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  11. West Maas en Waal

West Maas en Waal

West Maas en Waal Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province Gelderland.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Tiel, Druten and Neder-Betuwe.


Find all the information of West Maas en Waal or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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West Maas en Waal Administration

West Maas en Waal Code0668
West Maas en Waal Post code6658
West Maas en Waal MayorTh.A.M. Steenkamp

West Maas en Waal Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of West Maas en Waal? Here are all the details of West Maas en Waal available below.

West Maas en Waal Postal addressDijkstraat 11, (Postbus 1)
West Maas en Waal Phone number(048) 759 95 00
International: +31 48 7599500
West Maas en Waal Email address[email protected]
West Maas en Waal Websitewww.westmaasenwaal.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : West Maas en Waal
West Maas en Waal Birth certificate, West Maas en Waal Death certificate

West Maas en Waal Demography

Information on the people and the population of West Maas en Waal.

West Maas en Waal Population18,329 inhabitants
West Maas en Waal Population Density215.3 /km² (557.5 /sq mi)

West Maas en Waal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of West Maas en Waal.

West Maas en Waal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.8613, Longitude: 5.50174
51° 51′ 41″ North, 5° 30′ 6″ East
West Maas en Waal Area8,515 hectares
85.15 km² (32.88 sq mi)
West Maas en Waal Altitude4 m (13 ft)
West Maas en Waal ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

West Maas en Waal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between West Maas en Waal and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 71 kmRotterdam 71 kmThe Hague 85 km
Utrecht 36 kmEindhoven 47 kmTilburg 44 km
Almere 60 kmGroningen 167 kmBreda 59 km
Nijmegen 25 km closestEnschede 103 kmApeldoorn 51 km

West Maas en Waal Map

Locate simply the city of West Maas en Waal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

West Maas en Waal Nearby cities and villages

Tiel 5.3 kmDruten 7.9 kmNeder-Betuwe 9.4 km
Oss 10.8 kmRhenen 11.6 kmBuren 12.8 km
Maasdonk 14.3 kmGeldermalsen 14.9 kmNeerijnen 15.7 km
Wageningen 15.9 kmMaasdriel 16.1 kmWijk bij Duurstede 16.4 km

West Maas en Waal Zone

Time zone of West Maas en Waal.

West Maas en Waal Local time
West Maas en Waal Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

West Maas en Waal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of West Maas en Waal.

West Maas en Waal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to West Maas en Waal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
28 March06:21 - 12:42 - 19:0405:47 - 19:3805:06 - 20:19 04:23 - 21:02
29 March06:18 - 12:42 - 19:0605:44 - 19:4005:04 - 20:21 04:20 - 21:04
30 March07:16 - 13:42 - 20:0806:42 - 20:4206:01 - 21:23 05:17 - 22:07
31 March07:14 - 13:42 - 20:0906:40 - 20:4305:59 - 21:25 05:14 - 22:09
1 April07:11 - 13:41 - 20:1106:37 - 20:4505:56 - 21:27 05:12 - 22:11
2 April07:09 - 13:41 - 20:1306:35 - 20:4705:53 - 21:29 05:09 - 22:13
3 April07:07 - 13:41 - 20:1506:33 - 20:4905:51 - 21:31 05:06 - 22:16

West Maas en Waal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in West Maas en Waal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel De Twee LindenDe Twee Linden

De Twee Linden offers free parking and is located a 10-minute drive from the A15 motorway. The rooms are warmly decorated and have a private bathroom. The hotel serves luncha nd dinner and has a large heated terrace for warm days... view more
€ 74
Hotel Alphen Gld - HolidayhomeAlphen Gld - Holidayhome
Featuring a spacious garden, the self-standing Alphen Gld – Holidayhome is located in Alphen in the province of Gelderland with country surroundings. It offers free WiFi in all areas... view more
€ 58
Hotel Moeke MoorenMoeke Mooren

This modern and hospitable hotel enjoys a unique location, resting by the picturesque river Maas. The hotel offers spacious and comfortable rooms, many with a balcony and superb views over the river... view more
€ 70
Hotel Gouden KustGouden Kust

This villa is located directly by the water and has a modern split-level plan with a spacious living room. It has a kitchen, a luxury bathroom, three bedrooms and a spacious terrace which looks out onto the water... view more
€ 113
Hotel Hotel Restaurant 't VeerhuisHotel Restaurant 't Veerhuis

Hotel 't Veerhuis is a small hotel, situated in the quiet area of the river the Waal, opposite the city of Tiel. Near to Hertogenbosch, Nijmegen and Zaltbommel. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel. The rooms have a view of the river... view more
€ 58
More Hotels »

West Maas en Waal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in West Maas en Waal and its surroundings.

Prins Willem Alexanderbrug 3.1 kmLand van Maas en Waal 3.1 kmWillemspolder 3.9 km
Huis te Leeuwen 5.3 kmOijen 5.4 kmLiendebos 6.2 km
Ophemert 7.1 kmPluimshoeve 7.3 kmZoelense Brug 8.3 km
Betuwe 8.3 kmGouverneursche Polder 8.6 kmKasteel Soelen 8.8 km
De Berg 11.4 kmKribbrug 11.5 kmLithoijense Brug 11.5 km
Grebbeberg 12.1 kmOsseheide 12.8 kmVoorste Heide 13 km
Heimerstein 13.1 kmHernense Bos 13.4 kmGrenshoeve 13.4 km
Laarsenberg 13.5 kmHerperduin 13.6 kmPaasheuvel 13.8 km
Remmerstein 14 kmLeur 14 kmRemmersteinsche Bosch 14.2 km
Keizershoeve 14.6 kmLeurse Bos 14.6 kmBuurtsche Berg 14.6 km

Nuclear power plant

Doel Nuclear Power Station 104.7 kmBorssele Nuclear Power Station 132.2 kmEmsland Nuclear Power Plant 141.5 km

West Maas en Waal Page

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DB-City.comWest Maas en Waal 4.4/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page