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Alasora Localisation : Country Madagascar, Antananarivo, Region Analamanga.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Manjakandriana and Antanandava.


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Alasora Administration

Alasora Code10201

Alasora Demography

Information on the people and the population of Alasora.

Alasora Population23,094 inhabitants

Alasora Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Alasora.

Alasora Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -19.0251, Longitude: 47.7857
19° 1′ 30″ South, 47° 47′ 9″ East
Alasora Altitude1,373 m (4,505 ft)
Alasora ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwb)

Alasora Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Alasora and the biggest cities of Madagascar.

Antananarivo 30 km closestToamasina 196 kmFihaonana 77 km
Morondava 390 kmAntsiranana 769 kmMorafenobe 382 km
Miandrivazo 252 kmAntsohihy 462 kmMahafasa Centre 406 km
Manakara 349 kmAmbatondrazaka 148 kmAntalaha 532 km

Alasora Map

Locate simply the city of Alasora through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Alasora Nearby cities and villages

Alasora Zone

Time zone of Alasora.

Alasora Local time
Alasora Time zoneUTC +3:00 (Indian/Antananarivo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Alasora Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Alasora.

Alasora Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Alasora.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March03:52 - 09:55 - 15:5903:31 - 16:2003:05 - 16:46 02:40 - 17:11
22 March03:53 - 09:55 - 15:5803:31 - 16:1903:05 - 16:45 02:40 - 17:10
23 March03:53 - 09:55 - 15:5703:31 - 16:1903:06 - 16:44 02:40 - 17:09
24 March03:53 - 09:55 - 15:5603:31 - 16:1803:06 - 16:43 02:41 - 17:09
25 March03:53 - 09:54 - 15:5503:32 - 16:1703:06 - 16:42 02:41 - 17:08
26 March03:54 - 09:54 - 15:5403:32 - 16:1603:06 - 16:42 02:41 - 17:07
27 March03:54 - 09:54 - 15:5303:32 - 16:1503:07 - 16:41 02:41 - 17:06

Alasora Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Alasora classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Lokanga Boutique HotelLokanga Boutique Hotel
Located on Royal Hill in Antananarivo, Lokanga Boutique Hotel is only a 15-minute drive from Anatanarina and Ampefiloha business districts. Free Wi-Fi access is provided in its elegant rooms... view more
Hotel Tato Appart'HôtelTato Appart'Hôtel

Tato Appart'Hôtel is located in Antananarivo and offers self-catering accommodation. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Tsimbazaza Zoo is 2 km way... view more
Hotel La Residence Du RovaLa Residence Du Rova

Located in Tananarive's historic Ambohijatovo district, this hotel is just 10 minutes' walk from the town centre. It offers a garden with a terrace overlooking the city and contemporary accommodation with a balcony... view more
Hotel Les 3 MétisLes 3 Métis

This guest house is situated 750 metres form Antananarivo Train Station in central Madagascar. It offers 24-hour reception and accommodation with a private bathroom, minibar and free Wi-Fi access... view more
Hotel Hôtel Restaurant La RibaudièreHôtel Restaurant La Ribaudière

The Hôtel la Ribaudière is located in the heart of Antananarivo, next to the Chamber of Commerce. It features massage treatments, an à la carte restaurant and free Wi-Fi throughout the property... view more
More Hotels »

Alasora Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Alasora and its surroundings.

Alasora Page

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DB-City.comAlasora 3/5 (2022-02-09 11:36:38)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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