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Nitra Localisation : Country Slovakia, Region Nitra, District Nitra.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Lužianky, Nitrianske Hrnčiarovce and Lehota.


Find all the information of Nitra or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Nitra Administration

Nitra Post code950 50
Nitra MayorJozef Dvonč

Nitra Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Nitra? Here are all the details of Nitra available below.

Nitra Postal address950 50 Nitra
Nitra Phone number37 6502111
International: +421 37 6502111
Nitra Email address[email protected]
Nitra Websitewww.nitra.sk
Nitra Birth certificate, Nitra Death certificate

Nitra Demography

Information on the people and the population of Nitra.

Nitra Population82,661 inhabitants
Nitra Population Density82,661.0 /km² (214,091.0 /sq mi)

Nitra Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Nitra.

Nitra Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 48.3069, Longitude: 18.0864
48° 18′ 25″ North, 18° 5′ 11″ East
Nitra Area100 hectares
1.00 km² (0.39 sq mi)
Nitra Altitude133 m (436 ft)
Nitra ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Nitra Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Nitra and the biggest cities of Slovakia.

Bratislava 75 kmKošice 238 kmPrešov 244 km
Žilina 113 kmBanská Bystrica 92 kmTrnava 38 km closest
Martin 104 kmTrenčín 65 kmPrievidza 65 km
Poprad 183 kmZvolen 82 kmPovažská Bystrica 94 km

Nitra Map

Locate simply the city of Nitra through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Nitra Nearby cities and villages

Nitra Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Nitra has international agreements with its different pairings.

Nitra Zone

Time zone of Nitra.

Nitra Local time
Nitra Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Bratislava)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Nitra Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Nitra.

Nitra Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Nitra.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 January07:37 - 11:54 - 16:1107:01 - 16:4706:21 - 17:26 05:44 - 18:04
9 January07:36 - 11:54 - 16:1207:01 - 16:4806:21 - 17:27 05:44 - 18:05
10 January07:36 - 11:55 - 16:1407:00 - 16:4906:21 - 17:29 05:43 - 18:06
11 January07:35 - 11:55 - 16:1507:00 - 16:5106:21 - 17:30 05:43 - 18:07
12 January07:35 - 11:56 - 16:1606:59 - 16:5206:20 - 17:31 05:43 - 18:08
13 January07:34 - 11:56 - 16:1806:59 - 16:5306:20 - 17:32 05:42 - 18:09
14 January07:34 - 11:56 - 16:1906:58 - 16:5406:19 - 17:33 05:42 - 18:11

Nitra Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Nitra classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel RiverHotel River

Directly on the banl of Nitra River, 10 minutes on foot from Agrokomplex International Exhibition Center and in close proximity to SPU and CPU universities, Hotel River features a wellness area with a heated indoor pool and sauna facilities... view more
€ 55
Hotel Hotel Golden HofferHotel Golden Hoffer

This 4-star hotel, under new management since 2014, is located in the historic centre of Nitra,1 km from Nitra Castle and 500 metres from Andrej Bagara Theatre. It offers free WiFi and a sauna... view more
€ 65
Hotel Hotel ComfortHotel Comfort

Set in the centre of Nitra, this 4-star hotel offers free access to the hot tub and various saunas including dry and infrared saunas. You can dine in the onsite restaurant or work out in the fitness room, which is also free... view more
€ 49
Hotel Mikado HotelMikado Hotel

Situated just 800 metres from Nitra’s city centre, Mikado Hotel offers large rooms with spacious bathrooms. Facilities include a wellness centre with indoor pool and a squash court. Rooms here come with a flat-screen TV with 60 cable channels... view more
€ 79
Hotel Hotel OkoHotel Oko

Set in the heart of the ancient city of Nitra, 100 metres from the pedestrian zone, Hotel Oko is close to many tourist attractions, such as St. Emmeram's Cathedral. It offers free Wi-Fi and free private parking... view more
€ 40
More Hotels »

Nitra Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Nitra and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant 27.9 kmBohunice Nuclear Power Plant 36.5 km 

Nitra Page

Direct link
DB-City.comNitra 5/5 (2011-08-23 01:00:00)