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  9. Boe


Boe Localisation : Country Nauru.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Weather.
Nearby cities and villages : Yaren, Aiwo and Buada.


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Boe Demography

Information on the people and the population of Boe.

Boe Population970 inhabitants
Boe Population Density1,469.7 /km² (3,806.5 /sq mi)

Boe Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Boe.

Boe Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -0.538601, Longitude: 166.914
0° 32′ 19″ South, 166° 54′ 50″ East
Boe Area66 hectares
0.66 km² (0.25 sq mi)
Boe Altitude15 m (49 ft)
Boe ClimateTropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af)

Boe Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Boe and the biggest cities of Nauru.

Denigomodu 2 kmMeneng 2 kmAiwo 1 km closest
Yaren 1 kmBuada 1 kmAnetan 5 km
Anabar 5 kmBaiti 4 kmNibok 2 km
Uaboe 3 kmEwa 5 kmAnibare 4 km

Boe Map

Locate simply the city of Boe through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Boe Nearby cities and villages

Yaren 1 kmAiwo 1.1 kmBuada 1.2 km
Denigomodu 1.8 kmMeneng 2.3 kmNibok 2.4 km
Uaboe 2.6 kmAnibare 3.5 kmBaiti 3.8 km
Ewa 4.6 kmAnetan 4.7 kmIjuw 4.9 km

Boe Zone

Time zone of Boe.

Boe Local time
Boe Time zoneUTC +12:00 (Pacific/Nauru)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Boe Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Boe.

Boe Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Boe.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
29 September20:39 - 02:42 - 08:4620:18 - 09:0619:54 - 09:30 19:30 - 09:54
30 September20:38 - 02:42 - 08:4520:18 - 09:0619:54 - 09:30 19:30 - 09:54
1 October20:38 - 02:41 - 08:4520:17 - 09:0619:53 - 09:30 19:29 - 09:54
2 October20:38 - 02:41 - 08:4520:17 - 09:0519:53 - 09:29 19:29 - 09:53
3 October20:37 - 02:41 - 08:4420:17 - 09:0519:53 - 09:29 19:28 - 09:53
4 October20:37 - 02:41 - 08:4420:16 - 09:0519:52 - 09:29 19:28 - 09:53
5 October20:37 - 02:40 - 08:4420:16 - 09:0519:52 - 09:29 19:28 - 09:53

Boe Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Boe and its surroundings.

Moqua Cave 1.3 kmNauru Island 1.3 kmNavodo 2.2 km
Naura 2.2 kmSchank 2.2 kmOnawero 2.2 km
Nau’uru 2.2 kmNauru Atoll 2.2 kmNavoda 2.2 km
Nawodo 2.2 kmPleasant Island 2.2 kmShank Island 2.2 km
Nauru 2.2 kmCentral Plateau 2.2 kmDomaneab 2.5 km
Meneng Point 4.2 kmMenen Point 4.2 kmHansenide Hospital 4.2 km
Hansenide Colony 4.2 kmHansenide Station 4.2 kmAnna Point 4.8 km

Boe Page

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DB-City.comBoe 2.5/5 (2011-07-21 01:00:00)