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  11. Peel en Maas

Peel en Maas

Peel en Maas Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province Limburg.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Beesel, Leudal and Roermond.


Find all the information of Peel en Maas or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Official language
  • Dutch : Peel en Maas
  • Limburgish : Pieël en Maas

Peel en Maas Administration

Peel en Maas Code1894
Peel en Maas Post code5980
Peel en Maas MayorWilma Delissen-van Tongerlo

Peel en Maas Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Peel en Maas? Here are all the details of Peel en Maas available below.

Peel en Maas Postal addressWilhelminaplein 1 (Postbus 7088)
Peel en Maas Phone number(077) 306 66 66
International: +31 77 3066666
Peel en Maas Email address[email protected]
Peel en Maas Websitewww.peelenmaas.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Peel en Maas
Peel en Maas Birth certificate, Peel en Maas Death certificate

Peel en Maas Demography

Information on the people and the population of Peel en Maas.

Peel en Maas Population43,279 inhabitants
Peel en Maas Population Density268.3 /km² (694.9 /sq mi)

Peel en Maas Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Peel en Maas.

Peel en Maas Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.3167, Longitude: 5.98333
51° 19′ 0″ North, 5° 58′ 60″ East
Peel en Maas Area16,130 hectares
161.30 km² (62.28 sq mi)
Peel en Maas Altitude24 m (79 ft)
Peel en Maas ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Peel en Maas Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Peel en Maas and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 140 kmRotterdam 124 kmThe Hague 143 km
Utrecht 105 kmEindhoven 38 km closestTilburg 67 km
Almere 129 kmGroningen 215 kmBreda 89 km
Nijmegen 59 kmEnschede 118 kmApeldoorn 100 km

Peel en Maas Map

Locate simply the city of Peel en Maas through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Peel en Maas Nearby cities and villages

Beesel 6.7 kmLeudal 8.9 kmRoermond 13.8 km
Venlo 14.5 kmHorst aan de Maas 15.8 kmGermany Brüggen 16.2 km
Nederweert 16.7 kmMaasgouw 18 kmAsten, Netherlands 19.2 km

Peel en Maas Zone

Time zone of Peel en Maas.

Peel en Maas Local time
Peel en Maas Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Peel en Maas Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Peel en Maas.

Peel en Maas Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Peel en Maas.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 February08:03 - 12:50 - 17:3707:28 - 18:1206:48 - 18:51 06:10 - 19:30
8 February08:01 - 12:50 - 17:3807:26 - 18:1306:47 - 18:53 06:08 - 19:31
9 February07:59 - 12:50 - 17:4007:24 - 18:1506:45 - 18:54 06:06 - 19:33
10 February07:57 - 12:50 - 17:4207:23 - 18:1706:43 - 18:56 06:05 - 19:35
11 February07:56 - 12:50 - 17:4407:21 - 18:1906:42 - 18:58 06:03 - 19:36
12 February07:54 - 12:50 - 17:4607:19 - 18:2006:40 - 18:59 06:02 - 19:38
13 February07:52 - 12:50 - 17:4807:17 - 18:2206:38 - 19:01 06:00 - 19:39

Peel en Maas Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Peel en Maas classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Catharina Hoeve - 2Catharina Hoeve - 2

Catharina Hoeve - 2 is an historic farmhouse which offers barbecue facilities, a washing machine and is located near the village of Egchel. The village is deep in the countryside of the Province of Limburg... view more
Hotel Catharina Hoeve - 1Catharina Hoeve - 1

Catharina Hoeve - 1 is an historic farmhouse which offers a washing machine, barbecue facilities and is located near the village of Egchel. The village is deep in the countryside of the Province of Limburg... view more
Hotel De BraampeelDe Braampeel
Featuring spacious luxurious apartments with a terrace, 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, De Braampeel is located in Neer in a quiet area surrounded by meadows. Free WiFi access is included... view more
€ 195
Hotel B&B De Kleine WijngaardB&B De Kleine Wijngaard
Located in Roggel in peaceful, rural surroundings at 1 km from the natural area Leudal, B&B De kleine Wijngaard offers accommodation with free WiFi access. Each unit comes with a private bathroom that is fitted with a bath tub... view more
€ 47
Hotel Aan de HammermolenAan de Hammermolen
Set in the centre of the small village Neer, Aan de Hammermolen has its own brewery and offers a spacious and luxurious villa with views of the river Maas. Guests have access to a private terrace with an outdoor kitchen... view more
€ 490
More Hotels »

Peel en Maas Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Peel en Maas and its surroundings.

Heldense Bossen 2.5 kmEikenpeel 3 kmKesseleikerbroek 3.9 km
Ophovense Zandberg 4.4 kmDoorbrand 4.4 kmKeverborg 5 km
Kesselse Bergen 5.5 kmHoorspeel 5.7 kmDe Leistert 5.9 km
Walsberg 5.9 kmMussenberg 6 kmWaterbloem 6.2 km
Lommerbergen 6.3 kmMarisberg 6.9 kmKleine Moost 7.1 km
Donderberg 7.6 kmHoeve Erklo 7.8 kmAsbroekerheide 7.8 km
Leumolen 7.8 kmStartebos 7.9 kmKasteel D’Erp 8.2 km
Schatberg 8.2 kmGrote Moost 8.3 kmBerghof 8.3 km
Steegberg 8.5 kmSimonshoekse Bos 8.6 kmKasteel Waterloo 8.7 km
Nunhemmerheide 8.7 kmMolenbaan 8.9 kmLeudal 8.9 km

Nuclear power plant

Tihange Nuclear Power Station 100.4 kmDoel Nuclear Power Station 120 km 

Peel en Maas Page

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DB-City.comPeel en Maas 5/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page