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Bucaramanga Administration
Bucaramanga Code | 68001 |
Bucaramanga Post code | 680006 |
Bucaramanga Mayor | Rodolfo Hernandez Suarez |
Bucaramanga Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Bucaramanga? Here are all the details of Bucaramanga available below.
Bucaramanga Postal address | Carrera 11 No 34 - 52 Fase II 680001 Bucaramanga Colombia |
Bucaramanga Phone number | 7633 4208 International: +57 7633 4208 |
Bucaramanga Fax number | 7652 1777 International: +57 7652 1777 |
Bucaramanga Email address | [email protected] |
Bucaramanga Website | |
Other information | Municipios de Colombia : Bucaramanga |
Bucaramanga Birth certificate, Bucaramanga Death certificate |
Bucaramanga Demography
Information on the people and the population of Bucaramanga.
Bucaramanga Population | 509,918 inhabitants |
Bucaramanga Population Density | 3,311.2 /km² (8,575.9 /sq mi) |
Bucaramanga Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Bucaramanga.
Bucaramanga Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 7.11392, Longitude: -73.1198 7° 6′ 50″ North, 73° 7′ 11″ West |
Bucaramanga Area | 15,400 hectares 154.00 km² (59.46 sq mi) |
Bucaramanga Altitude | 950 m (3,117 ft) |
Bucaramanga Climate | Monsoon (Köppen climate classification: Am) |
Bucaramanga Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Bucaramanga and the biggest cities of Colombia.
Bucaramanga Map
Locate simply the city of Bucaramanga through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Bucaramanga Nearby cities and villages
Floridablanca 6.4 km | San Juan de Girón 7.4 km | Lebrija 10.7 km |
Piedecuesta 16.1 km | Tona 19.4 km |
Bucaramanga Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Bucaramanga has international agreements with its different pairings.
Bucaramanga Zone
Time zone of Bucaramanga.
Bucaramanga Local time | |
Bucaramanga Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Bogota) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Bucaramanga Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Bucaramanga.
Bucaramanga Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Bucaramanga.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
8 January | 12:07 - 17:59 - 23:51 | 11:44 - 00:13 | 11:18 - 00:39 | 10:53 - 01:05 |
9 January | 12:07 - 17:59 - 23:51 | 11:45 - 00:14 | 11:19 - 00:40 | 10:53 - 01:06 |
10 January | 12:07 - 18:00 - 23:52 | 11:45 - 00:14 | 11:19 - 00:40 | 10:53 - 01:06 |
11 January | 12:08 - 18:00 - 23:52 | 11:45 - 00:15 | 11:20 - 00:41 | 10:54 - 01:06 |
12 January | 12:08 - 18:00 - 23:53 | 11:46 - 00:15 | 11:20 - 00:41 | 10:54 - 01:07 |
13 January | 12:08 - 18:01 - 23:53 | 11:46 - 00:16 | 11:20 - 00:41 | 10:54 - 01:07 |
14 January | 12:09 - 18:01 - 23:54 | 11:46 - 00:16 | 11:21 - 00:42 | 10:55 - 01:08 |
Bucaramanga Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Bucaramanga classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel San José Plaza Bucaramanga San José Plaza offers bright and spacious public areas and modern rooms in the centre of Bucaramanga, 40-minutes drive from Palonegro International Airport. Rooms have a hydromassage tub and free Wi-Fi... view more | ||
Hotel San Nicolas Bucaramanga Rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered in Bucaramanga, a 10-minute drive from the commercial area. Casa Bolivar with its many cultural events is a 10-minute walk. A daily breakfast is offered... view more | ||
Hotel Victoria Comfort Bucaramanga Practical rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered only 1 block from La Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Bucaramanga. Santander Park is 1 block away and there is free private parking nearby... view more | ||
Estelar Apartamentos Bucaramanga Bucaramanga Featuring a fitness centre, a regional restaurant and a business centre, Estelar Apartamentos Bucaramanga offers self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi and buffet breakfast in Bucaramanga... view more | ||
Hotel Plazuela Real Bucaramanga In a commercial area of Bucaramanga, not far from Colombian national treasure Girón City, Plazuela Real features a restaurant, tour desk and rooms with hydromassage tubs. Wi-Fi and parking are free... view more | ||
More Hotels » |
Bucaramanga Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Bucaramanga and its surroundings.
Estadio Alfonso López 2.6 km | Malana 3.6 km | Hacienda Zapamanga 4.2 km |
El Gualilo 4.5 km | Hacienda Reyes 5 km | Loma Retiro Chiquito 5 km |
Hacienda Chimitá 5 km | Hacienda El Carmen 5.1 km | El Carmen 5.1 km |
Hacienda Suratá 5.2 km | La Laguna 5.2 km | Hacienda La Laguna 5.2 km |
Hacienda Río de Oro 5.6 km | Cuchilla Los Argelinos 5.9 km | Hacienda San Antonio 6 km |
Hacienda Santa Bárbara 6 km | Estación Café Madrid 6.1 km | Estación Bucaramanga 6.1 km |
Hacienda Bucarica 6.2 km | Hacienda Samarcanda 6.5 km | Helechalest 6.5 km |
Cuchilla Palo Negro 6.7 km | Cuchilla Palonegro 6.7 km | Calvicia 6.8 km |
Cuchilla Pablón 7 km | Pablón 7.3 km | Aguablanca 7.4 km |
Loma Judía Chiquita 7.6 km | Granja La Constancia 7.7 km | Granja Trinitarios 7.9 km |
Bucaramanga Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Bucaramanga /5 (2021-04-08 13:00:42) |