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  11. Ardfinnan


Ardfinnan Localisation : Country Ireland, County Tipperary.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Grange, Newcastle and Ballylooby.


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Ardfinnan Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ardfinnan.

Ardfinnan Population946 inhabitants

Ardfinnan Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ardfinnan.

Ardfinnan Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.3167, Longitude: -7.86667
52° 19′ 0″ North, 7° 52′ 0″ West
Ardfinnan Altitude61 m (200 ft)
Ardfinnan ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Ardfinnan Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ardfinnan and the biggest cities of Ireland.

Dublin 157 kmCork 62 kmGalway 133 km
Limerick 64 kmWaterford 51 km closestDrogheda 186 km
Dundalk 212 kmSwords 169 kmBray 154 km
Navan 169 kmBlackrock 158 kmEnnis 96 km

Ardfinnan Map

Locate simply the city of Ardfinnan through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ardfinnan Nearby cities and villages

Grange 3.5 kmNewcastle 6.3 kmBallylooby 8 km
Marlfield 8.9 kmBallymacarbry 10.7 kmClonmel 11.3 km
Ballyclerahan 11.8 kmBurncourt 13.9 kmLisronagh 15.9 km
Tooraneena 16.5 kmRosegreen 17.2 kmCappoquin 19.4 km

Ardfinnan Zone

Time zone of Ardfinnan.

Ardfinnan Local time
Ardfinnan Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Dublin)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Ardfinnan Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ardfinnan.

Ardfinnan Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ardfinnan.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
30 March08:09 - 14:35 - 21:0207:35 - 21:3606:53 - 22:18 06:09 - 23:02
31 March08:07 - 14:35 - 21:0307:32 - 21:3806:51 - 22:19 06:06 - 23:04
1 April08:04 - 14:35 - 21:0507:30 - 21:4006:48 - 22:21 06:03 - 23:07
2 April08:02 - 14:34 - 21:0707:27 - 21:4106:45 - 22:23 06:00 - 23:09
3 April08:00 - 14:34 - 21:0907:25 - 21:4306:43 - 22:26 05:57 - 23:11
4 April07:57 - 14:34 - 21:1007:23 - 21:4506:40 - 22:28 05:54 - 23:14
5 April07:55 - 14:34 - 21:1207:20 - 21:4706:38 - 22:30 05:51 - 23:16

Ardfinnan Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ardfinnan classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Kilmaneen Farmhouse B&BKilmaneen Farmhouse B&B

Home baking and a cup of tea are offered on your arrival at this 4-star, 200-year old farmhouse, which boasts private fishing on the River Suir and stunning mountain views... view more
€ 45
Hotel Cahir House HotelCahir House Hotel

Cahir House Hotel is on the town square, by the River Suir. It has a traditional bar, a bistro and a beauty salon, and offers free Wi-Fi. Cahir House Hotel overlooks the 13th-century Cahir Castle... view more
€ 50
Hotel Glasha FarmhouseGlasha Farmhouse

Set in the picturesque Nire Valley and built about 160 years ago, Glasha Farmhouse is a 5-star country house offering mouth-watering breakfasts, inviting bedrooms and free Wi-Fi. Most bedrooms have garden, mountains and landscape views... view more
€ 100
Hotel Clonmel Park Conference Leisure & Spa HotelClonmel Park Conference Leisure & Spa Hotel

Located 5 minutes' drive from Clonmel, this modern hotel features an extensive leisure centre and Eco Spa, as well as chic, practical and cosy guest rooms... view more
€ 69
Hotel Kilcoran Lodge HotelKilcoran Lodge Hotel

The Kilcoran Lodge Hotel has stunning views over the Golden Vale and the Knockmealdown Mountains. It offers an indoor pool and spa bath, a restaurant, and rooms with free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 60
More Hotels »

Ardfinnan Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ardfinnan and its surroundings.

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