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Country | Guatemala |
Department | Quetzaltenango |
Coatepeque Administration
Coatepeque Post code | 09020 |
Coatepeque Mayor | Alfonso García Junco- Hemmerling |
Coatepeque Demography
Information on the people and the population of Coatepeque.
Coatepeque Population | 300,000 inhabitants |
Coatepeque Population Density | 704.2 /km² (1,823.9 /sq mi) |
Coatepeque Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Coatepeque.
Coatepeque Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 14.7, Longitude: -91.8667 14° 42′ 0″ North, 91° 52′ 0″ West |
Coatepeque Area | 42,600 hectares 426.00 km² (164.48 sq mi) |
Coatepeque Altitude | 481 m (1,578 ft) |
Coatepeque Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Coatepeque Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Coatepeque and the biggest cities of Guatemala.
Guatemala 144 km | Villa Nueva 138 km | Mixco 135 km |
Cobán 183 km | San Pedro Carchá 188 km | Quetzaltenango 40 km closest |
San Juan Sacatepéquez 132 km | Escuintla 125 km | Jutiapa 217 km |
Flores 327 km | Momostenango 62 km | Nueva Concepción 83 km |
Coatepeque Map
Locate simply the city of Coatepeque through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Coatepeque Nearby cities and villages
Flores Costa Cuca 7.7 km | El Quetzal 9.2 km | Génova 9.9 km |
Nuevo Progreso 12.4 km | La Reforma 12.4 km | Colomba 14.5 km |
Pajapita 18.2 km | El Asintal 18.2 km | El Tumbador 19.9 km |
Coatepeque Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Coatepeque has international agreements with its different pairings.
Coatepeque Zone
Time zone of Coatepeque.
Coatepeque Local time | |
Coatepeque Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Guatemala) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Coatepeque Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Coatepeque.
Coatepeque Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Coatepeque.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 13:35 - 19:15 - 00:55 | 13:12 - 01:18 | 12:46 - 01:44 | 12:20 - 02:11 |
12 January | 13:35 - 19:15 - 00:56 | 13:13 - 01:18 | 12:46 - 01:45 | 12:20 - 02:11 |
13 January | 13:36 - 19:16 - 00:56 | 13:13 - 01:19 | 12:46 - 01:45 | 12:20 - 02:12 |
14 January | 13:36 - 19:16 - 00:57 | 13:13 - 01:19 | 12:47 - 01:46 | 12:20 - 02:12 |
15 January | 13:36 - 19:17 - 00:57 | 13:13 - 01:20 | 12:47 - 01:46 | 12:21 - 02:12 |
16 January | 13:36 - 19:17 - 00:58 | 13:13 - 01:21 | 12:47 - 01:47 | 12:21 - 02:13 |
17 January | 13:36 - 19:17 - 00:58 | 13:13 - 01:21 | 12:47 - 01:47 | 12:21 - 02:13 |
Coatepeque Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Coatepeque classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Takalik Maya Lodge Retalhuleu Offering a beautiful mountain setting outside Retalhuleu, Takalik Maya Lodge's charming rooms are surrounded by tropical gardens. It features an outdoor swimming pool and a restaurant... view more | from GTQ 665 | |
Hotel Posada de Don José Retalhuleu Offering an outdoor pool and free private parking, Hotel Posada de Don José is located in the centre of Retalhuleu. Each air-conditioned room features free Wi-Fi... view more | from GTQ 360 | |
Hotel Astor Retalhuleu Hotel Astor is a colonial-style property that offers its guests complimentary breakfast, an outdoor pool and has a hot tub. It is located in Retalhuleu, 2 hours and 40 minutes’ drive from Guatemala City... view more | from GTQ 170 | |
Hotel La Quinta Retalhuleu Hotel La Quinta is located in Retalhuleu. It features free breakfast for adults and parking, plus guests have access to a swimming pool situated 50 metres away... view more | from GTQ 235 | |
Labor El Refugio Quetzaltenango Located a 10-minute drive from volcano Santa Maria and a 15-minute drive from the centre of Quetzaltenango, Labor El Refugio offers a bicycle rental, a soccer court and rappel facilities. Labor El Refugio’s rooms have clothes racks... view more | from GTQ 70 | |
More Hotels » |
Coatepeque Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Coatepeque and its surroundings.
Coatepeque Page
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