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  13. Walenstadt


Walenstadt Localisation : Country Switzerland, Canton St Gallen, Constituency Sarganserland.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Grabs, Flums and Quarten.


Find all the information of Walenstadt or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

CantonSt Gallen

Walenstadt Administration

Walenstadt Code (OFS)3298
Walenstadt Post code8880

Walenstadt Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Walenstadt? Here are all the details of Walenstadt available below.

Walenstadt Postal address8880 WALENSTADT
Walenstadt Phone number090 112 60 16
(2chf + 2chf/mn)
Walenstadt Email address[email protected]
Walenstadt Websitewww.walenstadt.ch
Other informationGemeinde Commune Comune : Walenstadt
Walenstadt Birth certificate, Walenstadt Death certificate

Walenstadt Demography

Information on the people and the population of Walenstadt.

Walenstadt Population5,679 inhabitants
Walenstadt Population Density124.1 /km² (321.5 /sq mi)

Walenstadt Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Walenstadt.

Walenstadt Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.1273, Longitude: 9.33109
47° 7′ 38″ North, 9° 19′ 52″ East
Walenstadt Area4,575 hectares
45.75 km² (17.66 sq mi)
Walenstadt Altitude425 m (1,394 ft)
Walenstadt ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Walenstadt Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Walenstadt and the biggest cities of Switzerland.

Zurich 67 kmGeneva 264 kmBasle 140 km
Lausanne 216 kmBerne 147 kmWinterthur 61 km
Lucerne 77 kmSt. Gallen 16 km closestLugano 128 km
Biel 157 kmThun 137 kmBellinzona 106 km

Walenstadt Map

Locate simply the city of Walenstadt through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Walenstadt Nearby cities and villages

Grabs 6.8 kmFlums 7.8 kmQuarten 9.5 km
Sevelen 9.8 kmWartau 10.2 kmBuchs 10.9 km
Sargans 11.9 kmGams 12.2 kmAmden 13 km
Mels 13.9 kmLiechtenstein Schaan 14 kmLiechtenstein Vaduz 14.5 km

Walenstadt Zone

Time zone of Walenstadt.

Walenstadt Local time
Walenstadt Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Zurich)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Walenstadt Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Walenstadt.

Walenstadt Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Walenstadt.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 January08:05 - 12:31 - 16:5607:31 - 17:3006:53 - 18:08 06:16 - 18:45
13 January08:05 - 12:31 - 16:5707:30 - 17:3106:52 - 18:09 06:16 - 18:46
14 January08:04 - 12:31 - 16:5807:30 - 17:3306:52 - 18:11 06:15 - 18:47
15 January08:04 - 12:32 - 17:0007:29 - 17:3406:52 - 18:12 06:15 - 18:48
16 January08:03 - 12:32 - 17:0107:29 - 17:3506:51 - 18:13 06:15 - 18:49
17 January08:02 - 12:32 - 17:0207:28 - 17:3606:50 - 18:14 06:14 - 18:51
18 January08:01 - 12:33 - 17:0407:28 - 17:3806:50 - 18:15 06:14 - 18:52

Walenstadt Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Walenstadt classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel ChurfirstenHotel Churfirsten

Located next to the Walenstadt train station, Hotel Churfirsten is a 10-minute walk from Lake Walensee in the Holiday Region Heidiland. It features free Wi-Fi, a sauna and a solarium... view more
CHF 90
Hotel Hotel Restaurant SeehofHotel Restaurant Seehof
Dating from 1910, Hotel Seehof is located in Walenstadt, directly on the shore of Lake Walensee. It offers free internet access and has a restaurant with lake views. All rooms have a TV and a hairdryer, and some also have a balcony... view more
CHF 95
Hotel B&B WalenstadtbergB&B Walenstadtberg
Located on the slopes of the Churfirsten Mountain, B&B Walenstadtberg is 4 km from Lake Walensee and a 10-minute drive from the Flumserberg Cable Car. In fine weather, guests can have breakfast on the terrace overlooking the valley... view more
CHF 70
Hotel Hotel Restaurant BergheimHotel Restaurant Bergheim
On the slopes of the Flumserberg Mountain, Hotel Bergheim is a 2-minute drive from Flums and the Tannenheim Ski Area. The restaurant has a sun terrace overlooking the mountains and serves regional and seasonal dishes and fine wines... view more
CHF 55
Hotel Hotel SchiffahrtHotel Schiffahrt
The Hotel Schifffahrt can be found in Mols, right on Lake Walen, and offers you fully equipped rooms and great food. It is and ideal base for water sports and for skiing on the Flums mountains... view more
CHF 78
More Hotels »

Walenstadt Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Walenstadt and its surroundings.

Churfirsten 5.5 kmAlvier 6 kmSeetz Valley 6.3 km
Seezthal 6.3 kmSeeztal 6.3 kmSeez Valley 6.3 km
Wildhauser-Schafberg 10.1 kmWildhuser-Schafberg 10.1 kmSchafberg 10.1 km
Altmann 12.4 kmKerenzen Berg 12.5 kmKerenzen 12.5 km
Spitzmeilen 12.8 kmMageren 13.6 kmMagerrain 13.6 km
Säntis 13.7 kmAlpstein 13.7 kmSchwägalp 13.9 km
Rotsteinpass 13.9 kmSpeer 16.2 kmMürtschenstock 16.4 km
Hochalp 18.4 kmToggenburg 18.5 kmRisetenpass 18.9 km
Reiseten Pass 18.9 kmSchild 19.3 kmFalknis 19.8 km
Falknis Horn 19.8 kmEnderlin Horn 19.8 kmGraue Hörner 20.1 km

Nuclear power plant

Beznau Nuclear Power Plant 95.7 kmLeibstadt Nuclear Power Plant 100.4 kmGösgen Nuclear Power Plant 106.3 km

Walenstadt Page

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DB-City.comWalenstadt 4.2/5 (2021-02-04 15:30:05)
  • Information
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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