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  11. Benito Juárez

Benito Juárez

Benito Juárez Localisation : Country Mexico, State Quintana Roo.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Isla Mujeres.


Find all the information of Benito Juárez or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

StateQuintana Roo

Benito Juárez Administration

Benito Juárez Code005
Benito Juárez Post code77500
Benito Juárez MayorMara Lezama

Benito Juárez Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Benito Juárez? Here are all the details of Benito Juárez available below.

Benito Juárez Postal addressAv. Tulum No. 5 Sm. 5
77500  Cancún, Quintana Roo
Benito Juárez Phone number998 881 2800
International: +52 998 881 2800
Benito Juárez Email addressNot available
Benito Juárez Websitewww.cancun.gob.mx
Other informationMunicipios de México : Benito Juárez
Benito Juárez Birth certificate, Benito Juárez Death certificate

Benito Juárez Demography

Information on the people and the population of Benito Juárez.

Benito Juárez Population743,626 inhabitants
Benito Juárez Population Density452.3 /km² (1,171.5 /sq mi)

Benito Juárez Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Benito Juárez.

Benito Juárez Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 21.1524, Longitude: -86.8663
21° 9′ 9″ North, 86° 51′ 59″ West
Benito Juárez Area164,400 hectares
1,644.00 km² (634.75 sq mi)
Benito Juárez Altitude15 m (49 ft)
Benito Juárez ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Benito Juárez Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Benito Juárez and the biggest cities of Mexico.

Mexico City 1293 kmEcatepec de Morelos 1284 kmTijuana 3240 km
León 1538 kmPuebla 1208 km closestGuadalajara 1714 km
Juárez 2277 kmZapopan 1719 kmMonterrey 1461 km
Nextlalpan 1282 kmMexicali 3099 kmCuliacán 2144 km

Benito Juárez Map

Locate simply the city of Benito Juárez through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Benito Juárez Nearby cities and villages

Isla Mujeres 16.5 km

Benito Juárez Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Benito Juárez has international agreements with its different pairings.

Benito Juárez Zone

Time zone of Benito Juárez.

Benito Juárez Local time
Benito Juárez Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Cancun)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Benito Juárez Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Benito Juárez.

Benito Juárez Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Benito Juárez.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
14 March12:56 - 18:56 - 00:5612:34 - 01:1812:08 - 01:44 11:42 - 02:10
15 March12:55 - 18:56 - 00:5712:33 - 01:1912:07 - 01:44 11:41 - 02:10
16 March12:54 - 18:55 - 00:5712:32 - 01:1912:06 - 01:45 11:40 - 02:11
17 March12:53 - 18:55 - 00:5712:31 - 01:1912:05 - 01:45 11:39 - 02:11
18 March12:52 - 18:55 - 00:5812:30 - 01:2012:04 - 01:45 11:39 - 02:11
19 March12:51 - 18:55 - 00:5812:29 - 01:2012:03 - 01:46 11:38 - 02:12
20 March12:50 - 18:54 - 00:5812:28 - 01:2012:03 - 01:46 11:37 - 02:12

Benito Juárez Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Benito Juárez classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Avenida CancunHotel Avenida Cancun

The comfortable Hotel Avenida Cancun offers its guests facilities featuring free Wi-Fi throughout, free public parking on site and it is located in Cancun’s main avenue, having easy access to public transportation... view more
$US 61
Hotel Oasis Smart - The Lounge HotelOasis Smart - The Lounge Hotel

Oasis Smart - Sens Category, in the centre of Cancun, offers a free ecological Smart car and free parking. There is a gym, spa and outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and 24-hour reception. Spacious air-conditioned rooms feature a balcony and flat-screen TV... view more
$US 99
Hotel Motel Costa ExpressMotel Costa Express

Hotel Costa Express features a 24-hour reception, 24-hour room service and suites with free Wi-Fi. Set along Avenida Lopez Portillo, it is just over 10 km from Cancún’s beaches... view more
$US 32
Hotel Departamentos AndaluciaDepartamentos Andalucia
Departamentos Andalucía is located in a peaceful residential district, just a 15-minute drive from central Cancun. The apartment is located 600 metres from supermarkets and commercial areas and a 25-minute drive from the beach... view more
$US 25
Hotel Departamentos Villas CapdevielDepartamentos Villas Capdeviel
Located in central Cancun, Villas Capdeivel Apartments offers free Wi-Fi connection and parking on site. The apartments also feature a terrace and gardens... view more
$US 40
More Hotels »

Benito Juárez Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Benito Juárez and its surroundings.

Puerto Juárez 7.1 kmEl Meco 8.9 kmPunta Sam 9.7 km
Playa Tortugas 10.2 kmPlaya Ancha 11.8 kmPlaya Caracol 12.2 km
San Miguelito 12.9 kmIsla Cancúm 12.9 kmIsla Cancún 12.9 km
Punta Cancún 13.1 kmEl Rey 13.5 kmEl Catorce 14.9 km
Roca La Carbonera 16 kmPunta Nisuc 16.2 kmPunta Nisuk 16.2 km
Punta Nizuc 16.2 kmPunta Nnzúc 16.2 kmMujeres 16.4 km
Isla Mujeres 16.4 kmPlaya Garrafón 16.4 kmPlaya El Cocal 16.7 km
Punta Sur 17.1 kmPunta Norte 17.4 kmRoca El Yunque 17.4 km
Paso Victoria 18 kmZona Agrícola Leona Vicario 18.5 kmLeona Vicario 18.5 km
El Doce 19.1 kmPunta Petempich 20.9 kmPetempich 20.9 km

Benito Juárez Page

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