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  13. Zbehy


Zbehy Localisation : Country Slovakia, Region Nitra, District Nitra.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Čakajovce, Lužianky and Čab.


Find all the information of Zbehy or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data


Zbehy Administration

Zbehy Post code951 42
Zbehy MayorIng. Ivan Habiňák

Zbehy Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Zbehy? Here are all the details of Zbehy available below.

Zbehy Postal addressZbehy 71
951 42 Zbehy
Zbehy Phone number37 7793048
International: +421 37 7793048
Zbehy Email addressNot available
Zbehy Websitewww.zbehy.sk
Zbehy Birth certificate, Zbehy Death certificate

Zbehy Demography

Information on the people and the population of Zbehy.

Zbehy Population2,265 inhabitants
Zbehy Population Density115.9 /km² (300.1 /sq mi)

Zbehy Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Zbehy.

Zbehy Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 48.3631, Longitude: 18.0192
48° 21′ 47″ North, 18° 1′ 9″ East
Zbehy Area1,955 hectares
19.55 km² (7.55 sq mi)
Zbehy Altitude144 m (472 ft)
Zbehy ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Zbehy Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Zbehy and the biggest cities of Slovakia.

Bratislava 72 kmKošice 241 kmPrešov 247 km
Žilina 109 kmNitra 8 km closestBanská Bystrica 93 km
Trnava 32 kmMartin 102 kmTrenčín 59 km
Prievidza 64 kmPoprad 184 kmZvolen 84 km

Zbehy Map

Locate simply the city of Zbehy through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Zbehy Nearby cities and villages

Čakajovce 1.1 kmLužianky 4.1 kmČab 4.9 km
Alekšince 5.1 kmLehota 5.3 kmJelšovce 5.4 km
Ľudovítová 5.8 kmPodhorany 7.3 kmLukáčovce 7.6 km
Výčapy-Opatovce 7.6 kmŠurianky 7.8 kmNitra 8 km

Zbehy Zone

Time zone of Zbehy.

Zbehy Local time
Zbehy Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Bratislava)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Zbehy Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Zbehy.

Zbehy Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Zbehy.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
2 February07:14 - 12:01 - 16:4806:41 - 17:2106:03 - 17:59 05:27 - 18:35
3 February07:13 - 12:01 - 16:5006:40 - 17:2306:02 - 18:00 05:26 - 18:37
4 February07:11 - 12:01 - 16:5106:38 - 17:2406:01 - 18:02 05:25 - 18:38
5 February07:10 - 12:01 - 16:5306:37 - 17:2606:00 - 18:03 05:23 - 18:40
6 February07:08 - 12:01 - 16:5506:36 - 17:2705:58 - 18:05 05:22 - 18:41
7 February07:07 - 12:02 - 16:5606:34 - 17:2905:57 - 18:06 05:21 - 18:42
8 February07:05 - 12:02 - 16:5806:33 - 17:3105:56 - 18:07 05:19 - 18:44

Zbehy Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Zbehy classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Penzión ARTinPenzión ARTin

Situated on the foothills of the Zobor and overlooking the historical city of Nitra, Penzión ARTin offers en-suite accommodation, a restaurant, a bar, a summer terrace and free private parking possible on site... view more
€ 39
Hotel Penzion ToscanaPenzion Toscana

Located in the Zobor district of Nitra, close to the city park, Penzin Toscana boasts an Italian restaurant and pizzeria also serving Mediterranean and Slovak dishes... view more
€ 45
Hotel Hotel Zlatý KľúčikHotel Zlatý Kľúčik

The Zlatý Kľúčik hotel is located in the city of Nitra on the lush green Zobor hill. It ranks amongt the best hotels in Slovakia and offers free use of its wellness and fitness facilities... view more
€ 55
Hotel Penzion PKO NitraPenzion PKO Nitra

Enjoying a quiet location, Penzion PKO Nitra is set next to the Nitra’s city park. In addition to an on-site restaurant and a bar, it offers bowling alleys and rooms with a TV. Free Wi-Fi is provided... view more
€ 28
Hotel Hotel Alexander'sHotel Alexander's

The exclusive Alexander´s hotel is situated in the unique surroundings of the Nitra Castle, in the very centre of the historical city of Nitra, and offers en-suite accommodation and a restaurant serving dishes from the daily-fresh ingredients... view more
€ 69
More Hotels »

Zbehy Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Zbehy and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant 29 kmMochovce Nuclear Power Plant 34.2 km 

Zbehy Page

Direct link
DB-City.comZbehy 3.4/5 (2011-08-23 01:00:00)