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Otradnoye Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Leningrad, Kirovsky.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Peski, Novinka and Dachnoye.


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Otradnoye Demography

Information on the people and the population of Otradnoye.

Otradnoye Population26,030 inhabitants
Otradnoye Population Density2,603.0 /km² (6,741.7 /sq mi)

Otradnoye Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Otradnoye.

Otradnoye Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 59.7833, Longitude: 30.8167
59° 46′ 60″ North, 30° 49′ 0″ East
Otradnoye Area1,000 hectares
10.00 km² (3.86 sq mi)
Otradnoye Altitude21 m (69 ft)
Otradnoye ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Otradnoye Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Otradnoye and the biggest cities of Russia.

Moscow 603 kmSaint Petersburg 33 km closestNovosibirsk 3088 km
Yekaterinburg 1758 kmNizhny Novgorod 2204 kmKazan 1172 km
Chelyabinsk 1883 kmSamara 1390 kmOmsk 2563 km
Rostov-on-Don 1513 kmKrasnoyarsk 3566 kmUfa 1603 km

Otradnoye Map

Locate simply the city of Otradnoye through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Otradnoye Nearby cities and villages

Peski 7.9 kmNovinka 8.4 kmDachnoye 8.8 km
Nikolskoye 9.5 kmTelmana 13.1 kmKirovsk 13.2 km
Rabochy 15 kmKrasnaya Zarya 15.1 kmGladkoye 15.7 km
Molodtsovo 16.7 kmVoyskorovo 17.7 kmMikhaylovsky 19.1 km

Otradnoye Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Otradnoye.

Otradnoye Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Otradnoye.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
29 January07:15 - 11:09 - 15:0406:27 - 15:5105:36 - 16:42 04:48 - 17:31
30 January07:13 - 11:10 - 15:0706:25 - 15:5405:35 - 16:44 04:46 - 17:33
31 January07:10 - 11:10 - 15:0906:23 - 15:5605:33 - 16:47 04:44 - 17:35
1 February07:08 - 11:10 - 15:1206:21 - 15:5805:31 - 16:49 04:43 - 17:37
2 February07:06 - 11:10 - 15:1406:19 - 16:0105:29 - 16:51 04:41 - 17:39
3 February07:03 - 11:10 - 15:1706:17 - 16:0305:27 - 16:53 04:39 - 17:41
4 February07:01 - 11:10 - 15:1906:15 - 16:0505:25 - 16:55 04:37 - 17:43

Otradnoye Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Otradnoye classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Izhora HotelIzhora Hotel

This hotel in St. Petersburg is less than a 10-minute walk from the River Neva. The Izhora Hotel offers a 24-hour reception, free Wi-Fi, a sauna and billiards. Rooms at the Izhora offer brightly coloured interiors... view more
RUB 1800
Hotel Guest House UsadbaGuest House Usadba
Guest house Usadba is located in the picturesque village of Virki, 10 km from the KAD ring road of Saint Petersburg. The property offers a sauna, plunge and billiards. A fully equipped kitchen is also available... view more
RUB 1100
Hotel Apartment SlavyankaApartment Slavyanka

Located in Pushkin, a 15-minute drive from Ekaterininskiy Palace, Apartment Slavyanka offers guests a self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi... view more
RUB 2700
Hotel Vintage HotelVintage Hotel

Saint Petersburg
Situated in the business district of St. Petersburg, Vintage Hotel offers modern accommodation along with free Wi-Fi. There are tram and bus stops nearby. Offering a minimalist décor, each room has heating, air conditioning and TV... view more
RUB 1840
Hotel Petrovskaya HotelPetrovskaya Hotel

This hotel is located in the UNESCO heritage town of Shlisselburg, a 15-minute walk from the River Neva Embankment. Petrovskaya Hotel offers a 24-hour reception and a fully equipped kitchen... view more
RUB 2300
More Hotels »

Otradnoye Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Otradnoye and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant 99.1 km  

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  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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