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  11. Saint George

Saint George

Saint George Localisation : Country United Kingdom, Territory Bermuda.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Saint George's, Hamilton and Smith's.


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Update data

CountryUnited Kingdom

Saint George Administration

Saint George CodeBM.SG

Saint George Demography

Information on the people and the population of Saint George.

Saint George Population1,743 inhabitants
Saint George Population Density1,272.3 /km² (3,295.1 /sq mi)

Saint George Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Saint George.

Saint George Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 32.3819, Longitude: -64.6774
32° 22′ 55″ North, 64° 40′ 39″ West
Saint George Area137 hectares
1.37 km² (0.53 sq mi)
Saint George Altitude14 m (46 ft)

Saint George Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Saint George and the biggest cities of United Kingdom.

London 5547 kmBristol 5377 kmBirmingham 5421 km
Leeds 5441 kmGlasgow 5273 km closestSheffield 5448 km
Bradford 5428 kmManchester 5397 kmEdinburgh 5342 km
Liverpool 5347 kmCardiff 5336 kmWakefield 5445 km

Saint George Map

Locate simply the city of Saint George through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Saint George Nearby cities and villages

Saint George's 1.5 kmHamilton 6.5 kmSmith's 9.2 km
Devonshire 11.9 kmPembroke 13.5 kmPaget 13.7 km
Hamilton 14 kmWarwick 17.8 km

Saint George Zone

Time zone of Saint George.

Saint George Local time
Saint George Time zoneUTC -4:00 (Atlantic/Bermuda)
Summer time UTC -3:00
Winter time UTC -4:00

Saint George Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Saint George.

Saint George Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Saint George.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
9 February12:06 - 17:32 - 22:5911:41 - 23:2411:12 - 23:53 10:43 - 00:22
10 February12:05 - 17:32 - 23:0011:40 - 23:2511:11 - 23:54 10:42 - 00:23
11 February12:04 - 17:32 - 23:0111:39 - 23:2611:10 - 23:55 10:41 - 00:24
12 February12:03 - 17:32 - 23:0211:38 - 23:2711:09 - 23:56 10:40 - 00:24
13 February12:02 - 17:32 - 23:0311:37 - 23:2811:08 - 23:56 10:40 - 00:25
14 February12:01 - 17:32 - 23:0311:36 - 23:2811:07 - 23:57 10:39 - 00:26
15 February12:00 - 17:32 - 23:0411:35 - 23:2911:06 - 23:58 10:38 - 00:27

Saint George Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Saint George classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel The Saint George's ClubThe Saint George's Club

Saint George
This vacation property offers access to a private beach and 3 outdoor pools. The property is 5 minutes’ drive from St. George town centre, a world heritage site offering shopping and dining... view more
$US 199
Hotel Grotto Bay Beach ResortGrotto Bay Beach Resort

Located along Castle Harbour, this 21-acre tropical estate features an underground cave, full-service spa and spacious rooms with ocean views. LF Wade International Airport is a 10-minute drive away... view more
Hotel Rosewood tucker's PointRosewood tucker's Point

Tuckerʼs Town
Featuring a private beach area at the ocean front, Rosewood tucker's Point offers 4 swimming pools, a fitness centre, a spa bath, and a tennis and golf club. The property has complimentary Wi-Fi and free private parking... view more
$US 295
Hotel Clear View Suites & VillasClear View Suites & Villas
Situated on North Shore Bermuda, Clear View Suites and Villas has outdoor swimming pool, tennis court, and an on-site restaurant. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are available in the hotel... view more
$US 215
Hotel Royal Palms HotelRoyal Palms Hotel

Offering rooms set in coral-coloured 19th-century manor houses, Royal Palms Hotel is 1 km from Hamilton Marina and Yacht Club. It features 2 restaurants and an outdoor swimming pool set in attractive gardens... view more
$US 373
More Hotels »

Saint George Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Saint George and its surroundings.

Saint George Page

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  • Information
  • Administration
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page