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  13. Cañada de Benatanduz

Cañada de Benatanduz

Cañada de Benatanduz Localisation : Country Spain, Autonomous community Aragon, Province Teruel.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Villarluengo, Fortanete and Pitarque.


Find all the information of Cañada de Benatanduz or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Autonomous communityAragon

Cañada de Benatanduz Administration

Cañada de Benatanduz Code44060
Cañada de Benatanduz Post code44559
Cañada de Benatanduz MayorServando GASCÓN MALLÉN

Cañada de Benatanduz Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Cañada de Benatanduz? Here are all the details of Cañada de Benatanduz available below.

Cañada de Benatanduz Postal addressBarrio la Magdalena,s/n
Cañada de Benatanduz Phone number978 77 30 75
International: +34 978 77 30 75
Cañada de Benatanduz Fax number978 77 30 75
International: +34 978 77 30 75
Cañada de Benatanduz Email address[email protected]
Cañada de Benatanduz WebsiteNot available
Other informationAyuntamiento España : Cañada de Benatanduz
Cañada de Benatanduz Birth certificate, Cañada de Benatanduz Death certificate

Cañada de Benatanduz Demography

Information on the people and the population of Cañada de Benatanduz.

Cañada de Benatanduz Population36 inhabitants
Cañada de Benatanduz Population Density1.0 /km² (2.7 /sq mi)

Cañada de Benatanduz Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Cañada de Benatanduz.

Cañada de Benatanduz Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 40.5807, Longitude: -0.53491
40° 34′ 51″ North, 0° 32′ 6″ West
Cañada de Benatanduz Area3,489 hectares
34.89 km² (13.47 sq mi)
Cañada de Benatanduz Altitude1,422 m (4,665 ft)
Cañada de Benatanduz ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Cañada de Benatanduz Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Cañada de Benatanduz and the biggest cities of Spain.

Madrid 269 kmBarcelona 244 kmValencia 124 km
Seville 591 kmSaragossa 123 km closestMalaga 547 km
Murcia 294 kmPalma 294 kmLas Palmas 1943 km
Bilbao 358 kmAlicante 249 kmCordova 473 km

Cañada de Benatanduz Map

Locate simply the city of Cañada de Benatanduz through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Cañada de Benatanduz Nearby cities and villages

Cañada de Benatanduz Zone

Time zone of Cañada de Benatanduz.

Cañada de Benatanduz Local time
Cañada de Benatanduz Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Cañada de Benatanduz Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Cañada de Benatanduz.

Cañada de Benatanduz Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Cañada de Benatanduz.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
17 March07:09 - 13:10 - 19:1106:42 - 19:3806:10 - 20:09 05:38 - 20:42
18 March07:08 - 13:10 - 19:1206:41 - 19:3906:09 - 20:11 05:36 - 20:43
19 March07:06 - 13:09 - 19:1306:39 - 19:4006:07 - 20:12 05:35 - 20:44
20 March07:04 - 13:09 - 19:1406:37 - 19:4106:05 - 20:13 05:33 - 20:45
21 March07:03 - 13:09 - 19:1506:36 - 19:4206:04 - 20:14 05:31 - 20:46
22 March07:01 - 13:08 - 19:1606:34 - 19:4306:02 - 20:15 05:29 - 20:48
23 March06:59 - 13:08 - 19:1706:32 - 19:4406:00 - 20:16 05:27 - 20:49

Cañada de Benatanduz Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Cañada de Benatanduz classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hostal-Restaurante Rural Torre MontesantoHostal-Restaurante Rural Torre Montesanto
Set in beautiful grounds overlooking the countryside surrounding Villarluengo, Hostal-Restaurante Rural Torre Montesanto is housed in a lovely restored castle. It features a restaurant and an attractive terrace... view more
€ 40
Hotel El Casal de NicolásEl Casal de Nicolás

El Casal de Nicolás is located in the Aragonese country village of Fortanete. Offering mountain views, its rustic apartments feature a flat-screen TV, DVD player, free Wi-Fi and hydromassage shower... view more
€ 80
Hotel Hostal De La TruchaHostal De La Trucha

Situated in the impressive and unique mountain landscape of Alto Maestrazgo, the hotel is set in the building that used to house the first national mint and a textile factory... view more
€ 43
Hotel Marques de ValdeolivoMarques de Valdeolivo
Featuring a terrace with barbecue facilities and Marques de Valdeolivo is a stylish country house, located in Tronchon, a declared historic town and famous for its cheese. This 3-bedroom country house offers 3 bathrooms with a bath tub... view more
€ 180
Hotel Casa VidalCasa Vidal
Offering a balcony, Casa Vidal is centrally located in the medieval village of Cantavieja, in Teruel province. The rustic-style country house features exposed-stone walls and wooden beam ceilings... view more
€ 200
More Hotels »

Cañada de Benatanduz Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Cañada de Benatanduz and its surroundings.

Sierras de la Cañada 5.5 kmAltos de la Cañada 5.5 kmMuela Carrascosa 10.5 km
Sierra Carrascosa 10.5 kmSierra de Bordón 14.9 kmSierra de La Garrocha 15.4 km
Sierra de la Garrocha 15.4 kmLlano de Villaseco 19.1 kmSierra Blanca 19.5 km
Sierra de Gúdar 20.2 kmPuntal de Tamborero 20.4 kmEl Morrión 20.8 km
Loma del Milano 23.1 kmLlano de Nogueruela 23.9 kmCorullons 24 km
Sierra del Pobo 29.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Ascó Nuclear Power Plant 115.7 kmVandellòs Nuclear Power Plant 125.2 km 

Cañada de Benatanduz Page

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DB-City.comCañada de Benatanduz 3.7/5 (2020-05-28 11:13:33)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page