from Holten Station. It offers spa bath and infra-red sauna... view more
€ 106
Hotel Restaurant & Hotel Hoog HoltenRestaurant & Hotel Hoog Holten

Located in a former hunting lodge, this charming hotel provides a stylish base on the edge of the National Park Sallandse Heuvelrug. It features a sauna, steam bath and solarium... view more
€ 38
More Hotels »

Rijssen-Holten Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Rijssen-Holten and its surroundings.

Oosterhof 1.3 kmDe Brekeld 1.4 kmHollands Schwarzwald 1.9 km
Rijsserberg 2 kmGrimberg 3 kmZunasche Heide 4 km
Elsenerveld 4.1 kmFriezenberg 4.3 kmApenberg 4.4 km
De Borkeld 4.8 kmDe Haarboer 5.8 kmLandgoed de Noetselenberg 6.3 km
Dikkenshoeve 6.3 kmWullenberg 6.7 kmNotterveen 6.8 km
Noetselerveld 6.8 kmZuurberg 7.2 kmLokerenk 7.2 km
Wierdense Veld 7.5 kmEversberg 7.6 kmSikkelbosch 7.7 km
Grote Koningsbelt 7.8 kmNoetselerberg 8 kmHerikerberg 8 km
Huurnerveld 8 kmMonte Bello 8.3 kmHaarlerberg 8.4 km
Roolderbrug 8.4 kmBoswachterij Haarle 8.6 kmDriebelterveld 8.6 km

Nuclear power plant

Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 57.2 km  

Rijssen-Holten Page

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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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