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  11. Deurne, North Brabant

Deurne, North Brabant

Deurne, North Brabant Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province North Brabant.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Gemert-Bakel, Asten, Netherlands and Helmond.


Find all the information of Deurne, North Brabant or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Deurne, North Brabant Administration

Deurne, North Brabant Code0762
Deurne, North Brabant Post code5750
Deurne, North Brabant MayorJ.G.M. Daandels

Deurne, North Brabant Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Deurne, North Brabant? Here are all the details of Deurne, North Brabant available below.

Deurne, North Brabant Postal addressMarkt 1, (Postbus 3)
Deurne, North Brabant Phone number(049) 338 77 11
International: +31 49 3387711
Deurne, North Brabant Email address[email protected]
Deurne, North Brabant Websitewww.deurne.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Deurne
Deurne, North Brabant Birth certificate, Deurne, North Brabant Death certificate

Deurne, North Brabant Demography

Information on the people and the population of Deurne, North Brabant.

Deurne, North Brabant Population31,741 inhabitants
Deurne, North Brabant Population Density268.2 /km² (694.5 /sq mi)

Deurne, North Brabant Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Deurne, North Brabant.

Deurne, North Brabant Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.4662, Longitude: 5.79486
51° 27′ 58″ North, 5° 47′ 41″ East
Deurne, North Brabant Area11,837 hectares
118.37 km² (45.70 sq mi)
Deurne, North Brabant Altitude27 m (89 ft)
Deurne, North Brabant ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Deurne, North Brabant Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Deurne, North Brabant and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 119 kmRotterdam 105 kmThe Hague 123 km
Utrecht 84 kmEindhoven 22 km closestTilburg 50 km
Almere 108 kmGroningen 202 kmBreda 72 km
Nijmegen 42 kmEnschede 113 kmApeldoorn 84 km

Deurne, North Brabant Map

Locate simply the city of Deurne, North Brabant through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Deurne, North Brabant Nearby cities and villages

Deurne, North Brabant Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Deurne, North Brabant has international agreements with its different pairings.

Deurne, North Brabant Zone

Time zone of Deurne, North Brabant.

Deurne, North Brabant Local time
Deurne, North Brabant Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Deurne, North Brabant Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Deurne, North Brabant.

Deurne, North Brabant Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Deurne, North Brabant.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 January08:40 - 12:43 - 16:4608:01 - 17:2507:18 - 18:07 06:38 - 18:48
8 January08:39 - 12:43 - 16:4708:00 - 17:2607:18 - 18:08 06:38 - 18:49
9 January08:39 - 12:44 - 16:4808:00 - 17:2707:18 - 18:10 06:37 - 18:50
10 January08:38 - 12:44 - 16:5007:59 - 17:2807:17 - 18:11 06:37 - 18:51
11 January08:38 - 12:44 - 16:5107:59 - 17:3007:17 - 18:12 06:37 - 18:52
12 January08:37 - 12:45 - 16:5307:58 - 17:3107:16 - 18:13 06:36 - 18:53
13 January08:36 - 12:45 - 16:5407:58 - 17:3207:16 - 18:14 06:36 - 18:54

Deurne, North Brabant Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Deurne, North Brabant classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Boetiek Hotel Plein VijfBoetiek Hotel Plein Vijf

Centrally located on the bustling market place of Deurne, this classy establishment has been transformed from cigar factory to 4-star hotel... view more
€ 59
Hotel De KoehornDe Koehorn

This 70m2 holiday apartment is located near the 'de Peel' nature area in Deurne in Brabant. The residence is located on the property of a mini-camping spot, but has sufficient privacy... view more
€ 122
Hotel WillibrordhaegheWillibrordhaeghe

Let the modern interior of this former monastery complex surprise you with its tasteful guest rooms, modern fitness area and beautiful courtyard... view more
€ 64
Hotel B&B de TurffabriekB&B de Turffabriek
Situated in an old factory, B&B de Turffabriek offers rooms surrounded by a large garden with terrace. Venlo and Eindhoven are both a 30-minute drive away. Rooms at B&B de Turffabriek include a flat-screen TV and a view of the garden... view more
€ 37
Hotel Best Western Hotel Nobis Eindhoven-Venlo A67Best Western Hotel Nobis Eindhoven-Venlo A67

Best Western Nobis Hotel Asten is a cosy, rural 4-star hotel, close to the A67 Eindhoven -Venlo motorway exit 36, offering a free health-club with swimming pool, sauna and fitness... view more
€ 59
More Hotels »

Deurne, North Brabant Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Deurne, North Brabant and its surroundings.

Maria-Antoinette 1.5 kmDeurnsche Heide 2.5 kmZandbos 2.9 km
Kuilkenshoeve 3.3 kmLiesselse Bossen 3.7 kmDe Nachtegaal 3.8 km
Crisishoeve 4.2 kmLaurentia 4.2 kmBrouwhuisse Heide 4.4 km
Grote Peel 4.5 kmSnoertse Hoeve 4.5 kmDe Hees 4.6 km
De Bult 5.4 kmLagerhoeve 5.6 kmHeidse Peel 5.9 km
Stippelberg 6.4 kmHenricushoeve 6.4 kmNederheide 6.9 km
Sint Pietershoeve 6.9 kmDe Peel 7.1 kmKanthoeve 7.1 km
Kempkensberg 7.2 kmDe Paardekop 7.2 kmGrote Heide van Asten 7.4 km
Deurnse Peel 7.4 kmStippelberg 7.7 kmBakelse Beemden 7.8 km
Asten 8 kmOirlose Peel 8.2 kmHelena Peel 8.2 km

Nuclear power plant

Doel Nuclear Power Station 107.8 kmTihange Nuclear Power Station 110 kmBorssele Nuclear Power Station 144.1 km

Deurne, North Brabant Page

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DB-City.comDeurne, North Brabant 5/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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