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Moreno Localisation : Country Argentina, Province Buenos Aires Province, Moreno.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Merlo, Ituzaingó and San Miguel.


Find all the information of Moreno or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Moreno Administration

Moreno CodeBUE085
Moreno Post code1744
Moreno MayorMariel Fernández

Moreno Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Moreno? Here are all the details of Moreno available below.

Moreno Postal addressDr. Asconape 51
Moreno Phone number114638492
International: +54 114638492
Moreno Fax number2374627283
International: +54 2374627283
Moreno Email address[email protected]
Moreno Websitewww.moreno.gob.ar
Other informationMunicipalidades en Argentina : Moreno
Moreno Birth certificate, Moreno Death certificate

Moreno Demography

Information on the people and the population of Moreno.

Moreno Population452,505 inhabitants
Moreno Population Density2,457.0 /km² (6,363.6 /sq mi)

Moreno Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Moreno.

Moreno Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -34.6506, Longitude: -58.7897
34° 39′ 2″ South, 58° 47′ 23″ West
Moreno Area18,417 hectares
184.17 km² (71.11 sq mi)
Moreno Altitude26 m (85 ft)
Moreno ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Moreno Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Moreno and the biggest cities of Argentina.

Buenos Aires 39 kmLa Matanza 22 kmCórdoba 619 km
Rosario 257 kmLa Plata 82 kmMar del Plata 389 km
Lomas de Zamora 38 kmQuilmes 48 kmAlmirante Brown 41 km
San Miguel de Tucumán 1066 kmMerlo 6 km closestSalta 1270 km

Moreno Map

Locate simply the city of Moreno through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Moreno Nearby cities and villages

Merlo 5.9 kmItuzaingó 11.4 kmSan Miguel 13.9 km
José Clemente Paz 15.1 kmMorón 15.4 kmHurlingham 15.4 km
Marcos Paz 15.5 kmGeneral Rodríguez 15.7 kmMalvinas Argentinas 17.7 km

Moreno Zone

Time zone of Moreno.

Moreno Local time
Moreno Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Moreno Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Moreno.

Moreno Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Moreno.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
2 February10:16 - 17:08 - 00:0009:49 - 00:2809:16 - 01:00 08:41 - 01:35
3 February10:17 - 17:08 - 00:0009:50 - 00:2709:17 - 00:59 08:43 - 01:34
4 February10:18 - 17:09 - 23:5909:51 - 00:2609:19 - 00:58 08:44 - 01:33
5 February10:19 - 17:09 - 23:5809:52 - 00:2509:20 - 00:57 08:46 - 01:32
6 February10:20 - 17:09 - 23:5709:54 - 00:2409:21 - 00:56 08:47 - 01:31
7 February10:21 - 17:09 - 23:5609:55 - 00:2309:22 - 00:55 08:48 - 01:29
8 February10:22 - 17:09 - 23:5509:56 - 00:2209:23 - 00:54 08:50 - 01:28

Moreno Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Moreno classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Paradiso Resort & EventosParadiso Resort & Eventos
La Reja
Offering an indoor/outdoor swimming pool and spa facilities, Paradiso Resort & Eventos is located in Estanislao S. Zeballos, 6 km from Moreno Station. Free Wi-Fi access is available in this resort and there is an on-site tennis court... view more
$US 98
Hotel Los PlátanosLos Plátanos

Offering a swimming pool surrounded by extensive gardens, these cabin-style bungalows have fully furnished accommodation and free Wi-Fi a 25-minute drive from Buenos Aires. Massage sessions and on-site volleyball courts are available... view more
$US 126
Hotel Posadas del OestePosadas del Oeste
General Rodríguez
An outdoor swimming pool and cosy bungalows are offered in Moreno, 3 km from downtown General Rodriguez. Posadas del Oeste bungalows are equipped with TVs and air conditioning. They have full kitchen facilities with microwaves and refrigerators... view more
$US 75
Hotel Cabañas Las Lavandas en PilarCabañas Las Lavandas en Pilar
Featuring a big garden with a swimming pool, Cabañas Las Lavandas en Pilar offers rustic self-catering cabins with cable TV, only 6 km from Pilar city. Buenos Aires city centre is 47 km away... view more
$US 70
Hotel Pilar Apart HotelPilar Apart Hotel

An outdoor heated swimming pool and a fitness centre can be enjoyed in these fully furnished apartments in Pilar. Only a 5-minute drive from Palmas del Pilar Shopping Mall. Wi-Fi and private parking are free... view more
$US 82
More Hotels »

Moreno Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Moreno and its surroundings.

Estación Moreno 0.1 kmEstancia Santa Marta 3.4 kmPuente Cascallares 4.8 km
Aeródromo Merlo 5 kmPuente Falbu 5.3 kmParada Kilómetro 38 6.3 km
Parada Agustín Ferrari 6.3 kmParada Kilómetro Treinta y Ocho 6.3 kmPuente Márquez 6.5 km
Puente Nino 7.3 kmLoma Mariló 8 kmPuente Roca 8.1 km
Tambo G. Tavaut 8.2 kmParada Marinos del Crucero General Belgrano 8.4 kmChacra J. C. Mujia 8.7 km
Estancia San Juan 9.6 kmTambo P. Ollataguerre 9.8 kmParque Leloir 9.9 km
Estancia La Estrella 10.2 kmEstancia La Choza 10.5 kmEstancia La Margarita 10.7 km
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria 11.4 kmEstancia La Luisita 11.5 kmEstancia La Josefina 12 km
Puente Centenario 12.6 kmParada Kilómetro 49.1 12.6 kmParada Las Malvinas 12.6 km
Parada Bella Vista 13.4 kmApeadero Bella Vista 13.4 kmParada B. Vista 13.4 km

Nuclear power plant

Atucha I nuclear power plant 84.8 km  

Moreno Page

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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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