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Kristiansand Localisation : Country Norway, Region Southern Norway, County Vest-Agder.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Songdalen, Søgne and Vennesla.


Find all the information of Kristiansand or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Kristiansand Administration

Kristiansand Code1001
Kristiansand Post code4604
Kristiansand MayorPer Sigurd Sørensen

Kristiansand Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Kristiansand? Here are all the details of Kristiansand available below.

Kristiansand Postal addressRådhusgt. 20, (Postboks 417)
Kristiansand Phone number38 07 50 00
International: +47 38 07 50 00
Kristiansand Fax number38 10 28 07
International: +47 38 10 28 07
Kristiansand Email address[email protected]
Kristiansand Websitewww.kristiansand.kommune.no
Kristiansand Birth certificate, Kristiansand Death certificate

Kristiansand Demography

Information on the people and the population of Kristiansand.

Kristiansand Population78,919 inhabitants
Kristiansand Population Density285.1 /km² (738.5 /sq mi)

Kristiansand Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Kristiansand.

Kristiansand Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 58.1447, Longitude: 7.99828
58° 8′ 41″ North, 7° 59′ 54″ East
Kristiansand Area27,678 hectares
276.78 km² (106.87 sq mi)
Kristiansand Altitude9 m (30 ft)
Kristiansand ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Kristiansand Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Kristiansand and the biggest cities of Norway.

Oslo 252 kmBergen 292 kmTrondheim 603 km
Stavanger 160 kmBærum 247 kmFredrikstad 207 km
Tromsø 1385 kmSandnes 155 kmDrammen 219 km
Asker 234 kmSarpsborg 220 kmSkien 149 km closest

Kristiansand Map

Locate simply the city of Kristiansand through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Kristiansand Nearby cities and villages

Songdalen 9.6 kmSøgne 13.8 kmVennesla 14 km

Kristiansand Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Kristiansand has international agreements with its different pairings.

Kristiansand Zone

Time zone of Kristiansand.

Kristiansand Local time
Kristiansand Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Oslo)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Kristiansand Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Kristiansand.

Kristiansand Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Kristiansand.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 March06:57 - 13:32 - 20:0606:17 - 20:4705:27 - 21:36 04:31 - 22:32
1 April06:54 - 13:31 - 20:0906:14 - 20:4905:24 - 21:39 04:27 - 22:36
2 April06:51 - 13:31 - 20:1106:11 - 20:5105:20 - 21:42 04:23 - 22:39
3 April06:48 - 13:31 - 20:1306:08 - 20:5405:17 - 21:44 04:19 - 22:43
4 April06:46 - 13:30 - 20:1506:05 - 20:5605:14 - 21:47 04:14 - 22:46
5 April06:43 - 13:30 - 20:1706:02 - 20:5805:10 - 21:50 04:10 - 22:50
6 April06:40 - 13:30 - 20:2005:59 - 21:0105:07 - 21:53 04:06 - 22:54

Kristiansand Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Kristiansand classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Sjøgløtt HotelSjøgløtt Hotel

Dating back to 1896, this hotel lies in central Kristiansand. It offers modern rooms and apartments with a flat-screen TV and free Wi-Fi access. Christiansholms Fortress is 250 metres away... view more
krN 695
Hotel Bellevue VillaBellevue Villa
Situated in central Kristiansand, this property offers free Wi-Fi and brightly decorated rooms and apartments with garden or sea views. Christiansholm Fortress is 150 metres from the hotel... view more
Hotel Thon Hotel WergelandThon Hotel Wergeland

Thon Hotel Wergeland is situated next to the idyllic Wergeland Park, 600 metres from Kristiansand Central Station. It offers free Wi-Fi access, free tea/coffee and free evening waffles and fruit... view more
krN 720
Hotel Hotel NorgeHotel Norge

The Kjevik Airport bus stops right outside Hotel Norge in central Kristiansand. Guests enjoy free sauna and gym access, while luxury spa treatments can be booked. Wi-Fi internet is free... view more
krN 875
Hotel Radisson Blu Caledonien Hotel, KristiansandRadisson Blu Caledonien Hotel, Kristiansand

Located in Kristiansand, a 3-minute walk from Markens Gate pedestrian street, is Radisson Blu Caledonien Hotel. It offers soundproofed rooms with free Wi-Fi and views of the city or the Skagerrak Sea... view more
krN 905
More Hotels »

Kristiansand Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Kristiansand and its surroundings.

Kristiansholm 1.2 kmFiskåtangen 1.5 kmLagmannsholmen 1.5 km
Lagmandsholm 1.5 kmLagmann Holmen 1.5 kmFiskaatangen 1.5 km
Odderö 1.7 kmBlekerøyboe 1.7 kmBlekerøybae 1.7 km
Blegerø 1.7 kmBlekerøy 1.7 kmBleikerøy 1.7 km
Blekerøen 1.7 kmOdderøya 1.7 kmOdderöy 1.7 km
Blegeröboe 1.7 kmBleikerøyboen 1.7 kmOdderöen 1.7 km
Gleodde 2.1 kmGleodden 2.1 kmEik 2.6 km
Eg 2.6 kmOddernes 2.7 kmLangøy 3.1 km
Langö 3.1 kmDypingen 3.1 kmDybingen 3.1 km
Bragdöen 3.1 kmLangoen 3.1 kmLangøya 3.1 km

Kristiansand Page

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DB-City.comKristiansand 5/5 (2021-04-08 13:37:24)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page