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  11. Dalfsen


Dalfsen Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province Overijssel.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ommen, Zwolle and Raalte.


Find all the information of Dalfsen or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Dalfsen Administration

Dalfsen Code0148
Dalfsen Post code7720
Dalfsen MayorL.V. Elfers

Dalfsen Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Dalfsen? Here are all the details of Dalfsen available below.

Dalfsen Postal addressRaadhuisstraat 1, (Postbus 35)
Dalfsen Phone number(052) 948 83 88
International: +31 52 9488388
Dalfsen Email address[email protected]
Dalfsen Websitewww.dalfsen.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Dalfsen
Dalfsen Birth certificate, Dalfsen Death certificate

Dalfsen Demography

Information on the people and the population of Dalfsen.

Dalfsen Population27,437 inhabitants
Dalfsen Population Density164.8 /km² (426.7 /sq mi)

Dalfsen Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Dalfsen.

Dalfsen Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.5069, Longitude: 6.26089
52° 30′ 25″ North, 6° 15′ 39″ East
Dalfsen Area16,652 hectares
166.52 km² (64.29 sq mi)
Dalfsen Altitude4 m (13 ft)
Dalfsen ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Dalfsen Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Dalfsen and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 94 kmRotterdam 138 kmThe Hague 141 km
Utrecht 90 kmEindhoven 131 kmTilburg 133 km
Almere 72 kmGroningen 81 kmBreda 144 km
Nijmegen 79 kmEnschede 53 kmApeldoorn 38 km closest

Dalfsen Map

Locate simply the city of Dalfsen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Dalfsen Nearby cities and villages

Ommen 11.1 kmZwolle 11.5 kmRaalte 13.4 km
Hattem 13.5 kmOlst-Wijhe 15.7 kmStaphorst 15.9 km
Zwartewaterland 17.2 kmHellendoorn 18.3 km

Dalfsen Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Dalfsen has international agreements with its different pairings.

Dalfsen Zone

Time zone of Dalfsen.

Dalfsen Local time
Dalfsen Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Dalfsen Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Dalfsen.

Dalfsen Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Dalfsen.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
4 January08:44 - 12:40 - 16:3508:03 - 17:1607:20 - 17:59 06:38 - 18:41
5 January08:44 - 12:40 - 16:3608:03 - 17:1707:19 - 18:00 06:38 - 18:42
6 January08:43 - 12:40 - 16:3708:03 - 17:1807:19 - 18:02 06:38 - 18:43
7 January08:43 - 12:41 - 16:3908:03 - 17:1907:19 - 18:03 06:38 - 18:44
8 January08:42 - 12:41 - 16:4008:02 - 17:2007:19 - 18:04 06:37 - 18:45
9 January08:42 - 12:42 - 16:4108:02 - 17:2207:18 - 18:05 06:37 - 18:46
10 January08:41 - 12:42 - 16:4308:01 - 17:2307:18 - 18:06 06:37 - 18:48

Dalfsen Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Dalfsen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel B&B Het Klooster van DalfsenB&B Het Klooster van Dalfsen
This historic former convent dates from 1927 and is situated in a quiet area of Dalfsen, in the Vechtdal area of the Overijssel province. The bed and breakfast includes free Wi-Fi and features a chapel and garden with a terrace... view more
€ 50
Hotel Hotel HaersolteHotel Haersolte
Hotel Haersolte is set in the middle of the forest and only a 15-minute walk from the centre of Dalfsen. It offers a garden with a terrace and a communal living room where guests can relax... view more
€ 45
Hotel Hof van DalfsenHof van Dalfsen

Hof van Dalfsen is located on the edge Dalfsen in a woodland area, only 10 minutes by car from Zwolle and Ommen. It benefits from free Wi-Fi and a restaurant with a terrace... view more
€ 46
Hotel Holiday home Dalfsen IIIHoliday home Dalfsen III
Holiday home Dalfsen is located in Dalfsen, 2.8 km from Dalfsen Station. It can accommodate up to five guests. The two-bedroom holiday home is provided with a TV, DVD-player, Hi-Fi system and internet access... view more
€ 56
Hotel Buitenplaats GernerBuitenplaats Gerner
Offering an indoor pool and a sauna complex, Buitenplaats Gerner is a holiday park located in Dalfsen in the province of Overijssel. Each bungalow features a seating area including a TV and DVD player... view more
€ 50
More Hotels »

Dalfsen Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Dalfsen and its surroundings.

Gerner 1.2 kmDen Berg 1.4 kmRechteren 2.2 km
Aalshorst 2.5 kmVeldhoeve 3.3 kmSterrebos 3.5 km
Rechteren 3.5 kmHessumse Veld 3.8 kmDalfserveld 4.3 km
De Horte 4.3 kmLaarhoeve 5.3 kmBolderbrug 5.5 km
De Gunne 6.6 kmHaarhoeve 6.9 kmDen Alerdinck 7.1 km
Vilsteren 7.2 kmLinthorstbrug 7.4 kmDe Helmhorst 7.6 km
De Polhoeve 8 kmPolder Sekdoorn 8.3 kmMigahoeve 8.6 km
Giethmen 8.6 kmBoschwijk 8.7 kmVarsenerbrug 8.8 km
Varsenerveld 9.1 km’t Rozendaal 9.2 kmHuis te Haerst 9.4 km
Agnietenberg 9.5 kmHet Zand 9.7 kmKolkbrug 9.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 71.7 km  

Dalfsen Page

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