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  11. Tlaxiaco


Tlaxiaco Localisation : Country Mexico, State Oaxaca.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Santiago Nundiche, Santa Cruz Nundaco and San Cristobal Amoltepec.


Find all the information of Tlaxiaco or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Tlaxiaco Administration

Tlaxiaco Code397
Tlaxiaco Post code69800
Tlaxiaco MayorAlejandro Aparicio Santiago

Tlaxiaco Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Tlaxiaco? Here are all the details of Tlaxiaco available below.

Tlaxiaco Postal addressC.P. 69800 Heroica Ciudad de Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca
Tlaxiaco Phone number953 552 0018
International: +52 953 552 0018
Tlaxiaco Email addressNot available
Tlaxiaco WebsiteNot available
Other informationMunicipios de México : Heroica Ciudad de Tlaxiaco
Tlaxiaco Birth certificate, Tlaxiaco Death certificate

Tlaxiaco Demography

Information on the people and the population of Tlaxiaco.

Tlaxiaco Population39,945 inhabitants

Tlaxiaco Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Tlaxiaco.

Tlaxiaco Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 17.2682, Longitude: -97.6793
17° 16′ 6″ North, 97° 40′ 45″ West
Tlaxiaco Altitude2,072 m (6,798 ft)
Tlaxiaco ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwb)

Tlaxiaco Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Tlaxiaco and the biggest cities of Mexico.

Mexico City 292 kmEcatepec de Morelos 299 kmTijuana 2582 km
León 601 kmPuebla 205 km closestGuadalajara 707 km
Juárez 1839 kmZapopan 714 kmMonterrey 974 km
Nextlalpan 309 kmMexicali 2472 kmCuliacán 1314 km

Tlaxiaco Map

Locate simply the city of Tlaxiaco through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Tlaxiaco Zone

Time zone of Tlaxiaco.

Tlaxiaco Local time
Tlaxiaco Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Mexico_City)
Summer time UTC -5:00
Winter time UTC -6:00

Tlaxiaco Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Tlaxiaco.

Tlaxiaco Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Tlaxiaco.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 February14:00 - 19:44 - 01:2913:38 - 01:5113:12 - 02:17 12:46 - 02:43
8 February13:59 - 19:44 - 01:2913:37 - 01:5213:11 - 02:17 12:46 - 02:43
9 February13:59 - 19:44 - 01:3013:37 - 01:5213:11 - 02:18 12:45 - 02:43
10 February13:59 - 19:44 - 01:3013:36 - 01:5213:11 - 02:18 12:45 - 02:44
11 February13:58 - 19:44 - 01:3113:36 - 01:5313:10 - 02:18 12:45 - 02:44
12 February13:58 - 19:44 - 01:3113:36 - 01:5313:10 - 02:19 12:44 - 02:44
13 February13:57 - 19:44 - 01:3113:35 - 01:5413:10 - 02:19 12:44 - 02:45

Tlaxiaco Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Tlaxiaco classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Don PedroHotel Don Pedro

Tamazulapan del Progreso
Located opposite the bus station in the centre of Tamazulapan del Progreso, Hotel Don Pedro offers free parking and free Wi-Fi. The Atonaltzin Mineral Spa is less than 2 km away... view more
$US 14
Hotel Hotel KristalHotel Kristal
Asunción Nochixtlán
Just a 2-minute drive from the centre of Nochixtlan, Hotel Kristal offers free Wi-Fi and free private parking. This modern hotel is 100 metres from the Virgen de la Asuncion Church... view more
$US 32
Hotel Casa El EncuentroCasa El Encuentro

Just a 20-minute drive from central Oaxaca, El Encuentro is a traditional Oaxacan house with an outdoor pool and extensive gardens. Its charming rooms offer free Wi-Fi, mosquito nets and private bathrooms... view more
$US 90
Hotel Casa María Guest HouseCasa María Guest House
Santa Cruz Etla
Casa María Guest House offers free Oaxacan breakfast, a furnished terrace and Mexican-style architecture. It is located 100 metres from San Agustin Art Centre and 500 metres from the Etla Paper Factory... view more
$US 50
Hotel Villas del Sol Hotel & BungalowsVillas del Sol Hotel & Bungalows

Oaxaca de Juárez
Villas del Sol is located at the northern entrance to the city of Oaxaca, and offers 3 daily free transportations to Town Centre. Set in attractive gardens, it has an outdoor pool and wonderful countryside views... view more
$US 79
More Hotels »

Tlaxiaco Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Tlaxiaco and its surroundings.

Instituto Tecnológico de Tlaxiaco 2.5 kmSubestación Eléctrica Tlaxiaco 3.1 kmCerro El Jabalí 3.2 km
Loma Titana 3.4 kmCerro Yucutáca 3.9 kmCerro La Hamaca 4.5 km
Cerro El Tambor 4.7 kmCerro La Virgen 4.9 kmCerro Yucundeca 5 km
Cerro La Corona 5.6 kmCerro Yucushitu 5.9 kmCerro Yucuyuxi 6.8 km
Cerro La Tejabana 7.4 kmCerro El Acagual 8.2 kmCerro Yucukavichi 8.5 km
Cerro Yucuñuco’o 8.9 kmCerro Yucutioco 9.2 kmCerro Yucu-ñugiti 9.3 km
Cerro Yucutitéyo 9.4 kmCerro Yucutinuno 9.6 kmCerro Yucutindú 9.7 km
Cerro Yucuyoco 10 kmCerro Yucucani 10.4 kmLoma de Tibia 11.1 km
Cerro Yucunuchi 11.3 kmCerro Tres Cruces 11.3 kmCerro Yucuxito 11.5 km
Cerro La Virgen 11.7 kmCerro Yucutiño 11.9 kmCerro Yucucuíñi 12.2 km

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