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Country | Myanmar |
Region | Tanintharyi |
District | Dawei |
Tavoy Demography
Information on the people and the population of Tavoy.
Tavoy Population | 139,900 inhabitants |
Tavoy Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Tavoy.
Tavoy Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 14.0367, Longitude: 98.1867 14° 2′ 12″ North, 98° 11′ 12″ East |
Tavoy Altitude | 18 m (59 ft) |
Tavoy Climate | Monsoon (Köppen climate classification: Am) |
Tavoy Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Tavoy and the biggest cities of Myanmar.
Tavoy Map
Locate simply the city of Tavoy through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Tavoy Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Tavoy.
Tavoy Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Tavoy.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
4 January | 00:52 - 06:32 - 12:12 | 00:29 - 12:35 | 00:02 - 13:01 | 23:36 - 13:27 |
5 January | 00:52 - 06:32 - 12:12 | 00:29 - 12:35 | 00:03 - 13:02 | 23:36 - 13:28 |
6 January | 00:52 - 06:33 - 12:13 | 00:30 - 12:36 | 00:03 - 13:02 | 23:37 - 13:28 |
7 January | 00:53 - 06:33 - 12:13 | 00:30 - 12:36 | 00:03 - 13:03 | 23:37 - 13:29 |
8 January | 00:53 - 06:33 - 12:14 | 00:30 - 12:37 | 00:04 - 13:03 | 23:37 - 13:29 |
9 January | 00:53 - 06:34 - 12:14 | 00:30 - 12:37 | 00:04 - 13:04 | 23:38 - 13:30 |
10 January | 00:54 - 06:34 - 12:15 | 00:31 - 12:38 | 00:04 - 13:04 | 23:38 - 13:30 |
Tavoy Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Tavoy classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Excel River View Yangon Located in Kokine, Excel River View is a 25-minute drive from the centre of Yangon. It offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and free public parking. Staff at the 24-hour front desk can assist guests with shuttle and laundry services... view more | from $US 61 | |
Hotel 63 Yangon Hotel 63 is located in Yangon, 2.2 km from Sule Pagoda. Featuring comfortable rooms, it has a restaurant and parking facilities. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel. Yangon City Hall is 2.2 km from Hotel 63, while Shwedagon Pagoda is 4... view more | from $US 60 | |
Wealthinns Bo Myat Tun Hotel Yangon Wealthinns Bo Myat Tun Hotel is a 5-minute drive from Sule Pagoda. It offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. The hotel features a 24-hour front desk and car rental service. Free public parking is possible at a nearby location... view more | from $US 49 | |
The Strand, Yangon Yangon A national landmark in Yangon’s centre, this charming 3-storey Victorian hotel offers a taste of the past with marble flooring and rattan furnishings. It provides personal butler service, a day spa and fitness facilities... view more | ||
MK Hotel Yangon MK Hotel is 1.3 km from Sule Pagoda. It offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and free public parking. The property features a 24-hour front desk and laundry service. The hotel is 1.2 km from Yangon City Hall. It is 3... view more | from $US 125 | |
More Hotels » |
Tavoy Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Tavoy and its surroundings.
Tavoy Page
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