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Felgueiras Administration
Felgueiras Code | FLG |
Felgueiras Post code | 4610 |
Felgueiras Mayor | Nuno Fonseca |
Felgueiras Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Felgueiras? Here are all the details of Felgueiras available below.
Felgueiras Postal address | PRAÇA DA REPÚBLICA 4610-116 - FELGUEIRAS Portugal |
Felgueiras Phone number | 255 312 104 International: +351 255 312 104 |
Felgueiras Fax number | 255 311 214 International: +351 255 311 214 |
Felgueiras Email address | [email protected] |
Felgueiras Website | |
Other information | Câmara Municipal : Felgueiras |
Felgueiras Birth certificate, Felgueiras Death certificate |
Felgueiras Demography
Information on the people and the population of Felgueiras.
Felgueiras Population | 56,576 inhabitants |
Felgueiras Population Density | 489.0 /km² (1,266.5 /sq mi) |
Felgueiras Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Felgueiras.
Felgueiras Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 41.3662, Longitude: -8.19936 41° 21′ 58″ North, 8° 11′ 58″ West |
Felgueiras Area | 11,570 hectares 115.70 km² (44.67 sq mi) |
Felgueiras Altitude | 317 m (1,040 ft) |
Felgueiras Climate | Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb) |
Felgueiras Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Felgueiras and the biggest cities of Portugal.
Felgueiras Map
Locate simply the city of Felgueiras through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Felgueiras Nearby cities and villages
Vizela 8.7 km | Fafe 9.5 km | Guimaraes 11.7 km |
Lousada 12.1 km | Amarante 14.8 km | Celorico de Basto 16.7 km |
Paços de Ferreira 16.9 km | Penafiel 19.1 km |
Felgueiras Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Felgueiras has international agreements with its different pairings.
Felgueiras Zone
Time zone of Felgueiras.
Felgueiras Local time | |
Felgueiras Time zone | UTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon) Summer time UTC +1:00 Winter time UTC +0:00 |
Felgueiras Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Felgueiras.
Felgueiras Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Felgueiras.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
4 January | 08:58 - 13:37 - 18:16 | 08:27 - 18:47 | 07:53 - 19:22 | 07:19 - 19:55 |
5 January | 08:58 - 13:38 - 18:17 | 08:27 - 18:48 | 07:53 - 19:23 | 07:19 - 19:56 |
6 January | 08:58 - 13:38 - 18:18 | 08:27 - 18:49 | 07:53 - 19:24 | 07:19 - 19:57 |
7 January | 08:58 - 13:39 - 18:19 | 08:27 - 18:50 | 07:53 - 19:25 | 07:19 - 19:58 |
8 January | 08:58 - 13:39 - 18:20 | 08:27 - 18:51 | 07:53 - 19:25 | 07:19 - 19:59 |
9 January | 08:58 - 13:40 - 18:21 | 08:27 - 18:52 | 07:53 - 19:26 | 07:19 - 20:00 |
10 January | 08:57 - 13:40 - 18:22 | 08:27 - 18:53 | 07:53 - 19:27 | 07:19 - 20:01 |
Felgueiras Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Felgueiras classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Albano Felgueiras Hotel Albano offers air-conditioned rooms in Felgueiras. Its lobby has a 24-hour front desk and free parking is available on site. It also has a restaurant and a bar. The bright rooms at Albano come with a TV and a private bathroom... view more | from € 38 | |
Hotel Horus Felgueiras Horus Hotel offers modern and air-conditioned accommodation in the historic village of Felgueiras. It has a piano bar and a spa, which has a sauna, massage rooms, and a modern gym... view more | from € 48 | |
Quinta do Mosteiro Felgueiras Situated in the heart of the Sousa Valley, this estate includes a vineyard and picturesque walking paths. It offers apartments with a kitchen and access to the garden’s swimming pool... view more | from € 90 | |
Paco de Pombeiro - Turismo de Habitacao Pombeiro de Riba Vizela This manor house has a historic building, and a new building with contemporary rooms offering garden views. It is situated along the Romanesque Route and surrounded by vineyards and fields... view more | from € 50 | |
Stone Farm Hostel Felgueiras Set in a farm among rural surroundings, Stone Farm is a family-run hostel offering accommodation in typical stone houses. It features green gardens with an outdoor pool and a free shuttle to/from Caide Rei Train Station... view more | from € 12 | |
More Hotels » |
Felgueiras Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Felgueiras and its surroundings.
Monte de São Domingos 0.1 km | Serra da Penouta 7.2 km | Serra do Maninho 7.2 km |
Monte de São Mamede 7.5 km | Pinhal da Presa 7.9 km | Monte de Perna de Galo 8 km |
Alto da Senhora 8.9 km | Monte do Telégrafo 9.3 km | Alto do Picoto 9.3 km |
Pinhal da Penha 9.3 km | Serra de Quintela 10 km | Serra dos Campelos 10.1 km |
Serra de Água e Leite 10.1 km | Monte do Lijó 10.5 km | Alto do Pico 10.8 km |
Serra de São Brás 11.2 km | Cabeço do Moço 11.5 km | Alto do Bacelo 12.4 km |
Serra do Viso 12.4 km | Monte das Pias 12.7 km | Sarnadas 12.9 km |
Outeiro Meão 13.2 km | Caíde 13.2 km | Monte de Barbosa 13.9 km |
Serra de Codeçoso 14 km | Serra da Infesta 14.4 km | Chão de Bouças 14.5 km |
Penedo Alto 14.8 km | Serra do Marco 14.8 km | Monte de Santa Marinha 15 km |
Felgueiras Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Felgueiras /5 (2021-03-16 22:26:09) |