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  11. Belgorod


Belgorod Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Belgorod.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Zelyonaya Polyana, Dubovoye and Novosadovy.


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Belgorod Demography

Information on the people and the population of Belgorod.

Belgorod Population394,142 inhabitants
Belgorod Population Density2,574.4 /km² (6,667.7 /sq mi)

Belgorod Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Belgorod.

Belgorod Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.6, Longitude: 36.6
50° 36′ 0″ North, 36° 36′ 0″ East
Belgorod Area15,310 hectares
153.10 km² (59.11 sq mi)
Belgorod Altitude149 m (489 ft)
Belgorod ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Belgorod Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Belgorod and the biggest cities of Russia.

Moscow 577 kmSaint Petersburg 1112 kmNovosibirsk 3098 km closest
Yekaterinburg 1713 km closestNizhny Novgorod 1233 km closestKazan 1015 km closest
Chelyabinsk 1731 km closestSamara 975 km closestOmsk 2493 km closest
Rostov-on-Don 439 km closestKrasnoyarsk 3693 km closestUfa 1379 km closest

Belgorod Map

Locate simply the city of Belgorod through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Belgorod Nearby cities and villages

Zelyonaya Polyana 4.7 kmDubovoye 6.9 kmNovosadovy 7.5 km
Streletskoye 8.9 kmSeverny 9.2 kmRazumnoye 9.4 km
Razumnoye 9.8 kmRepnoye 10.4 kmSolomino 11.1 km
Ястребово 11.3 kmKrutoy Log 13.2 kmMaysky 13.4 km

Belgorod Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Belgorod has international agreements with its different pairings.

Germany HernePoland OpoleUkraine Kharkiv
Ukraine PrylukyUkraine SevastopolUkraine Vyshhorod
Ukraine YevpatoriaUnited Kingdom WakefieldUnited Kingdom Wakefield
Serbia Niš

Belgorod Zone

Time zone of Belgorod.

Belgorod Local time
Belgorod Time zoneUTC +3:00 (Europe/Moscow)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Belgorod Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Belgorod.

Belgorod Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Belgorod.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
23 March04:28 - 10:40 - 16:5103:56 - 17:2303:17 - 18:02 02:36 - 18:43
24 March04:26 - 10:39 - 16:5203:54 - 17:2503:15 - 18:04 02:34 - 18:45
25 March04:24 - 10:39 - 16:5403:51 - 17:2703:12 - 18:06 02:31 - 18:47
26 March04:22 - 10:39 - 16:5603:49 - 17:2803:10 - 18:08 02:29 - 18:49
27 March04:20 - 10:38 - 16:5703:47 - 17:3003:07 - 18:09 02:26 - 18:51
28 March04:17 - 10:38 - 16:5903:44 - 17:3203:05 - 18:11 02:23 - 18:53
29 March04:15 - 10:38 - 17:0103:42 - 17:3303:03 - 18:13 02:21 - 18:55

Belgorod Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Belgorod classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Beliy Gorod HotelBeliy Gorod Hotel

Offering soundproofed accommodation with flat-screen TV, a modern sauna and beauty salon, and a stylish café, this non-smoking, 4-star hotel in Beligorod is 2 km from Beligorod Train Station... view more
RUB 2465
Hotel Vincent HotelVincent Hotel

Vincent Hotel is located in the centre of Belgorod, within a 10-minute walk from the central park. Free Wi-Fi access and free private parking are available... view more
RUB 3900
Hotel Room-club Apartments na PopovaRoom-club Apartments na Popova
These apartments are located in the centre of Belgorod, just a minute’s walk from the Sobornaya Square. Free Wi-Fi is provided at Room-club Apartments na Popova. The bright apartments offer warm-coloured interiors and classic-style décor... view more
RUB 3550
Hotel Belgorod HotelBelgorod Hotel

This 4-star hotel is located in Belgorod city centre, overlooking Vechniy Ogon, Belgorod’s main square. Belgorod Hotel offers free Wi-Fi, a 24-hour lobby bar and a summer terrace... view more
RUB 2320
Hotel Uspeh HotelUspeh Hotel

Just a 5-minute walk from the Belexpocenter Exhibition Centre, this quietly located, non-smoking hotel in Belgorod offers great city views, air-conditioned rooms and apartments with free Wi-Fi, and free parking... view more
RUB 1700
More Hotels »

Belgorod Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Belgorod and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Kursk Nuclear Power Plant 138.4 km  

Belgorod Page

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DB-City.comBelgorod 4.3/5 (2021-10-06 15:29:31)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page