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  11. Santiago Matatlan

Santiago Matatlan

Santiago Matatlan Localisation : Country Mexico, State Oaxaca.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : San Pablo Villa de Mitla, San Dionisio Ocotepec and San Lucas Quiavini.


Find all the information of Santiago Matatlan or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Santiago Matatlan Administration

Santiago Matatlan Code475
Santiago Matatlan Post code70440
Santiago Matatlan MayorFelipe Sernas Cortes

Santiago Matatlan Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Santiago Matatlan? Here are all the details of Santiago Matatlan available below.

Santiago Matatlan Postal addressCalle Independencia S/N
C.P. 70440 Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca
Santiago Matatlan Phone number951 518 3003
International: +52 951 518 3003
Santiago Matatlan Email address[email protected]
Santiago Matatlan WebsiteNot available
Other informationMunicipios de México : Santiago Matatlán
Santiago Matatlan Birth certificate, Santiago Matatlan Death certificate

Santiago Matatlan Demography

Information on the people and the population of Santiago Matatlan.

Santiago Matatlan Population9,681 inhabitants
Santiago Matatlan Population Density113.3 /km² (293.3 /sq mi)

Santiago Matatlan Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Santiago Matatlan.

Santiago Matatlan Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 16.8636, Longitude: -96.3828
16° 51′ 49″ North, 96° 22′ 58″ West
Santiago Matatlan Area8,548 hectares
85.48 km² (33.00 sq mi)
Santiago Matatlan Altitude1,718 m (5,636 ft)
Santiago Matatlan ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwb)

Santiago Matatlan Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Santiago Matatlan and the biggest cities of Mexico.

Mexico City 413 kmEcatepec de Morelos 417 kmTijuana 2713 km
León 732 kmPuebla 310 km closestGuadalajara 847 km
Juárez 1944 kmZapopan 855 kmMonterrey 1061 km
Nextlalpan 426 kmMexicali 2599 kmCuliacán 1449 km

Santiago Matatlan Map

Locate simply the city of Santiago Matatlan through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Santiago Matatlan Zone

Time zone of Santiago Matatlan.

Santiago Matatlan Local time
Santiago Matatlan Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Mexico_City)
Summer time UTC -5:00
Winter time UTC -6:00

Santiago Matatlan Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Santiago Matatlan.

Santiago Matatlan Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Santiago Matatlan.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
22 March13:27 - 19:32 - 01:3613:05 - 01:5812:40 - 02:23 12:15 - 02:48
23 March13:26 - 19:31 - 01:3713:05 - 01:5812:40 - 02:23 12:14 - 02:49
24 March13:25 - 19:31 - 01:3713:04 - 01:5812:39 - 02:24 12:14 - 02:49
25 March13:25 - 19:31 - 01:3713:03 - 01:5912:38 - 02:24 12:13 - 02:49
26 March13:24 - 19:31 - 01:3713:02 - 01:5912:37 - 02:24 12:12 - 02:49
27 March13:23 - 19:30 - 01:3713:02 - 01:5912:36 - 02:24 12:11 - 02:49
28 March13:22 - 19:30 - 01:3813:01 - 01:5912:36 - 02:24 12:10 - 02:50

Santiago Matatlan Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Santiago Matatlan classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Don CenobioHotel Don Cenobio

San Pablo Villa de Mitla
Hotel Don Cenobio is located in San Pablo Villa de Mitla, 44 km from Oaxaca de Juarez. This charming hotel offers a restaurant, a garden area and an outdoor swimming pool... view more
$US 46
More Hotels »

Santiago Matatlan Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Santiago Matatlan and its surroundings.

Cerro Guibdo 3.4 kmCerro Texcuech 3.5 kmOcotepec 3.8 km
Cerro Lambego 4.5 kmLa Cruz de los Milagros 4.5 kmMicroondas Nueve Puntas 4.7 km
Cerro Quiatoni 5.1 kmCerro Danguiri 6.2 kmCerro El Pastle 6.2 km
Cerro Nueve Puntas 6.2 kmCerro Lobasi 6.2 kmCerro Palo Grande 8 km
Cerro Guila 8.1 kmCerro Guialana 8.1 kmGuialana 8.1 km
Cerro Buenavista 8.5 kmCerro Guibadt 8.8 kmCerro Recuerdo 8.9 km
Cerro Bugas 9.4 kmCerro Galán 9.6 kmCerro Los Compadres 10.1 km
Cerro Venado 10.4 kmLoma La Cruz 10.6 kmCerro La Lobera 10.8 km
Mesa Caballito Blanco 11.1 kmCerro La Cruz 11.2 kmVenado 11.2 km
Cerro Las Comadres 11.3 kmCerro El Calabazo 11.4 kmCerro Piedra del Sol 11.5 km

Santiago Matatlan Page

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  • Demography
  • Geography
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  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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