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Country | Guatemala |
Department | Totonicapan |
Momostenango Administration
Momostenango Post code | 08005 |
Momostenango Demography
Information on the people and the population of Momostenango.
Momostenango Population | 139,552 inhabitants |
Momostenango Population Density | 457.5 /km² (1,185.0 /sq mi) |
Momostenango Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Momostenango.
Momostenango Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 15.0444, Longitude: -91.4083 15° 2′ 40″ North, 91° 24′ 30″ West |
Momostenango Area | 30,500 hectares 305.00 km² (117.76 sq mi) |
Momostenango Altitude | 2,209 m (7,247 ft) |
Momostenango Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwb) |
Momostenango Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Momostenango and the biggest cities of Guatemala.
Guatemala 105 km | Villa Nueva 104 km | Mixco 97 km |
Cobán 122 km | Coatepeque 62 km | San Pedro Carchá 127 km |
Quetzaltenango 26 km closest | San Juan Sacatepéquez 90 km | Escuintla 107 km |
Jutiapa 183 km | Flores 266 km | Nueva Concepción 95 km |
Momostenango Map
Locate simply the city of Momostenango through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Momostenango Nearby cities and villages
San Bartolo 6.8 km | Santa María Chiquimula 8.6 km | San Francisco El Alto 11.4 km |
San Cristóbal Totonicapán 14.3 km | Totonicapán 15.7 km | San Carlos Sija 16.7 km |
Santa Cruz del Quiché 17 km | San Andrés Xecul 18 km | Salcajá 18.5 km |
San Antonio Ilotenango 19.3 km | San Francisco La Unión 19.6 km |
Momostenango Zone
Time zone of Momostenango.
Momostenango Local time | |
Momostenango Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Guatemala) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Momostenango Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Momostenango.
Momostenango Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Momostenango.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
25 January | 13:35 - 19:18 - 01:00 | 13:12 - 01:23 | 12:46 - 01:49 | 12:20 - 02:15 |
26 January | 13:35 - 19:18 - 01:01 | 13:12 - 01:23 | 12:46 - 01:49 | 12:20 - 02:15 |
27 January | 13:35 - 19:18 - 01:01 | 13:12 - 01:24 | 12:46 - 01:50 | 12:20 - 02:15 |
28 January | 13:34 - 19:18 - 01:02 | 13:12 - 01:24 | 12:46 - 01:50 | 12:20 - 02:16 |
29 January | 13:34 - 19:18 - 01:02 | 13:12 - 01:25 | 12:46 - 01:51 | 12:20 - 02:16 |
30 January | 13:34 - 19:18 - 01:03 | 13:12 - 01:25 | 12:46 - 01:51 | 12:20 - 02:17 |
31 January | 13:34 - 19:19 - 01:03 | 13:12 - 01:26 | 12:46 - 01:51 | 12:20 - 02:17 |
Momostenango Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Momostenango classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hostal Don Diego Quetzaltenango With rustic décor and free Wi-Fi, Hostal Don Diego in Quetzaltenango is located only 100 metres from the town’s main park and features a shared kitchen. This property includes a furnished patio... view more | from GTQ 48 | |
Hotel Modelo Quetzaltenango Offering a garden, a bar-restaurant and free Wi-Fi, Hotel Modelo is located a 5-minute walk from the historic centre of Quetzaltenango. Rooms feature cable TV and private bathrooms... view more | from GTQ 440 | |
Labor El Refugio Quetzaltenango Located a 10-minute drive from volcano Santa Maria and a 15-minute drive from the centre of Quetzaltenango, Labor El Refugio offers a bicycle rental, a soccer court and rappel facilities. Labor El Refugio’s rooms have clothes racks... view more | from GTQ 70 | |
Hotel Museo Mayan Inn Chichicastenango Set around a charming interior courtyard, Hotel Museo Mayan Inn is located next to Chichicastenango’s Calvario Chapel. It features individually decorated rooms and a restaurant... view more | from GTQ 662 | |
Hostal Valle Atitlan San Marcos La Laguna Surrounded by lush gardens and featuring Colonial-style décor, hammocks, wooden furniture and massage service, Hostel Valle Atitlan is located 40 metres from Atitlan Lake. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout... view more | from GTQ 70 | |
More Hotels » |
Momostenango Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Momostenango and its surroundings.
Momostenango Page
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