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Country | Netherlands |
Province | Overijssel |
Rijssen-Holten Administration
Rijssen-Holten Code | 1742 |
Rijssen-Holten Post code | 7460 |
Rijssen-Holten Mayor | P. van Veen |
Rijssen-Holten Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Rijssen-Holten? Here are all the details of Rijssen-Holten available below.
Rijssen-Holten Postal address | Schild 1, (Postbus 244) 7460 AE RIJSSEN Nederland |
Rijssen-Holten Phone number | (054) 885 48 54 International: +31 54 8854854 |
Rijssen-Holten Email address | [email protected] |
Rijssen-Holten Website | |
Other information | Steden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Rijssen-Holten |
Rijssen-Holten Birth certificate, Rijssen-Holten Death certificate |
Rijssen-Holten Demography
Information on the people and the population of Rijssen-Holten.
Rijssen-Holten Population | 37,542 inhabitants |
Rijssen-Holten Population Density | 397.6 /km² (1,029.9 /sq mi) |
Rijssen-Holten Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Rijssen-Holten.
Rijssen-Holten Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 52.3074, Longitude: 6.52168 52° 18′ 27″ North, 6° 31′ 18″ East |
Rijssen-Holten Area | 9,441 hectares 94.41 km² (36.45 sq mi) |
Rijssen-Holten Altitude | 16 m (52 ft) |
Rijssen-Holten Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Rijssen-Holten Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Rijssen-Holten and the biggest cities of Netherlands.
Rijssen-Holten Map
Locate simply the city of Rijssen-Holten through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Rijssen-Holten Nearby cities and villages
Wierden 7.4 km | Hof van Twente 8.8 km | Hellendoorn 10.3 km |
Almelo 11.2 km | Borne, Overijssel 15.9 km | Twenterand 16.6 km |
Lochem 17.8 km | Raalte 19 km | Hengelo 19 km |
Rijssen-Holten Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Rijssen-Holten has international agreements with its different pairings.
Rijssen-Holten Zone
Time zone of Rijssen-Holten.
Rijssen-Holten Local time | |
Rijssen-Holten Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Rijssen-Holten Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Rijssen-Holten.
Rijssen-Holten Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Rijssen-Holten.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
6 January | 08:41 - 12:39 - 16:37 | 08:01 - 17:18 | 07:18 - 18:01 | 06:36 - 18:42 |
7 January | 08:41 - 12:40 - 16:39 | 08:01 - 17:19 | 07:17 - 18:02 | 06:36 - 18:43 |
8 January | 08:40 - 12:40 - 16:40 | 08:00 - 17:20 | 07:17 - 18:03 | 06:36 - 18:44 |
9 January | 08:40 - 12:41 - 16:41 | 08:00 - 17:21 | 07:17 - 18:05 | 06:36 - 18:46 |
10 January | 08:39 - 12:41 - 16:43 | 07:59 - 17:23 | 07:16 - 18:06 | 06:35 - 18:47 |
11 January | 08:39 - 12:41 - 16:44 | 07:59 - 17:24 | 07:16 - 18:07 | 06:35 - 18:48 |
12 January | 08:38 - 12:42 - 16:46 | 07:58 - 17:25 | 07:15 - 18:08 | 06:34 - 18:49 |
Rijssen-Holten Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Rijssen-Holten classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel de Beyaardier Rijssen Hotel, Brasserie & Proeflokaal de Beyaardier is situated in the heart of Rijssen, only 15 minutes' drive from the Sallandse Heuvelrug National Park. There is a spacious roof terrace with views on the city centre... view more | from € 48 | |
Fletcher Hotel Restaurant Sallandse Heuvelrug Rijssen Surrounded by extensive forests and heathlands, in the heart of Twente, you’ll find this luxurious mansion with its tasteful, modern guest rooms... view more | from € 64 | |
Vakantiepark Mölke Zuna Featuring an indoor swimming pool and a restaurant with a bar, Vakantiepark Mölke is located in Zuna in the Regge district where there are cycling and walking routes... view more | from € 29 | |
’t Boschhuys Holten Located in Holten, ’t Boschhuys offers free bikes. This self-catering accommodation features free Wi-Fi. The property is 2.7 km from Holten Station. It offers spa bath and infra-red sauna... view more | from € 106 | |
Restaurant & Hotel Hoog Holten Holten Located in a former hunting lodge, this charming hotel provides a stylish base on the edge of the National Park Sallandse Heuvelrug. It features a sauna, steam bath and solarium... view more | from € 38 | |
More Hotels » |
Rijssen-Holten Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Rijssen-Holten and its surroundings.
Oosterhof 1.3 km | De Brekeld 1.4 km | Hollands Schwarzwald 1.9 km |
Rijsserberg 2 km | Grimberg 3 km | Zunasche Heide 4 km |
Elsenerveld 4.1 km | Friezenberg 4.3 km | Apenberg 4.4 km |
De Borkeld 4.8 km | De Haarboer 5.8 km | Landgoed de Noetselenberg 6.3 km |
Dikkenshoeve 6.3 km | Wullenberg 6.7 km | Notterveen 6.8 km |
Noetselerveld 6.8 km | Zuurberg 7.2 km | Lokerenk 7.2 km |
Wierdense Veld 7.5 km | Eversberg 7.6 km | Sikkelbosch 7.7 km |
Grote Koningsbelt 7.8 km | Noetselerberg 8 km | Herikerberg 8 km |
Huurnerveld 8 km | Monte Bello 8.3 km | Haarlerberg 8.4 km |
Roolderbrug 8.4 km | Boswachterij Haarle 8.6 km | Driebelterveld 8.6 km |
Nuclear power plant
Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 57.2 km |
Rijssen-Holten Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Rijssen-Holten /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |