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  11. Kasongo Lunda

Kasongo Lunda

Kasongo Lunda Localisation : Country Democratic Republic of the Congo, Province Kwango.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area and Altitude.


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Kasongo Lunda Demography

Information on the people and the population of Kasongo Lunda.

Kasongo Lunda Population1,640,430 inhabitants
Kasongo Lunda Population Density61.6 /km² (159.4 /sq mi)

Kasongo Lunda Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Kasongo Lunda.

Kasongo Lunda Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -6.48333, Longitude: 16.8333
6° 28′ 60″ South, 16° 49′ 60″ East
Kasongo Lunda Area2,664,800 hectares
26,648.00 km² (10,288.85 sq mi)
Kasongo Lunda Altitude488 m (1,601 ft)
Kasongo Lunda ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Kasongo Lunda Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Kasongo Lunda and the biggest cities of Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Kinshasa 293 kmLubumbashi 1305 kmIdiofa 346 km
Kananga 620 kmMahagi 1852 kmMbuji-Mayi 748 km
Aru 1874 kmKisangani 1213 kmMasi-Manimba 226 km
Kenge 184 km closestGungu 287 kmBagata 330 km

Kasongo Lunda Map

Locate simply the city of Kasongo Lunda through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Kasongo Lunda Zone

Time zone of Kasongo Lunda.

Kasongo Lunda Local time
Kasongo Lunda Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Africa/Kinshasa)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Kasongo Lunda Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Kasongo Lunda.

Kasongo Lunda Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Kasongo Lunda.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 January05:47 - 12:01 - 18:1505:24 - 18:3704:58 - 19:03 04:31 - 19:30
13 January05:47 - 12:01 - 18:1505:25 - 18:3704:58 - 19:03 04:32 - 19:30
14 January05:47 - 12:01 - 18:1505:25 - 18:3704:59 - 19:04 04:33 - 19:30
15 January05:48 - 12:02 - 18:1505:26 - 18:3804:59 - 19:04 04:33 - 19:30
16 January05:48 - 12:02 - 18:1605:26 - 18:3805:00 - 19:04 04:34 - 19:30
17 January05:49 - 12:02 - 18:1605:27 - 18:3805:01 - 19:04 04:34 - 19:30
18 January05:49 - 12:03 - 18:1605:27 - 18:3805:01 - 19:04 04:35 - 19:31

Kasongo Lunda Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Kasongo Lunda and its surroundings.

Kasongo Lunda Page

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DB-City.comKasongo Lunda 4.3/5 (2020-01-22 14:31:55)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Nearby
  • Page