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Jilotepec de Abasolo Administration
Jilotepec de Abasolo Code | 093 |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Post code | 54240 |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Mayor | Sergio Fernandez Lara |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Jilotepec de Abasolo? Here are all the details of Jilotepec de Abasolo available below.
Jilotepec de Abasolo Postal address | Jilotepec, Veracruz México |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Phone number | Not available |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Email address | Not available |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Website | |
Other information | Municipios de México : Jilotepec |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Birth certificate, Jilotepec de Abasolo Death certificate |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Demography
Information on the people and the population of Jilotepec de Abasolo.
Jilotepec de Abasolo Population | 16,682 inhabitants |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Population Density | 230.4 /km² (596.8 /sq mi) |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Jilotepec de Abasolo.
Jilotepec de Abasolo Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 19.6111, Longitude: -96.9509 19° 36′ 40″ North, 96° 57′ 3″ West |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Area | 7,240 hectares 72.40 km² (27.95 sq mi) |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Altitude | 1,371 m (4,498 ft) |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Climate | Humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa) |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Jilotepec de Abasolo and the biggest cities of Mexico.
Mexico City 229 km | Ecatepec de Morelos 221 km | Tijuana 2464 km |
León 521 km | Puebla 146 km closest | Guadalajara 678 km |
Juárez 1652 km | Zapopan 685 km | Monterrey 758 km |
Nextlalpan 222 km | Mexicali 2343 km | Culiacán 1224 km |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Map
Locate simply the city of Jilotepec de Abasolo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Jilotepec de Abasolo Nearby cities and villages
Banderilla 2.4 km | Rafael Lucio 4.6 km | Coacoatzintla 4.7 km |
Tlalnelhuayocan 6.4 km | Acajete 6.7 km | Tlacolulan 8.2 km |
Xalapa 8.6 km | Tonayan 8.9 km | Naolinco 10.9 km |
Miahuatlán 13.7 km | Acatlán 14.9 km | Las Vigas de Ramírez 16.6 km |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Zone
Time zone of Jilotepec de Abasolo.
Jilotepec de Abasolo Local time | |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Mexico_City) Summer time UTC -5:00 Winter time UTC -6:00 |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Jilotepec de Abasolo.
Jilotepec de Abasolo Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Jilotepec de Abasolo.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
27 January | 14:03 - 19:40 - 01:17 | 13:40 - 01:40 | 13:14 - 02:07 | 12:47 - 02:33 |
28 January | 14:03 - 19:40 - 01:18 | 13:40 - 01:41 | 13:14 - 02:07 | 12:47 - 02:33 |
29 January | 14:03 - 19:40 - 01:18 | 13:40 - 01:41 | 13:13 - 02:08 | 12:47 - 02:34 |
30 January | 14:03 - 19:41 - 01:19 | 13:40 - 01:42 | 13:13 - 02:08 | 12:47 - 02:34 |
31 January | 14:02 - 19:41 - 01:19 | 13:39 - 01:42 | 13:13 - 02:09 | 12:47 - 02:35 |
1 February | 14:02 - 19:41 - 01:20 | 13:39 - 01:43 | 13:13 - 02:09 | 12:47 - 02:35 |
2 February | 14:02 - 19:41 - 01:20 | 13:39 - 01:43 | 13:12 - 02:10 | 12:46 - 02:36 |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Jilotepec de Abasolo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
![]() | Auto Hotel Bovary Banderilla Ideal for short stays and with quick access to major highways, Auto Hotel Bovary in Banderilla offers basic room service, free on-site parking and modern décor. It is only 2 km from the city centre... view more | from $US 23 |
![]() | Auto Hotel Juno Jalapa Enríquez Located near the entrance to Veracruz’s capital of Xalapa, Auto Hotel Juno features basic décor, private bathrooms and lots of natural light. Wi-Fi is available throughout the motel... view more | from $US 19 |
![]() | Auto-Hotel Mediterráneo Jalapa Enríquez Auto-Hotel Mediterráneo is located in Xalapa, less than 15 minutes’ drive from the centre. It offers free private parking, free Wi-Fi and rooms with air conditioning and heating... view more | from $US 20 |
![]() | Casa Revolución Jalapa Enríquez Casa Revolución is located 7.5 km from Xalapa City Centre and 4 km from the Cerro de Macuiltepetl Eco-Park. It features free private parking and free Wi-Fi in all areas... view more | from $US 20 |
![]() | Auto Hotel Verona Jalapa Enríquez Auto Hotel Verona is a property 11 minutes’ drive from central Xalapa. It offers free Wi-Fi access and room services that provide snacks. The hotel’s front desk operates 24 hours a day... view more | from $US 29 |
More Hotels » |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Jilotepec de Abasolo and its surroundings.
Jilotepec 1.8 km | Estación de Mesa 2.8 km | Banderilla 2.8 km |
Cerro Pesmatal 2.9 km | Cerro Cuajilote 3.6 km | Loma El Pajaro 5.3 km |
Cerro Estopa 5.6 km | Cerro La Cuesta del Diablo 6.1 km | Cerro Colorado 6.6 km |
Cerro Gordo 6.7 km | San Juan 6.7 km | Cerro Los Cerritos 6.7 km |
Cerro El Divisorio 7.2 km | Chiquitín 7.2 km | David 7.3 km |
La Joya 7.4 km | Cerro Cozotepec 7.6 km | Cerro Colorado 7.6 km |
Mesa Los Juanes 7.6 km | Cerro El Cerrito 7.7 km | Cerro Macuitepec 7.8 km |
Cerro Montiel 8.9 km | Montiel 8.9 km | Tejamanil 9.7 km |
Loma Tejamanil 9.7 km | Tecomate 10 km | Cerro Tecomate 10 km |
Cerro Ocopila 10.8 km | Ocopila 10.8 km | Cerro Esquimite 11 km |
Nuclear power plant
Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station 58.4 km |
Jilotepec de Abasolo Page
Direct link | |
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