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Pasto Administration
Pasto Code | 52001000 |
Pasto Post code | 520001 |
Pasto Mayor | Harold Guerrero Lopez |
Pasto Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Pasto? Here are all the details of Pasto available below.
Pasto Postal address | 520001 San Juan de Pasto Colombia |
Pasto Phone number | 2723 0147 International: +57 2723 0147 |
Pasto Fax number | 2729 2000 International: +57 2729 2000 |
Pasto Email address | [email protected] |
Pasto Website | |
Other information | Municipios de Colombia : San Juan de Pasto |
Pasto Birth certificate, Pasto Death certificate |
Pasto Demography
Information on the people and the population of Pasto.
Pasto Population | 462,322 inhabitants |
Pasto Population Density | 408.8 /km² (1,058.7 /sq mi) |
Pasto Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Pasto.
Pasto Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 1.2, Longitude: -77.267 1° 12′ 0″ North, 77° 16′ 1″ West |
Pasto Area | 113,100 hectares 1,131.00 km² (436.68 sq mi) |
Pasto Altitude | 2,543 m (8,343 ft) |
Pasto Climate | Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb) |
Pasto Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Pasto and the biggest cities of Colombia.
Bogotá 519 km | Medellín 590 km | Cali 261 km closest |
Barranquilla 1123 km | Cartagena 1043 km | Cúcuta 914 km |
Ibagué 426 km | Bucaramanga 803 km | Soledad 1117 km |
Pereira 439 km | Santa Marta 1167 km | Soacha 507 km |
Pasto Map
Locate simply the city of Pasto through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Pasto Nearby cities and villages
Nariño 14.5 km | Yacuanquer 17.4 km | Tangua 18.4 km |
Chachagüí 18.7 km | La Florida 18.9 km |
Pasto Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Pasto has international agreements with its different pairings.
Pasto Zone
Time zone of Pasto.
Pasto Local time | |
Pasto Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Bogota) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Pasto Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Pasto.
Pasto Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Pasto.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 12:15 - 18:17 - 00:18 | 11:53 - 00:41 | 11:27 - 01:06 | 11:01 - 01:32 |
12 January | 12:15 - 18:17 - 00:19 | 11:53 - 00:41 | 11:27 - 01:07 | 11:01 - 01:33 |
13 January | 12:16 - 18:17 - 00:19 | 11:54 - 00:41 | 11:28 - 01:07 | 11:02 - 01:33 |
14 January | 12:16 - 18:18 - 00:20 | 11:54 - 00:42 | 11:28 - 01:07 | 11:02 - 01:33 |
15 January | 12:16 - 18:18 - 00:20 | 11:54 - 00:42 | 11:29 - 01:08 | 11:03 - 01:34 |
16 January | 12:17 - 18:18 - 00:20 | 11:55 - 00:42 | 11:29 - 01:08 | 11:03 - 01:34 |
17 January | 12:17 - 18:19 - 00:21 | 11:55 - 00:43 | 11:29 - 01:08 | 11:04 - 01:34 |
Pasto Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Pasto classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Venecia Confort Pasto Only 9 blocks from the Templo del Santo Sepulcro in picturesque Pasto, the hotel offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. Private parking is free... view more | ||
Hotel del Parque Pasto Located 100 metres from Alkosto Bolivar shopping mall and 2 km from the bus station, Hotel del Parque offers free Wi-Fi in Pasto. Regional dishes can be ordered on site and there is free parking... view more | ||
Hotel Sello Dorado Pasto Featuring a terrace and a restaurant, Hotel Sello Dorado offers free Wi-Fi and free parking in the city of Pasto. The rooms in Hotel Sello Dorado feature a desk, ironing facilities, and a CD and DVD player. Room service is provided... view more | ||
Loft Hotel Pasto Loft Hotel features contemporary clean white architecture in downtown San Juan de Pasto, 2-blocks from the central Nariño Plaza. It offers stylish suites with free Wi-Fi, a massage service and a sauna... view more | ||
Apartahotel Vincent Suites Pasto A sauna room and gym facilities can be enjoyed at Apartahotel Vincent Suites. All rooms feature private balconies and free Wi-Fi. Domestic calls are free. Vincent Suites has practical rooms and suites with flat-screen cable TV and DVD players... view more | ||
More Hotels » |
Pasto Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Pasto and its surroundings.
Hacienda Pachindo 5.1 km | Hacienda Santa Rosa 5.5 km | Hacienda La Cabaña 7.3 km |
Hacienda Daza 7.5 km | Cerro El Verde 7.8 km | Morasurco 8.9 km |
Páramo de Tacines 8.9 km | Hacienda El Rosal 8.9 km | Hacienda Sumatambo 9.1 km |
Cerro Marazurco 9.3 km | Cerro Morazurco 9.3 km | Loma Casanare 9.3 km |
Loma La Isla 9.4 km | Cuchilla El Tábano 9.5 km | Hacienda El Carmen 9.8 km |
Volcán de El Galeras 10.5 km | Volcán Galeras 10.5 km | El Galera 10.5 km |
Volcán de Pasto 10.5 km | La Galera 10.5 km | Loma Alta 10.6 km |
Gallina 10.6 km | Morro El Gallo 11.6 km | Hacienda Puyito Pamba 12 km |
Cerro de Pan de Azúcar 13.5 km | Hacienda Canta Claro 14.5 km | Hacienda San Luis 14.6 km |
Bordoncillo 14.8 km | Hacienda La Concepción 14.8 km | Páramo de Siquitán 15 km |
Pasto Page
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