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  11. Nacka


Nacka Localisation : Country Sweden, County Stockholm.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Stockholm, Lidingö and Tyresö.


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Nacka Administration

Nacka Code0182
Nacka Post code131 81
Nacka MayorEva Öhbom Ekdahl

Nacka Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Nacka? Here are all the details of Nacka available below.

Nacka Postal addressGranitvägen 15
131 81 Nacka
Nacka Phone number08-718 80 00
International: +46 8-718 80 00
Nacka Fax number08-718 91 15
International: +46 8-718 91 15
Nacka Email address[email protected]
Nacka Websitewww.nacka.se
Nacka Birth certificate, Nacka Death certificate

Nacka Demography

Information on the people and the population of Nacka.

Nacka Population84,303 inhabitants
Nacka Population Density881.6 /km² (2,283.5 /sq mi)

Nacka Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Nacka.

Nacka Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 59.3101, Longitude: 18.1638
59° 18′ 36″ North, 18° 9′ 50″ East
Nacka Area9,562 hectares
95.62 km² (36.92 sq mi)
Nacka Altitude57 m (187 ft)
Nacka ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Nacka Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Nacka and the biggest cities of Sweden.

Stockholm 6 km closestGothenburg 401 kmMalmö 515 km
Uppsala 68 kmLinköping 177 kmVästerås 97 km
Örebro 168 kmNorrköping 139 kmHelsingborg 487 km
Jönköping 288 kmUmeå 515 kmLund 499 km

Nacka Map

Locate simply the city of Nacka through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Nacka Nearby cities and villages

Stockholm 6.2 kmLidingö 6.5 kmTyresö 8.1 km
Solna 10.7 kmDanderyd 12.3 kmSundbyberg 12.4 km
Huddinge 13.2 kmVaxholm 14.9 kmTäby 15.8 km
Haninge 15.9 kmSollentuna 17.8 kmJärfälla 19.7 km

Nacka Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Nacka has international agreements with its different pairings.

Nacka Zone

Time zone of Nacka.

Nacka Local time
Nacka Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Stockholm)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Nacka Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Nacka.

Nacka Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Nacka.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 January07:58 - 12:00 - 16:0207:12 - 16:4806:22 - 17:38 05:35 - 18:26
1 February07:56 - 12:00 - 16:0507:10 - 16:5106:21 - 17:40 05:33 - 18:28
2 February07:54 - 12:01 - 16:0707:08 - 16:5306:19 - 17:42 05:31 - 18:30
3 February07:51 - 12:01 - 16:1007:06 - 16:5506:17 - 17:44 05:29 - 18:32
4 February07:49 - 12:01 - 16:1207:04 - 16:5806:15 - 17:47 05:28 - 18:34
5 February07:47 - 12:01 - 16:1507:02 - 17:0006:13 - 17:49 05:26 - 18:36
6 February07:44 - 12:01 - 16:1807:00 - 17:0206:11 - 17:51 05:24 - 18:38

Nacka Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Nacka classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel JHotel J

This peaceful, yacht-club style hotel is 20 minutes’ boat ride from Stockholm’s Old Town. It offers a waterfront restaurant and summer terrace, plus great views of the Baltic Sea. Hotel J’s rooms have oak floors and designer, marine-themed textiles... view more
krS 1190
Hotel KvarnholmenKvarnholmen
Overlooking Lake Mälaren, Kvarnholmen is 10 minutes’ drive from Stockholm city centre. It offers en-suite rooms and a shared kitchen. Wi-Fi and parking are free. The vibrant Södermalm district is a 20-minute walk away... view more
krS 404
Hotel Nacka StadshotellNacka Stadshotell
Opened in 2013, this hotel is located in central Ektorp. It offers free parking and air-conditioned rooms with Wi-Fi. Stockholm city centre is a 22-minute drive away... view more
krS 553
Hotel Quality Hotel NackaQuality Hotel Nacka

Situated opposite Sickla Station and Sickla Galleria Shopping Centre, this hotel is a 10-minute tram ride from Stockholm city. It offers free in-room Wi-Fi, an indoor pool and a sauna... view more
krS 780
Hotel Holiday home Solstigen NackaHoliday home Solstigen Nacka
Holiday home Solstigen Nacka is located in Nacka, 2 km from the shop and restaurant and 10 km from the nearest city, Stockholm. The property offers an open and covered terrace and can accommodate up to 7 persons... view more
More Hotels »

Nacka Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Nacka and its surroundings.

Sicklaberget 0.8 kmStora Nyckelviken 1.3 kmNacka 1.6 km
Hästholmen 1.9 kmFjäderholmarna 2.8 kmRosendal 3.1 km
Lindarängsknösen 3.1 kmHenriksdalshamnen 3.7 kmBeckholmen 3.7 km
Henriksdals 3.7 kmHenriksdal 3.7 kmStockholm Saltsjöbanan 4.6 km
Saltsjöbanans Station 4.6 kmKastellholmen 4.6 kmStockholm Stadsgården 4.6 km
Skeppsholmen 4.6 kmSaltsjöbanan Station 4.6 kmStockholm/Gamla 4.6 km
Stadsgården 4.6 kmSödra Hammarbyhamnen 4.7 kmNorra Hammarbyhamnen 4.7 km
Loudden 4.8 kmLudden 4.8 kmLouden 4.8 km
Frihamnen 5.2 kmSödra Blasieholmshamnen 5.3 kmNorrbro 5.3 km
Helgeandsholmen 5.3 kmVärtan 5.7 kmVärtans Station 5.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Agesta Nuclear Power Plant 12.5 kmForsmark Nuclear Power Plant 121.7 km 

Nacka Page

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