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Posof Localisation : Country Turkey, Province Ardahan.
Available Information : Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Adigeni.


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Posof Administration

Posof MayorŞükrü Bozyiğit

Posof Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Posof? Here are all the details of Posof available below.

Posof Phone number478 511 2015
International: +90 478 511 2015
Posof Fax number478 511 2247
International: +90 478 511 2247
Posof Email addressNot available
Posof Websitewww.posof.bel.tr
Other informationTürkiye belediyeleri : Posof
Posof Birth certificate, Posof Death certificate

Posof Demography

Information on the people and the population of Posof.

Posof Population8,016 inhabitants
Posof Population Density13.2 /km² (34.3 /sq mi)

Posof Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Posof.

Posof Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.5117, Longitude: 42.7292
41° 30′ 42″ North, 42° 43′ 45″ East
Posof Area60,600 hectares
606.00 km² (233.98 sq mi)
Posof Altitude1,548 m (5,079 ft)
Posof ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Posof Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Posof and the biggest cities of Turkey.

Istanbul 1151 km Ankara 850 kmİzmir 1370 km
Bursa 1159 kmAdana 812 kmKocaeli 1074 km
Gaziantep 676 kmKonya 965 kmAntalya 1157 km
Kayseri 690 kmDiyarbakır 454 km closestMersin 873 km

Posof Map

Locate simply the city of Posof through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Posof Nearby cities and villages

Georgia Adigeni 18.5 km

Posof Zone

Time zone of Posof.

Posof Local time
Posof Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Istanbul)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Posof Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Posof.

Posof Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Posof.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 January05:30 - 10:19 - 15:0805:00 - 15:3804:26 - 16:12 03:53 - 16:45
20 January05:30 - 10:20 - 15:0905:00 - 15:4004:26 - 16:13 03:53 - 16:46
21 January05:29 - 10:20 - 15:1104:59 - 15:4104:25 - 16:15 03:52 - 16:47
22 January05:28 - 10:20 - 15:1204:59 - 15:4204:25 - 16:16 03:52 - 16:49
23 January05:28 - 10:20 - 15:1304:58 - 15:4304:24 - 16:17 03:51 - 16:50
24 January05:27 - 10:21 - 15:1404:57 - 15:4404:24 - 16:18 03:51 - 16:51
25 January05:26 - 10:21 - 15:1604:57 - 15:4504:23 - 16:19 03:50 - 16:52

Posof Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Posof classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Karagol Tugra MotelKaragol Tugra Motel
Situated right across Karagol Lake, Karagol Tugra Motel has a lake-view restaurant with a fireplace. The motel offers rooms with a private bathroom. The rooms of Karagol Tugra Motel feature a simple décor... view more
€ 27
Hotel Kafkas Ari HotelKafkas Ari Hotel

Located in the city centre of Ardahan, Kafkas Ari Hotel offers 24-hour front desk service, free private parking and modern rooms with free Wi-Fi. Ardahan Castle is within 1 km... view more
€ 32
Hotel Iremit Pension MacahelIremit Pension Macahel
Located in the middle of nature with lush forests, Iremit Pension is set in a traditional village house. It offers free private parking and rooms with panoramic mountain views. All rooms at Iremit Pension Macahel feature a private bathroom... view more
Hotel Lapera PensionLapera Pension
Set in a wooden building surrounded by mountains and pine trees, Lapera Pension is located in Borcka District of Artvin. It offers a large balcony with panoramic landscape views, authentic accommodation and free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 80
Hotel Koru Hotel ArtvinKoru Hotel Artvin
Set in a lush garden surrounded by trees, Koru Hotel Artvin offers a peaceful accommodation with a terrace overlooking the beautiful garden and nature views. It features air-conditioned rooms. Free private parking is also possible on site... view more
€ 18
More Hotels »

Posof Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Posof and its surroundings.

Ilgardağı Geçidi 5.9 kmÇamyazı Yaylası 7.4 kmCacun Yaylası 7.8 km
Ulgar Dağı 8.7 kmAşıkzülali Yaylası 8.8 kmEminbey Yaylası 9.4 km
Satle Yaylası 9.8 kmPosof Çayı 9.8 kmUlgar Tepesi 10.5 km
Sarıdarı Yaylası 10.6 kmYeniköy Yaylası 12.8 kmHirhat Dağı 13.6 km
Yolağzı Yaylası 14.1 kmYukarıgündeş Yaylası 14.3 kmSors Yaylası 14.3 km
Harmantepe Dağları 14.4 kmErushetskiy Nagor’ye 14.4 kmErushetskiy Khrebet 14.4 km
Erushet’is Mt’ianet’i 14.4 kmCazı Tepesi 15.2 kmTlil Dağı 15.6 km
Gora Grmany 15.6 kmGora Tlil’ 15.6 kmGora Grmany 15.6 km
Tlil Dağı 15.6 kmGora Tlil’ 15.6 kmMt’a T’lili 15.6 km
Kırma Dağı 15.6 kmKırma Dağı 15.6 kmGol Yayla 16.1 km

Posof Page

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DB-City.comPosof 3.5/5 (2021-04-08 13:06:07)