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  13. Ezeiza


Ezeiza Localisation : Country Argentina, Province Buenos Aires Province, Ezeiza.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Esteban Echeverría, Almirante Brown and Presidente Perón.


Find all the information of Ezeiza or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Ezeiza Administration

Ezeiza CodeBUE039
Ezeiza Post code1804

Ezeiza Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Ezeiza? Here are all the details of Ezeiza available below.

Ezeiza Postal addressRuta 205 km. 32,600
Ezeiza Phone number1142956342
International: +54 1142956342
Ezeiza Fax number1142321872
International: +54 1142321872
Ezeiza Email address[email protected]
Ezeiza Websitewww.ezeiza.gov.ar
Other informationMunicipalidades en Argentina : Ezeiza
Ezeiza Birth certificate, Ezeiza Death certificate

Ezeiza Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ezeiza.

Ezeiza Population163,722 inhabitants
Ezeiza Population Density734.2 /km² (1,901.5 /sq mi)

Ezeiza Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ezeiza.

Ezeiza Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -34.8553, Longitude: -58.5258
34° 51′ 19″ South, 58° 31′ 33″ West
Ezeiza Area22,300 hectares
223.00 km² (86.10 sq mi)
Ezeiza Altitude25 m (82 ft)
Ezeiza ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Ezeiza Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ezeiza and the biggest cities of Argentina.

Buenos Aires 31 kmLa Matanza 19 kmCórdoba 651 km
Rosario 290 kmLa Plata 53 kmMar del Plata 361 km
Lomas de Zamora 15 kmQuilmes 28 kmAlmirante Brown 14 km closest
San Miguel de Tucumán 1099 kmMerlo 28 kmSalta 1302 km

Ezeiza Map

Locate simply the city of Ezeiza through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ezeiza Nearby cities and villages

Ezeiza Zone

Time zone of Ezeiza.

Ezeiza Local time
Ezeiza Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Ezeiza Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ezeiza.

Ezeiza Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ezeiza.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
1 January09:44 - 16:57 - 00:1109:15 - 00:4008:38 - 01:16 07:58 - 01:56
2 January09:45 - 16:58 - 00:1109:16 - 00:4008:39 - 01:16 07:59 - 01:56
3 January09:46 - 16:58 - 00:1109:16 - 00:4008:40 - 01:16 08:00 - 01:56
4 January09:46 - 16:59 - 00:1109:17 - 00:4008:41 - 01:16 08:02 - 01:56
5 January09:47 - 16:59 - 00:1109:18 - 00:4008:42 - 01:16 08:03 - 01:56
6 January09:48 - 17:00 - 00:1109:19 - 00:4008:43 - 01:16 08:04 - 01:56
7 January09:49 - 17:00 - 00:1109:20 - 00:4008:44 - 01:16 08:05 - 01:55

Ezeiza Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ezeiza classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Centro Deportivo CanningCentro Deportivo Canning
Offering a spa and a tennis court, Centro Deportivo Canning is located in Ezeiza 700 metres from Las Toscas Shopping mall and 35 km from downtown Buenos Aires. There is free Wi-Fi and a daily brekfast is included... view more
$US 70
Hotel Hotel Plaza Central CanningHotel Plaza Central Canning

Only 7 km from Ministro Pistarini International Airport, this hotel offers plush accommodation with free Wi-Fi and parking. It features a fitness centre and 3 restaurants. Buenos Aires city centre is 32 km away... view more
$US 115
Hotel Howard Johnson Resort & Convention Center EzeizaHoward Johnson Resort & Convention Center Ezeiza

Featuring a garden, an outdoor swimming pool and a spa, Howard Johnson Resort & Convention Center offers free Wi-Fi and buffet breakfast in Ezeiza. The property is 15 km from Ezeiza international airport... view more
$US 125
Hotel Hotel de Campo La MorenaHotel de Campo La Morena
A seasonal outdoor pool, tennis courts and traditional-style rooms with countryside views, a fan and shared bathrooms are offered at Hotel de Campo La Morena. This typical ranch is a 15-minute drive from Ezeiza Airport... view more
$US 42
Hotel La Casa de Maria RafaelaLa Casa de Maria Rafaela
Featuring a spa, a restaurant and a garden with a swimming pool, La Casa de Maria Rafaela offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV only 12.7 km from Ezeiza Airport. Free parking is provided. Buenos Aires City Centre is 28 km away... view more
$US 75
More Hotels »

Ezeiza Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ezeiza and its surroundings.

Parada Links 2.3 kmApeadero La Unión 2.3 kmApeadero Unión Ferroviaria 2.3 km
Estación La Unión 2.3 kmEstancia Los Rosales 3.8 kmEstancia La Sofia 4.6 km
Aeropuerto Internacional Ezeiza 4.9 kmEstancia Elvira María 5.3 kmEstancia La Isabel 5.6 km
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Centro Atómico Ezeiza 5.7 kmCNEA Centro Atómico Ezeiza 5.7 kmEstancia El Rosario 6.1 km
Tambo La Aurora 6.5 kmEstancia La Magdalena 6.8 kmEstación Monte Grande 6.8 km
Monte Grande 6.8 kmM. Grande 6.8 kmEstancia El Triángulo 7.1 km
Granja Canale 7.1 kmEstancia Canetti 7.4 kmEstancia Los Talas 7.5 km
Granja San José 7.8 kmGranja El Refugio 7.8 kmEstancia La Milia 8.1 km
Estancia El Recreo 8.3 kmEstancia La Maruja 8.6 kmParada Kilómetro 41.4 8.7 km
Apeadero Kilómetro 41.4 8.7 kmApeadero C. Spegazzini 8.7 kmApeadero Carlos Spegazzini 8.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Atucha I nuclear power plant 116.4 km  

Ezeiza Page

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DB-City.comEzeiza 5/5 (2018-04-06 01:00:00)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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