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  11. Rozendaal


Rozendaal Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province Gelderland.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Arnhem, Rheden and Westervoort.


Find all the information of Rozendaal or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Rozendaal Administration

Rozendaal Code0277
Rozendaal Post code6880
Rozendaal MayorJ.H. Klein Molekamp

Rozendaal Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Rozendaal? Here are all the details of Rozendaal available below.

Rozendaal Postal addressKerklaan 1, (Postbus 9106)
Rozendaal Phone number(026) 384 36 66
International: +31 26 3843666
Rozendaal Email address[email protected]
Rozendaal Websitewww.rozendaal.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Rozendaal
Rozendaal Birth certificate, Rozendaal Death certificate

Rozendaal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Rozendaal.

Rozendaal Population1,514 inhabitants
Rozendaal Population Density54.2 /km² (140.3 /sq mi)

Rozendaal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Rozendaal.

Rozendaal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.0076, Longitude: 5.96408
52° 0′ 27″ North, 5° 57′ 51″ East
Rozendaal Area2,795 hectares
27.95 km² (10.79 sq mi)
Rozendaal Altitude44 m (144 ft)
Rozendaal ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Rozendaal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Rozendaal and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 84 kmRotterdam 103 kmThe Hague 113 km
Utrecht 58 kmEindhoven 72 kmTilburg 78 km
Almere 65 kmGroningen 140 kmBreda 94 km
Nijmegen 20 km closestEnschede 68 kmApeldoorn 23 km

Rozendaal Map

Locate simply the city of Rozendaal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Rozendaal Nearby cities and villages

Arnhem 4.7 kmRheden 4.8 kmWestervoort 5 km
Duiven 7.6 kmDoesburg 11.7 kmLingewaard 11.7 km
Zevenaar 11.7 kmOverbetuwe 15 kmBrummen 16 km
Renkum 16.4 kmMillingen aan de Rijn 17 kmRijnwaarden 17.1 km

Rozendaal Zone

Time zone of Rozendaal.

Rozendaal Local time
Rozendaal Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Rozendaal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Rozendaal.

Rozendaal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Rozendaal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
2 February08:13 - 12:49 - 17:2507:37 - 18:0206:56 - 18:42 06:17 - 19:22
3 February08:12 - 12:49 - 17:2707:35 - 18:0406:55 - 18:44 06:16 - 19:23
4 February08:10 - 12:50 - 17:2907:34 - 18:0506:53 - 18:46 06:14 - 19:25
5 February08:08 - 12:50 - 17:3107:32 - 18:0706:52 - 18:47 06:13 - 19:27
6 February08:06 - 12:50 - 17:3307:31 - 18:0906:51 - 18:49 06:11 - 19:28
7 February08:05 - 12:50 - 17:3507:29 - 18:1006:49 - 18:51 06:10 - 19:30
8 February08:03 - 12:50 - 17:3707:27 - 18:1206:47 - 18:52 06:08 - 19:31

Rozendaal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Rozendaal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Bed and Breakfast Terre NeuveBed and Breakfast Terre Neuve
Located at 110 metres from the train station of Velp and 7 km from Burgers' Zoo, Bed and Breakfast Terre Neuve offers spacious accommodations with free WiFi access. There are cycling routes around and National Park Veluwe is a 10-minute car drive... view more
€ 80
Hotel Golden Tulip VictoriaGolden Tulip Victoria

Golden Tulip Victoria is a 5-minute drive from the Hoge Veluwe National Park. Guests can make use of indoor and outdoor pools and a fitness with sauna at a surcharge and the surroundings are ideal for walking and hiking... view more
€ 49
Hotel Postillion Hotel ArnhemPostillion Hotel Arnhem

Postillion Hotel Arnhem is located just off the A12 motorway, in between Arnhem and the Hoge Veluwe National Park. The hotel offers free parking. The hotel rooms have Wi-Fi access... view more
€ 59
Hotel Golden Tulip Arnhem VelpGolden Tulip Arnhem Velp

This sophisticated hotel, with its lovely terrace on the water, offers modern accommodation in combination with free parking and free Wi-Fi internet, right near the motorway A12... view more
€ 59
Hotel Sandton Hotel de RoskamSandton Hotel de Roskam

Sandton Hotel de Roskam is situated near the Posbank ridge, a nature area in the woods of the Veluwe, where you can enjoy panoramic views. You can enjoy à-la-carte dinners as well as breakfast and lunch buffets in the restaurant... view more
€ 59
More Hotels »

Rozendaal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Rozendaal and its surroundings.

Kluizenaarsberg 0.9 kmBreeberg 0.9 kmTonberg 1 km
Rosendael 1 kmRosendael 1.1 kmBeekhuizen 1.5 km
Ossenberg 1.9 kmBronbeek 2.1 kmKasteel Biljoen 2.6 km
Klarenbeek 2.7 kmBeekhuizense Bos 2.7 kmArnhem Presikhaaf 2.9 km
Delhuizen 3.4 kmZijpenberg 3.7 kmKoepelberg 3.8 km
Tafelberg 4 kmArnhem Velperpoort 4.2 kmSonsbeek 4.4 km
Koningsheide 4.4 kmRhedensche Heide 4.6 kmZijpendaal 4.7 km
Rheder-en Worthrhederheide 5.1 kmRijnbrug 5.2 kmRoelofshoeve 5.2 km
Rhederlaag 5.2 kmHet Asselt 5.4 kmArnhemsche Heide 5.6 km
Terletsche Heide 5.6 kmLandgoed Schaarsbergen 5.6 kmImboschberg 5.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 105.9 kmDoel Nuclear Power Station 140.1 km 

Rozendaal Page

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DB-City.comRozendaal 3.9/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page