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Country | Argentina |
Province | Buenos Aires Province |
Ezeiza |
Ezeiza Administration
Ezeiza Code | BUE039 |
Ezeiza Post code | 1804 |
Ezeiza Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Ezeiza? Here are all the details of Ezeiza available below.
Ezeiza Postal address | Ruta 205 km. 32,600 1804 JOSÉ MARÍA EZEIZA Argentina |
Ezeiza Phone number | 1142956342 International: +54 1142956342 |
Ezeiza Fax number | 1142321872 International: +54 1142321872 |
Ezeiza Email address | [email protected] |
Ezeiza Website | |
Other information | Municipalidades en Argentina : Ezeiza |
Ezeiza Birth certificate, Ezeiza Death certificate |
Ezeiza Demography
Information on the people and the population of Ezeiza.
Ezeiza Population | 163,722 inhabitants |
Ezeiza Population Density | 734.2 /km² (1,901.5 /sq mi) |
Ezeiza Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Ezeiza.
Ezeiza Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -34.8553, Longitude: -58.5258 34° 51′ 19″ South, 58° 31′ 33″ West |
Ezeiza Area | 22,300 hectares 223.00 km² (86.10 sq mi) |
Ezeiza Altitude | 25 m (82 ft) |
Ezeiza Climate | Humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa) |
Ezeiza Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Ezeiza and the biggest cities of Argentina.
Buenos Aires 31 km | La Matanza 19 km | Córdoba 651 km |
Rosario 290 km | La Plata 53 km | Mar del Plata 361 km |
Lomas de Zamora 15 km | Quilmes 28 km | Almirante Brown 14 km closest |
San Miguel de Tucumán 1099 km | Merlo 28 km | Salta 1302 km |
Ezeiza Map
Locate simply the city of Ezeiza through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Ezeiza Nearby cities and villages
Esteban Echeverría 4.2 km | Almirante Brown 14.3 km | Presidente Perón 14.4 km |
Lomas de Zamora 15.1 km | La Matanza 19.3 km |
Ezeiza Zone
Time zone of Ezeiza.
Ezeiza Local time | |
Ezeiza Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Ezeiza Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ezeiza.
Ezeiza Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ezeiza.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
1 January | 09:44 - 16:57 - 00:11 | 09:15 - 00:40 | 08:38 - 01:16 | 07:58 - 01:56 |
2 January | 09:45 - 16:58 - 00:11 | 09:16 - 00:40 | 08:39 - 01:16 | 07:59 - 01:56 |
3 January | 09:46 - 16:58 - 00:11 | 09:16 - 00:40 | 08:40 - 01:16 | 08:00 - 01:56 |
4 January | 09:46 - 16:59 - 00:11 | 09:17 - 00:40 | 08:41 - 01:16 | 08:02 - 01:56 |
5 January | 09:47 - 16:59 - 00:11 | 09:18 - 00:40 | 08:42 - 01:16 | 08:03 - 01:56 |
6 January | 09:48 - 17:00 - 00:11 | 09:19 - 00:40 | 08:43 - 01:16 | 08:04 - 01:56 |
7 January | 09:49 - 17:00 - 00:11 | 09:20 - 00:40 | 08:44 - 01:16 | 08:05 - 01:55 |
Ezeiza Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ezeiza classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Centro Deportivo Canning Ezeiza Offering a spa and a tennis court, Centro Deportivo Canning is located in Ezeiza 700 metres from Las Toscas Shopping mall and 35 km from downtown Buenos Aires. There is free Wi-Fi and a daily brekfast is included... view more | from $US 70 | |
Hotel Plaza Central Canning Ezeiza Only 7 km from Ministro Pistarini International Airport, this hotel offers plush accommodation with free Wi-Fi and parking. It features a fitness centre and 3 restaurants. Buenos Aires city centre is 32 km away... view more | from $US 115 | |
Howard Johnson Resort & Convention Center Ezeiza Ezeiza Featuring a garden, an outdoor swimming pool and a spa, Howard Johnson Resort & Convention Center offers free Wi-Fi and buffet breakfast in Ezeiza. The property is 15 km from Ezeiza international airport... view more | from $US 125 | |
Hotel de Campo La Morena Ezeiza A seasonal outdoor pool, tennis courts and traditional-style rooms with countryside views, a fan and shared bathrooms are offered at Hotel de Campo La Morena. This typical ranch is a 15-minute drive from Ezeiza Airport... view more | from $US 42 | |
La Casa de Maria Rafaela Ezeiza Featuring a spa, a restaurant and a garden with a swimming pool, La Casa de Maria Rafaela offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV only 12.7 km from Ezeiza Airport. Free parking is provided. Buenos Aires City Centre is 28 km away... view more | from $US 75 | |
More Hotels » |
Ezeiza Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ezeiza and its surroundings.
Parada Links 2.3 km | Apeadero La Unión 2.3 km | Apeadero Unión Ferroviaria 2.3 km |
Estación La Unión 2.3 km | Estancia Los Rosales 3.8 km | Estancia La Sofia 4.6 km |
Aeropuerto Internacional Ezeiza 4.9 km | Estancia Elvira María 5.3 km | Estancia La Isabel 5.6 km |
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Centro Atómico Ezeiza 5.7 km | CNEA Centro Atómico Ezeiza 5.7 km | Estancia El Rosario 6.1 km |
Tambo La Aurora 6.5 km | Estancia La Magdalena 6.8 km | Estación Monte Grande 6.8 km |
Monte Grande 6.8 km | M. Grande 6.8 km | Estancia El Triángulo 7.1 km |
Granja Canale 7.1 km | Estancia Canetti 7.4 km | Estancia Los Talas 7.5 km |
Granja San José 7.8 km | Granja El Refugio 7.8 km | Estancia La Milia 8.1 km |
Estancia El Recreo 8.3 km | Estancia La Maruja 8.6 km | Parada Kilómetro 41.4 8.7 km |
Apeadero Kilómetro 41.4 8.7 km | Apeadero C. Spegazzini 8.7 km | Apeadero Carlos Spegazzini 8.7 km |
Nuclear power plant
Atucha I nuclear power plant 116.4 km |
Ezeiza Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Ezeiza /5 (2018-04-06 01:00:00) |