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  13. Taunggyi


Taunggyi Localisation : Country Myanmar, State Shan, District Taunggyi.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Shwenyaung.


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Taunggyi Demography

Information on the people and the population of Taunggyi.

Taunggyi Population304,253 inhabitants

Taunggyi Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Taunggyi.

Taunggyi Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 20.7833, Longitude: 96.9667
20° 46′ 60″ North, 96° 58′ 0″ East
Taunggyi Altitude908 m (2,979 ft)
Taunggyi ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwa)

Taunggyi Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Taunggyi and the biggest cities of Myanmar.

Yangon 460 kmMandalay 162 kmPa-An 439 km
Naypyidaw 146 km closestMoulmein 484 kmPégou 386 km
Monywa 240 kmMyitkyina 514 kmPathein 505 km
Lashio 253 kmTavoy 762 kmSittwe 430 km

Taunggyi Map

Locate simply the city of Taunggyi through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Taunggyi Nearby cities and villages

Shwenyaung 3.5 km

Taunggyi Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Taunggyi.

Taunggyi Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Taunggyi.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 January01:10 - 06:38 - 12:0700:46 - 12:3100:19 - 12:58 23:52 - 13:25
9 January01:10 - 06:39 - 12:0700:46 - 12:3100:19 - 12:59 23:52 - 13:26
10 January01:10 - 06:39 - 12:0800:47 - 12:3200:19 - 12:59 23:52 - 13:26
11 January01:10 - 06:40 - 12:0900:47 - 12:3200:19 - 13:00 23:52 - 13:27
12 January01:11 - 06:40 - 12:0900:47 - 12:3300:20 - 13:00 23:53 - 13:27
13 January01:11 - 06:40 - 12:1000:47 - 12:3400:20 - 13:01 23:53 - 13:28
14 January01:11 - 06:41 - 12:1100:47 - 12:3400:20 - 13:02 23:53 - 13:28

Taunggyi Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Taunggyi classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Amazing Nyaung ShweHotel Amazing Nyaung Shwe

Nyaung Shwe
Including a spa and wellness centre, Hotel Amazing Nyaung Shwe offers accommodation with a terrace. Featuring a garden, it is located in Yawnghwe. Free Wi-Fi access is available throughout... view more
$US 200
Hotel ViewPoint Lodge & Fine CuisinesViewPoint Lodge & Fine Cuisines

Nyaung Shwe
ViewPoint Lodge & Fine Cuisines is located 15 minutes away from Inle Lake by boat. It offers rooms and cottages with a balcony and free Wi-Fi. This pet-friendly property features a tour desk and massage service... view more
$US 105
Hotel Villa Inle Resort & SpaVilla Inle Resort & Spa

Nyaung Shwe
Featuring wooden Myanmar-style villas overlooking the lake, Villa Inle Resort & Spa is located in the eastern fringe of Inle Lake near the village of Maing Tauk. It houses a restaurant and a bar and offers free Wi-Fi throughout the resort... view more
$US 281
Hotel Shwe Inn Tha Floating ResortShwe Inn Tha Floating Resort

Situated above the peaceful Inlay Lake, Shwe Inn Tha Floating Resort offers rustic-style air-conditioned rooms with a private balcony and a view of Inlaylake. Free Wi-Fi is available... view more
$US 175
Hotel Paramount Inle ResortParamount Inle Resort

Featuring a spa and wellness centre and restaurant, Paramount Inle Resort offers rooms overlooking the river. Located in In-u, the property offers a floating garden and free Wi-Fi throughout... view more
$US 175
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Taunggyi Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Taunggyi and its surroundings.

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DB-City.comTaunggyi 4.3/5 (2022-02-02 10:09:16)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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