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  11. Tăuţii-Măgherăuş


Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Localisation : Country Romania, Județ Maramureș.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Recea, Cicârlău and Baia Mare.


Find all the information of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Administration

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Post code437345

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş? Here are all the details of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş available below.

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Postal addressstr. 1, nr.194
437345 Tăuții-Măgherăuș
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Phone number0262 293 048
International: +40 262 293 048
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Fax number0262 293 001
International: +40 262 293 001
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Email addressNot available
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Websitewww.tautiimagheraus.ro
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Birth certificate, Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Death certificate

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Demography

Information on the people and the population of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş.

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Population6,713 inhabitants

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş.

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.6678, Longitude: 23.4722
47° 40′ 4″ North, 23° 28′ 20″ East
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Altitude185 m (607 ft)
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Tăuţii-Măgherăuş and the biggest cities of Romania.

Bucharest 413 kmIași 315 kmCluj-Napoca 101 km closest
Timişoara 274 kmConstanța 558 kmCraiova 372 km
Galați 428 kmBrașov 277 kmPloiești 362 km
Brăila 435 kmOradea 134 kmDobreşti 314 km

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Map

Locate simply the city of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Nearby cities and villages

Recea 4.8 kmCicârlău 6 kmBaia Mare 7.4 km
Ardusat 8.7 kmColtău 9.1 kmBorleşti 10.3 km
Groşi 11.7 kmSatulung 11.8 kmSăcălăşeni 12 km
Porumbești 13.1 kmPomi 13.1 kmFarcaşa 14.5 km

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş has international agreements with its different pairings.

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Zone

Time zone of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş.

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Local time
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Bucharest)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Tăuţii-Măgherăuş.

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Tăuţii-Măgherăuş.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 March06:06 - 12:30 - 18:5405:34 - 19:2504:57 - 20:02 04:18 - 20:41
1 April06:03 - 12:29 - 18:5505:32 - 19:2604:55 - 20:04 04:16 - 20:43
2 April06:01 - 12:29 - 18:5705:30 - 19:2804:53 - 20:05 04:13 - 20:45
3 April05:59 - 12:29 - 18:5805:28 - 19:2904:51 - 20:07 04:11 - 20:47
4 April05:57 - 12:29 - 19:0005:26 - 19:3104:48 - 20:09 04:08 - 20:49
5 April05:55 - 12:28 - 19:0105:24 - 19:3204:46 - 20:10 04:06 - 20:51
6 April05:54 - 12:28 - 19:0205:22 - 19:3404:44 - 20:12 04:03 - 20:52

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Tăuţii-Măgherăuş classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hostel Casa BlancaHostel Casa Blanca

Baia Mare
Hostel Casa Blanca is 3 km from Baia Mare Train Station and the Airport, and it offers rooms with air conditioning, balcony, a fridge and free wired internet. The private bathrooms are fitted with shower... view more
€ 25
Hotel Hotel RomanitaHotel Romanita

Set just a 10-minute drive from the city centre of Baia Mare, Hotel Romanita boasts impressive design-accommodation with an outdoor and an indoor swimming pool, a summer terrace as well as free WiFi in the entire property... view more
€ 31
Hotel Euro House HotelEuro House Hotel

Baia Mare
Situated in Baia Mare, Euro House Hotel features air-conditioned and stylishly decorated rooms with cable TV, as well as a restaurant and a bar, a 24-hour reception, and free Wi-Fi in all areas. Guarded private parking is on site for free... view more
€ 35
Hotel Hostel HoraHostel Hora
Baia Mare
Enjoying a quiet location in Baia Mare, Hostel Hora offers simple and comfortable accommodation 5 km from Baia Mare Airport. Is has a restaurant serving Romanian specialities... view more
€ 16
Hotel Hotel SenecaHotel Seneca

Baia Mare
Offering traditional Romanian cuisine, free guarded parking and free Wi-Fi in all rooms, Hotel Seneca can be found 4 km from the centre and 8 km from Baia Mare Airport. Every room at the Hotel Seneca comes with cable TV and a minibar... view more
€ 20
More Hotels »

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Tăuţii-Măgherăuş and its surroundings.

Tăuţii-Măgherăuş Page

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DB-City.comTăuţii-Măgherăuş 3.7/5 (2021-04-08 13:36:17)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page