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  11. Flores


Flores Localisation : Country Guatemala, Department Peten.
Available Information : Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : San Benito, San Andrés and San José.


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Flores Administration

Flores Post code17001
Flores MayorMayra Palencia

Flores Demography

Information on the people and the population of Flores.

Flores Population144,932 inhabitants
Flores Population Density33.3 /km² (86.3 /sq mi)

Flores Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Flores.

Flores Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 16.9333, Longitude: -89.8833
16° 55′ 60″ North, 89° 52′ 60″ West
Flores Area434,750 hectares
4,347.50 km² (1,678.58 sq mi)
Flores Altitude123 m (404 ft)
Flores ClimateMonsoon (Köppen climate classification: Am)

Flores Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Flores and the biggest cities of Guatemala.

Flores Map

Locate simply the city of Flores through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Flores Nearby cities and villages

San Benito 2.6 kmSan Andrés 4.8 kmSan José 5.9 km
Santa Ana 15.3 kmSan Francisco 15.6 km

Flores Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Flores has international agreements with its different pairings.

Flores Zone

Time zone of Flores.

Flores Local time
Flores Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Guatemala)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Flores Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Flores.

Flores Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Flores.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
4 January13:29 - 19:04 - 00:3913:06 - 01:0212:39 - 01:29 12:13 - 01:56
5 January13:30 - 19:05 - 00:4013:06 - 01:0312:40 - 01:30 12:13 - 01:56
6 January13:30 - 19:05 - 00:4013:07 - 01:0312:40 - 01:30 12:13 - 01:57
7 January13:30 - 19:06 - 00:4113:07 - 01:0412:40 - 01:31 12:14 - 01:57
8 January13:31 - 19:06 - 00:4113:07 - 01:0512:40 - 01:31 12:14 - 01:58
9 January13:31 - 19:06 - 00:4213:08 - 01:0512:41 - 01:32 12:14 - 01:58
10 January13:31 - 19:07 - 00:4313:08 - 01:0612:41 - 01:33 12:15 - 01:59

Flores Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Flores classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel SabanaHotel Sabana

Located in Island of Flowers, just 2 minutes’ drive from the mainland and Mundo Maya International Mall, Hotel Sabana offers its guest an outdoor pool plus a hot tub and free Wi-Fi access... view more
GTQ 234
Hotel Hotel Casa AzulHotel Casa Azul

Featuring rooms with shared terraces overlooking Peten Itza Lake, Hotel Casa Azul is set next to the beach on Flores Island. It offers a 24-hour reception and free Wi-Fi in public areas... view more
GTQ 269
Hotel Hotel Casa AmeliaHotel Casa Amelia

Hotel Casa Amelia is a colourful property that offers its guests free light breakfast, free airport shuttle and stunning views of Lake Petén. It also has free Wi-Fi and is 5 minutes’ drive from Mundo Maya International Airport... view more
GTQ 230
Hotel El Peregrino Hotel Y RestauranteEl Peregrino Hotel Y Restaurante

Located on the Island of Flores, this bright hotel features traditional décor, free Wi-Fi and private bathrooms. El Peregrino Hotel Y Restaurante is situated 2 km from a major shopping centre... view more
GTQ 193
Hotel Hotel Casona de La IslaHotel Casona de La Isla

Located on Flores Island, linked by road to the shore of Lake Peten Itza, Hotel Casona de La Isla offers an outdoor pool and hot tub. There is 24-hour reception free Wi-Fi and free parking... view more
GTQ 354
More Hotels »

Flores Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Flores and its surroundings.

Flores Page

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