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  11. Loon op Zand

Loon op Zand

Loon op Zand Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province North Brabant.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Waalwijk, Tilburg and Dongen.


Find all the information of Loon op Zand or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Loon op Zand Administration

Loon op Zand Code0809
Loon op Zand Post code5170
Loon op Zand MayorH.J.G.J. van Hoek-Martens

Loon op Zand Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Loon op Zand? Here are all the details of Loon op Zand available below.

Loon op Zand Postal addressNieuwe Markt 5, (Postbus 7)
Loon op Zand Phone number(041) 628 91 11
International: +31 41 6289111
Loon op Zand Email address[email protected]
Loon op Zand Websitewww.loonopzand.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Loon op Zand
Loon op Zand Birth certificate, Loon op Zand Death certificate

Loon op Zand Demography

Information on the people and the population of Loon op Zand.

Loon op Zand Population23,064 inhabitants
Loon op Zand Population Density435.2 /km² (1,127.1 /sq mi)

Loon op Zand Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Loon op Zand.

Loon op Zand Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.6267, Longitude: 5.0727
51° 37′ 36″ North, 5° 4′ 22″ East
Loon op Zand Area5,300 hectares
53.00 km² (20.46 sq mi)
Loon op Zand Altitude14 m (46 ft)
Loon op Zand ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Loon op Zand Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Loon op Zand and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 84 kmRotterdam 53 kmThe Hague 72 km
Utrecht 52 kmEindhoven 35 kmTilburg 8 km closest
Almere 84 kmGroningen 204 kmBreda 21 km
Nijmegen 59 kmEnschede 141 kmApeldoorn 90 km

Loon op Zand Map

Locate simply the city of Loon op Zand through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Loon op Zand Nearby cities and villages

Waalwijk 6.4 kmTilburg 8.1 kmDongen 8.8 km
Oisterwijk 10.1 kmHaaren, North Brabant 11 kmGoirle 11.8 km
Heusden 12.8 kmGilze en Rijen 13.1 kmAalburg 14.6 km
Oosterhout 14.8 kmVught 16 kmHilvarenbeek 16.4 km

Loon op Zand Zone

Time zone of Loon op Zand.

Loon op Zand Local time
Loon op Zand Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Loon op Zand Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Loon op Zand.

Loon op Zand Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Loon op Zand.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 February08:07 - 12:53 - 17:3907:32 - 18:1506:52 - 18:55 06:13 - 19:33
8 February08:05 - 12:53 - 17:4107:30 - 18:1706:51 - 18:56 06:12 - 19:35
9 February08:04 - 12:53 - 17:4307:29 - 18:1806:49 - 18:58 06:10 - 19:37
10 February08:02 - 12:53 - 17:4507:27 - 18:2006:47 - 18:59 06:09 - 19:38
11 February08:00 - 12:53 - 17:4707:25 - 18:2206:46 - 19:01 06:07 - 19:40
12 February07:58 - 12:53 - 17:4907:23 - 18:2306:44 - 19:03 06:05 - 19:42
13 February07:56 - 12:53 - 17:5007:22 - 18:2506:42 - 19:04 06:04 - 19:43

Loon op Zand Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Loon op Zand classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Holiday Home De Populier Loon Op ZandHoliday Home De Populier Loon Op Zand

Loon op Zand
This holiday house is located in Loon op Zand. in Brabant. It is the back building of a farm. You will enjoy the very spacious garden with an orchard. where life is sweet... view more
€ 104
Hotel Het Uilennest IIHet Uilennest II

Loon op Zand
This holiday home is located in the village Loon op Zand (Brabant). You will enjoy the very spacious garden with an orchard, where life is sweet. To this accommodation belongs a large partly covered courtyard which offers possibilities in bad..... view more
€ 521
Hotel Efteling BosrijkEfteling Bosrijk
Located next to the Efteling theme park, Bosrijk offers apartments with views over the park, free WiFi access and unique décor with an Efteling theme... view more
€ 139
Hotel Efteling HotelEfteling Hotel

This fairytale hotel is located next to the Efteling theme park in Kaatsheuvel, 20 minutes’ drive from Tilburg. It includes a themed restaurant, Anton Pieck inspired bar and free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 99
Hotel Hotel De KroonHotel De Kroon

At only 5 minutes' walk from the Efteling theme park, Hotel de Kroon offers an ideal base for families. Sit out on the terrace when weather is sunny and park your car nearby for free... view more
€ 73
More Hotels »

Loon op Zand Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Loon op Zand and its surroundings.

Kraanvensche Heide 1.5 kmHuis ter Heide 1.9 kmDe Zandleij 2.4 km
Roestelberg 2.7 kmLoonsche Duinen 2.7 kmLoonsche Heide 3 km
De Efteling 3 kmGalgeneind 3.5 kmDe Mast 3.5 km
Moersche Heide 3.9 kmDrunensche Duinen 4.4 kmDe Strijdhoef 4.5 km
Hoetsven 4.5 kmDe Brand 4.7 kmAchterste Hoeven 4.9 km
Drunensche Heide 5 kmPlantloon 5.6 kmDongehoeve 6.2 km
Wandelbos 6.9 kmDe Oude Leye 7 kmOude Warande 7.5 km
Anny’s Hoeve 7.6 kmSnoertjeswater 7.9 kmHeihoeve 8 km
Hermina’s Hoeve 8.3 kmHelvoirtsche Heide 9 kmZuidewijn 9 km
Koolhoven 9.1 kmDe Blaak 9.3 kmTer Braakloop 9.3 km

Nuclear power plant

Doel Nuclear Power Station 65.7 kmBorssele Nuclear Power Station 96.3 kmTihange Nuclear Power Station 122.5 km

Loon op Zand Page

Direct link
DB-City.comLoon op Zand 4.4/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page