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  13. Villarroya de los Pinares

Villarroya de los Pinares

Villarroya de los Pinares Localisation : Country Spain, Autonomous community Aragon, Province Teruel.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Miravete de la Sierra, Allepuz and Jorcas.


Find all the information of Villarroya de los Pinares or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Autonomous communityAragon

Villarroya de los Pinares Administration

Villarroya de los Pinares Code44262
Villarroya de los Pinares Post code44144
Villarroya de los Pinares MayorDiego VILLARROYA VICENTE

Villarroya de los Pinares Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Villarroya de los Pinares? Here are all the details of Villarroya de los Pinares available below.

Villarroya de los Pinares Postal addressPlaza los Arcos,1
Villarroya de los Pinares Phone number978 77 80 01
International: +34 978 77 80 01
Villarroya de los Pinares Fax number978 77 80 01
International: +34 978 77 80 01
Villarroya de los Pinares Email address[email protected]
Villarroya de los Pinares WebsiteNot available
Other informationAyuntamiento España : Villarroya de los Pinares
Villarroya de los Pinares Birth certificate, Villarroya de los Pinares Death certificate

Villarroya de los Pinares Demography

Information on the people and the population of Villarroya de los Pinares.

Villarroya de los Pinares Population172 inhabitants
Villarroya de los Pinares Population Density2.6 /km² (6.7 /sq mi)

Villarroya de los Pinares Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Villarroya de los Pinares.

Villarroya de los Pinares Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 40.5304, Longitude: -0.66996
40° 31′ 49″ North, 0° 40′ 12″ West
Villarroya de los Pinares Area6,641 hectares
66.41 km² (25.64 sq mi)
Villarroya de los Pinares Altitude1,335 m (4,380 ft)
Villarroya de los Pinares ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Villarroya de los Pinares Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Villarroya de los Pinares and the biggest cities of Spain.

Madrid 257 kmBarcelona 257 kmValencia 121 km closest
Seville 579 kmSaragossa 127 kmMalaga 535 km
Murcia 286 kmPalma 302 kmLas Palmas 1931 km
Bilbao 356 kmAlicante 244 kmCordova 461 km

Villarroya de los Pinares Map

Locate simply the city of Villarroya de los Pinares through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Villarroya de los Pinares Nearby cities and villages

Villarroya de los Pinares Zone

Time zone of Villarroya de los Pinares.

Villarroya de los Pinares Local time
Villarroya de los Pinares Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Villarroya de los Pinares Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Villarroya de los Pinares.

Villarroya de los Pinares Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Villarroya de los Pinares.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
26 March06:55 - 13:08 - 19:2106:28 - 19:4805:56 - 20:20 05:23 - 20:53
27 March06:53 - 13:07 - 19:2206:26 - 19:4905:54 - 20:21 05:21 - 20:54
28 March06:52 - 13:07 - 19:2306:24 - 19:5005:52 - 20:22 05:19 - 20:55
29 March06:50 - 13:07 - 19:2406:23 - 19:5105:50 - 20:23 05:17 - 20:57
30 March07:48 - 14:07 - 20:2507:21 - 20:5206:49 - 21:25 06:15 - 21:58
31 March07:47 - 14:06 - 20:2607:19 - 20:5306:47 - 21:26 06:13 - 21:59
1 April07:45 - 14:06 - 20:2707:18 - 20:5406:45 - 21:27 06:11 - 22:00

Villarroya de los Pinares Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Villarroya de los Pinares classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel El Patio del MaestrazgoEl Patio del Maestrazgo

Villarroya de los Pinares
Surrounded by the Sierra de Gúdar Mountains, El Patio de Maestrazgo offers heated apartments with nice landscape views. This country house offers a 24-h reception, free ski storage and free parking on-site... view more
€ 100
Hotel Hostal Casa del CuraHostal Casa del Cura
Set in the heart of medieval Miravete de la Sierra, Hostal Casa del Cura is attached to the 16th century Nuestra Señora de las Nieves Church. The guest house offers local gastronomy... view more
€ 25
Hotel Hostal Venta LiaraHostal Venta Liara
Set at the foothills of Sierra de Gudar Mountain Range, Hostal Venta Liara is located in Allepuz. The charming guest house offers a traditional bar serving breakfasts and local products... view more
€ 36
Hotel Hostal GúdarHostal Gúdar

Set in the village of Gúdar, Hostal Gúdar is 25 minutes’ drive from the ski slopes at Valdelinares. It offers simple rooms with free Wi-Fi, and a restaurant. Each heated room at Hostal Gúdar has a flat-screen TV. There is also a private bathroom... view more
€ 28
Hotel Apartamentos Rurales Sierra de GudarApartamentos Rurales Sierra de Gudar

Situated in the Sierra de Gudar Mountains, these rural apartments are a 25-minute drive from Valdelinares Ski Resort. Each country-style apartment has a balcony and a wood-burning stove, and some include a hydromassage bath... view more
€ 80
More Hotels »

Villarroya de los Pinares Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Villarroya de los Pinares and its surroundings.

Sierra de Gúdar 9.3 kmSierras de la Cañada 13 kmAltos de la Cañada 13 km
Sierra del Pobo 18.2 kmMonte Castelfrío 21.5 kmLoma Castelfrio 21.5 km
Llano de Nogueruela 22.4 kmMuela Carrascosa 22.9 kmSierra Carrascosa 22.9 km
Sierra de La Garrocha 25.2 kmSierra de la Garrocha 25.2 kmLoma del Milano 27.1 km
Puntal de Tamborero 27.2 kmSierra de Bordón 27.4 kmLoma de la Moleta 28.1 km
Loma de La Maleta 28.1 kmLlano de Villaseco 28.3 kmSierra de San Just 28.5 km

Nuclear power plant

Ascó Nuclear Power Plant 128.2 kmVandellòs Nuclear Power Plant 137.8 kmCofrentes Nuclear Power Plant 149.8 km

Villarroya de los Pinares Page

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DB-City.comVillarroya de los Pinares 3.7/5 (2020-05-28 11:13:33)
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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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