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Country | Mexico |
State | Baja California |
Ensenada Administration
Ensenada Code | 001 |
Ensenada Post code | 22880 |
Ensenada Mayor | Armando Ayala Robles |
Ensenada Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Ensenada? Here are all the details of Ensenada available below.
Ensenada Postal address | Blvd. Adolfo Ramírez Méndez y Av. Reforma # 80, Fracc. Bahía C.P. 22880 Ensenada, Baja California Norte México |
Ensenada Phone number | 646 172 3401 International: +52 646 172 3401 |
Ensenada Email address | [email protected] |
Ensenada Website | |
Other information | Municipios de México : Ensenada |
Ensenada Birth certificate, Ensenada Death certificate |
Ensenada Demography
Information on the people and the population of Ensenada.
Ensenada Population | 486,639 inhabitants |
Ensenada Population Density | 9.3 /km² (24.0 /sq mi) |
Ensenada Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Ensenada.
Ensenada Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 31.8578, Longitude: -116.606 31° 51′ 28″ North, 116° 36′ 22″ West |
Ensenada Area | 5,248,240 hectares 52,482.40 km² (20,263.57 sq mi) |
Ensenada Altitude | 14 m (46 ft) |
Ensenada Climate | Semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk) |
Ensenada Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Ensenada and the biggest cities of Mexico.
Mexico City 2223 km | Ecatepec de Morelos 2220 km | Tijuana 86 km closest |
León 1904 km | Puebla 2330 km | Guadalajara 1814 km |
Juárez 958 km | Zapopan 1807 km | Monterrey 1731 km |
Nextlalpan 2212 km | Mexicali 140 km | Culiacán 1193 km |
Ensenada Map
Locate simply the city of Ensenada through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Ensenada Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Ensenada has international agreements with its different pairings.
Ensenada Zone
Time zone of Ensenada.
Ensenada Local time | |
Ensenada Time zone | UTC -8:00 (America/Tijuana) Summer time UTC -7:00 Winter time UTC -8:00 |
Ensenada Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ensenada.
Ensenada Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ensenada.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
18 January | 15:45 - 20:57 - 02:08 | 15:19 - 02:34 | 14:50 - 03:03 | 14:20 - 03:33 |
19 January | 15:45 - 20:57 - 02:08 | 15:19 - 02:35 | 14:49 - 03:04 | 14:20 - 03:34 |
20 January | 15:45 - 20:57 - 02:09 | 15:19 - 02:35 | 14:49 - 03:05 | 14:20 - 03:34 |
21 January | 15:44 - 20:57 - 02:10 | 15:18 - 02:36 | 14:49 - 03:06 | 14:20 - 03:35 |
22 January | 15:44 - 20:58 - 02:11 | 15:18 - 02:37 | 14:48 - 03:07 | 14:19 - 03:36 |
23 January | 15:44 - 20:58 - 02:12 | 15:18 - 02:38 | 14:48 - 03:08 | 14:19 - 03:37 |
24 January | 15:43 - 20:58 - 02:13 | 15:17 - 02:39 | 14:48 - 03:08 | 14:19 - 03:37 |
Ensenada Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ensenada classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Motel Presidente Ensenada This simple and comfortable motel is located 5 minutes’ drive from the centre of Ensenada and Hermosa Beach. It offers an outdoor pool with panoramic views of Ensenada Bay, a sun terrace and free Wi-Fi... view more | from $US 33 | |
San Nicolas Hotel Casino Ensenada Featuring an outdoor pool, casino and a spa room, San Nicolas Hotel & Casino is set in the centre of Ensenada and 1 km from the city’s port. Its rooms offer pool, city or sea views... view more | from $US 81 | |
Corona Hotel & Spa Ensenada Just in front of Ensenada’s Marina, Corona Hotel & Spa features a spa and wellness centre, outdoor swimming pool all year, sun terrace, a bar and à la carte restaurant... view more | from $US 77 | |
Hotel Posada Don Fernando Ensenada This simple and comfortable hotel is set 200 metres from Bahía de Todos los Santos Beach. It offers a free American breakfast from Monday to Friday and air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and local calls... view more | from $US 50 | |
Hotel Villa Marina Ensenada Hotel Villa Marina is located in De Todos Los Santos Bay, 300 metres from the Art Museum and 5 minutes' walk from the seafront. It features and outdoor swimming pool and free Wi-Fi... view more | from $US 49 | |
More Hotels » |
Ensenada Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ensenada and its surroundings.
Puerto Ensenada 2 km | Ensenada 2 km | Subestación Eléctrica El Gallo 2.4 km |
Ensenada 2.5 km | Punta Ensenada 2.5 km | Escuela Ignacio Allende 3.6 km |
Cerro Piedra Gorda 5.3 km | Cañón Valle Verde 5.8 km | Valle Verde 5.8 km |
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California 5.8 km | Morro 6 km | Punta Morro 6 km |
Microondas Trinidad 6.3 km | Cerro Trinidad 6.3 km | Trinidad 6.3 km |
El Ciprés 7 km | El Cipres 7 km | Playa Corona 7.6 km |
Robles 7.7 km | El Gallo 7.8 km | Cañón El Gallo 7.8 km |
Playa Monalisa 8.4 km | Playa Estero 9 km | Mesa Chapultepec 9 km |
Subestación Eléctrica Ciprés 9.2 km | Cerro el Cipres 9.6 km | Arce 10 km |
Cañón Arce 10 km | Sauzal 10.1 km | Punta Sauzal 10.1 km |
Ensenada Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Ensenada /5 (2022-05-10 14:05:28) |