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  11. Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht


Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province South Holland.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Alblasserdam, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands and Ridderkerk.


Find all the information of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Administration

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Code0531
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Post code3340
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht MayorH.H. Jonker

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht? Here are all the details of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht available below.

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Postal addressWeteringsingel 1, (Postbus 34)
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Phone number(078) 684 31 11
International: +31 78 6843111
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Email address[email protected]
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Websitewww.hendrik-ido-ambacht.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Birth certificate, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Death certificate

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Demography

Information on the people and the population of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht.

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Population28,249 inhabitants
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Population Density2,352.1 /km² (6,092.0 /sq mi)

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht.

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.8455, Longitude: 4.64086
51° 50′ 44″ North, 4° 38′ 27″ East
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Area1,201 hectares
12.01 km² (4.64 sq mi)
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Altitude-1 m
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 61 kmRotterdam 15 km closestThe Hague 34 km
Utrecht 43 kmEindhoven 74 kmTilburg 45 km
Almere 71 kmGroningen 201 kmBreda 30 km
Nijmegen 84 kmEnschede 160 kmApeldoorn 100 km

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Map

Locate simply the city of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Nearby cities and villages

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht has international agreements with its different pairings.

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Zone

Time zone of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht.

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Local time
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht.

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
14 January08:42 - 12:50 - 16:5808:03 - 17:3707:21 - 18:20 06:40 - 19:00
15 January08:41 - 12:50 - 17:0008:02 - 17:3907:20 - 18:21 06:40 - 19:01
16 January08:40 - 12:51 - 17:0208:01 - 17:4007:19 - 18:22 06:39 - 19:02
17 January08:39 - 12:51 - 17:0308:01 - 17:4207:19 - 18:24 06:38 - 19:04
18 January08:38 - 12:51 - 17:0508:00 - 17:4307:18 - 18:25 06:38 - 19:05
19 January08:37 - 12:52 - 17:0707:59 - 17:4507:17 - 18:26 06:37 - 19:06
20 January08:36 - 12:52 - 17:0807:58 - 17:4607:16 - 18:28 06:36 - 19:08

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Bellevue Groothoofd Hotel CulinairBellevue Groothoofd Hotel Culinair

This monumental building is located at the junction of 3 rivers in the historic centre of Dordrecht. Bellevue Groothoofd includes a gourmet restaurant, a brasserie and a terrace. It offers free Wi-Fi and modern rooms with original features... view more
€ 90
Hotel Apollo Hotel PapendrechtApollo Hotel Papendrecht

Located in a typical Dutch polder, this 4-star hotel offers elegant rooms and a stylish restaurant. Apollo Hotel Papendrecht is an entirely non-smoking property, featuring a bike rental and nearby golfing possibilities... view more
€ 85
Hotel Blom aan de GrachtBlom aan de Gracht
This bed and breakfast offers rooms with free Wi-Fi in the historic centre of Dordrecht, only a 5-minute walk from the Grote Markt. Blom aan de Gracht is set in an old building and the rooms benefit from tea/coffee making facilities... view more
€ 55
Hotel GroenmarktGroenmarkt
This historical house "Groenmarkt" was built in 1700 and renovated in 1988. The house lies in the centre of Dordrecht, in a central, quiet position, located by a road... view more
€ 150
Hotel Int Groene LakenInt Groene Laken
Int Groene Laken is a self-catering accommodation located in a former restaurant in the centre of Dordrecht. It features a terrace overlooking the city and free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 100
More Hotels »

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht and its surroundings.

Palmhoeve 1.3 kmCrezéepolder 1.8 kmHendrik-Ido-Ambachtpolder 1.8 km
Polder Sandelingen-Ambacht 1.9 kmSophiapolder 1.9 kmPolder Blokweer 2.9 km
Vinkepolder 3 kmPolder Kijfhoek 3.1 kmPolder Kortland 3.8 km
Drechttunnel 4.3 kmStaart 4.7 kmPolder Oud-Reijerwaard 5 km
Duivelseiland 5.1 kmLandzicht 5.1 kmWantij 5.2 km
Polder Papendrecht 5.4 kmPolder Groot Koninkrijk 5.7 kmKrabbepolder 5.8 km
Te Merwede 6.1 kmJulianahaven 6.2 kmPolder Krimpen aan de Lek 6.3 km
Bakkerswaal 6.3 kmPolder De Mijl 6.4 kmDe Lelie 6.4 km
Schoonenburgsche Heuvel 6.7 kmDe Hoop 6.8 kmPolder Schuwagt 6.8 km
Wilhelminahaven 6.9 kmZijdebrug 7.9 kmPolder Langeland 7.9 km

Nuclear power plant

Doel Nuclear Power Station 63.7 kmBorssele Nuclear Power Station 78.7 km 

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Page

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DB-City.comHendrik-Ido-Ambacht 4.4/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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