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  11. Adigeni


Adigeni Localisation : Country Georgia, Region Samtskhe-Javakheti.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Posof.


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Adigeni Administration

Adigeni Post code0300–0399

Adigeni Demography

Information on the people and the population of Adigeni.

Adigeni Population16,305 inhabitants
Adigeni Population Density20.4 /km² (52.8 /sq mi)

Adigeni Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Adigeni.

Adigeni Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.6769, Longitude: 42.7086
41° 40′ 37″ North, 42° 42′ 31″ East
Adigeni Area79,960 hectares
799.60 km² (308.73 sq mi)
Adigeni Altitude1,225 m (4,019 ft)
Adigeni ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Adigeni Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Adigeni and the biggest cities of Georgia.

Tbilisi 173 kmBatumi 89 kmKutaisi 57 km
Rustavi 192 kmGori 120 kmMarneuli 177 km
Gardabani 201 kmKobuleti 79 kmZugdidi 116 km
Ozurgeti 62 kmZestafoni 55 km closestGurjaani 257 km

Adigeni Map

Locate simply the city of Adigeni through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Adigeni Nearby cities and villages

Turkey Posof 18.5 km

Adigeni Zone

Time zone of Adigeni.

Adigeni Local time
Adigeni Time zoneUTC +4:00 (Asia/Tbilisi)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Adigeni Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Adigeni.

Adigeni Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Adigeni.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February05:18 - 10:22 - 15:2704:49 - 15:5604:16 - 16:29 03:43 - 17:01
4 February05:17 - 10:23 - 15:2804:48 - 15:5704:15 - 16:30 03:43 - 17:03
5 February05:16 - 10:23 - 15:2904:47 - 15:5804:14 - 16:31 03:42 - 17:04
6 February05:15 - 10:23 - 15:3004:46 - 15:5904:13 - 16:32 03:41 - 17:05
7 February05:14 - 10:23 - 15:3204:45 - 16:0104:12 - 16:34 03:40 - 17:06
8 February05:13 - 10:23 - 15:3304:44 - 16:0204:11 - 16:35 03:39 - 17:07
9 February05:11 - 10:23 - 15:3404:43 - 16:0304:10 - 16:36 03:37 - 17:08

Adigeni Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Adigeni classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Jerusalem StarJerusalem Star
Located in Akhaltsikhe, a 2-minute walk from Rabati Fortress and a 5-minute walk from Akhaltsikhe Train Station, Jerusalem Star offers guests a shared, fully equipped kitchen... view more
GEL 70
Hotel Hotel RomantikaHotel Romantika
Located in the centre of Akhaltsikhe, a 10-minute walk from Akhaltsikhe Train Station, Hotel Romantika features an on-site café, banquet facilities, and free Wi-Fi throughout the property... view more
GEL 80
Hotel Hotel LomsiaHotel Lomsia
Hotel Lomsia is located in the heart of Akhaltsikhe town, 100 meters from the central park. It features a terrace, and free Wi-Fi is available throughout... view more
GEL 125
Hotel TouristTourist
Tourist Hotel is located in Akhaltsikhe, a 20-minute walk from Rabat Fortress. It offers a garden and terrace. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout. All rooms are simply decorated and offer a flat-screen TV and air conditioning... view more
GEL 80
Hotel Hotel StarHotel Star
Located in Akhaltsikhe, a 3-minute walk from Akhaltsikhe Park, Hotel Star features an on-site café that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner... view more
GEL 80
More Hotels »

Adigeni Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Adigeni and its surroundings.

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DB-City.comAdigeni 3/5 (2021-11-09 16:59:33)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page