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Country | United Kingdom |
Nation | England |
West Yorkshire |
Wakefield Administration
Wakefield Post code | WF1 2HQ |
Wakefield Mayor | Cllr Charles Keith |
Wakefield Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Wakefield? Here are all the details of Wakefield available below.
Wakefield Postal address | Town Hall Wood Street Wakefield WF1 2HQ United Kingdom |
Wakefield Phone number | 0845850650 International: +44 0845850650 |
Wakefield Email address | [email protected] |
Wakefield Website | |
Other information | City, town and village : Wakefield |
Wakefield Birth certificate, Wakefield Death certificate |
Wakefield Demography
Information on the people and the population of Wakefield.
Wakefield Population | 325,600 inhabitants |
Wakefield Population Density | 961.6 /km² (2,490.5 /sq mi) |
Wakefield Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Wakefield.
Wakefield Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 53.683, Longitude: -1.499 53° 40′ 59″ North, 1° 29′ 56″ West |
Wakefield Area | 33,860 hectares 338.60 km² (130.73 sq mi) |
Wakefield Altitude | 45 m (148 ft) |
Wakefield Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Wakefield Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Wakefield and the biggest cities of United Kingdom.
Wakefield Map
Locate simply the city of Wakefield through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Wakefield Nearby cities and villages
Dewsbury 9.2 km | Batley 9.7 km | Castleford 10.1 km |
Leeds 13.4 km | Spenborough 13.5 km | Barnsley 14.6 km |
Pudsey 16.7 km | Aberford 18.9 km | Brighouse 19.6 km |
Wakefield Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Wakefield has international agreements with its different pairings.
Wakefield Zone
Time zone of Wakefield.
Wakefield Local time | |
Wakefield Time zone | UTC +0:00 (Europe/London) Summer time UTC +1:00 Winter time UTC +0:00 |
Wakefield Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Wakefield.
Wakefield Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Wakefield.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
2 January | 09:22 - 13:10 - 16:57 | 08:40 - 17:40 | 07:54 - 18:25 | 07:11 - 19:08 |
3 January | 09:22 - 13:10 - 16:58 | 08:39 - 17:41 | 07:54 - 18:26 | 07:11 - 19:09 |
4 January | 09:21 - 13:11 - 17:00 | 08:39 - 17:42 | 07:54 - 18:27 | 07:11 - 19:10 |
5 January | 09:21 - 13:11 - 17:01 | 08:39 - 17:43 | 07:54 - 18:28 | 07:11 - 19:11 |
6 January | 09:21 - 13:11 - 17:02 | 08:38 - 17:44 | 07:53 - 18:30 | 07:11 - 19:12 |
7 January | 09:20 - 13:12 - 17:04 | 08:38 - 17:46 | 07:53 - 18:31 | 07:11 - 19:13 |
8 January | 09:20 - 13:12 - 17:05 | 08:38 - 17:47 | 07:53 - 18:32 | 07:10 - 19:14 |
Wakefield Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Wakefield classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Chasley Hotel Wakefield The Chasley Hotel is located in the heart of the city of Wakefield. The hotel has 64 en-suite bedrooms which boast comfortable, well furnished surroundings at a great price... view more | from £UK 30 | |
York House Hotel Wakefield In the heart of Wakefield city centre, just metres from Wakefield Westgate railway station, the York House Hotel offers free Wi-Fi, stylish, modern en suite accommodation and limited free parking... view more | from £UK 29 | |
Graziers Arms Wakefield Situated in the centre of Wakefield, just 5 minutes’ walk from Westgate Rail Station, this hotel offers bed and breakfast accommodation. There is space for free parking, and Wi-Fi is also free to use... view more | from £UK 23 | |
Citilodge Wakefield Located in Wakefield, Citilodge contemporary hotel features a 24-hour front desk and free private parking. Trinity Walk Shopping Centre is just a 3-minute walk away... view more | from £UK 25 | |
Stanley View Guest House & Hotel Wakefield For the past 20 years the Stanley View Guest House & Hotel, close to Wakefield city centre, has been run by the same family. If you are a racing fan, we are handy for access to Pontefract, Wetherby and York. We are also near many golf courses... view more | from £UK 38 | |
More Hotels » |
Wakefield Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Wakefield and its surroundings.
Nuclear power plant
Heysham nuclear power station 99.9 km | Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station 108 km |
Wakefield Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Wakefield /5 (2021-05-18 09:47:51) |