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  11. Kazdanga


Kazdanga Localisation : Country Latvia, Municipality Aizpute.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Aizpute, Laidi and Aizpute.


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Kazdanga Demography

Information on the people and the population of Kazdanga.

Kazdanga Population1,490 inhabitants
Kazdanga Population Density11.1 /km² (28.8 /sq mi)

Kazdanga Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Kazdanga.

Kazdanga Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 56.7233, Longitude: 21.7283
56° 43′ 24″ North, 21° 43′ 42″ East
Kazdanga Area13,390 hectares
133.90 km² (51.70 sq mi)
Kazdanga Altitude81 m (266 ft)
Kazdanga ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Kazdanga Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Kazdanga and the biggest cities of Latvia.

Riga 147 kmDaugavpils 311 kmLiepāja 50 km closest
Jelgava 122 kmJūrmala 128 kmVentspils 75 km
Rēzekne 344 kmValmiera 241 kmJēkabpils 255 km
Ogre 176 kmTukums 91 kmSalaspils 160 km

Kazdanga Map

Locate simply the city of Kazdanga through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Kazdanga Nearby cities and villages

Aizpute 7.6 kmLaidi 9.6 kmAizpute 10.6 km
Turlava 12.5 kmKalvene 13.1 kmRudbārži 13.2 km
Raņķi 17.6 kmVecpils 18 kmSkrunda 18.6 km
Kurmāle 18.6 kmSnēpele 19.5 kmGudenieki 19.6 km

Kazdanga Zone

Time zone of Kazdanga.

Kazdanga Local time
Kazdanga Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Riga)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Kazdanga Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Kazdanga.

Kazdanga Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Kazdanga.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
15 February06:59 - 11:47 - 16:3406:20 - 17:1405:35 - 17:58 04:51 - 18:42
16 February06:57 - 11:47 - 16:3706:17 - 17:1605:33 - 18:00 04:49 - 18:44
17 February06:54 - 11:47 - 16:3906:15 - 17:1805:31 - 18:02 04:47 - 18:46
18 February06:52 - 11:46 - 16:4106:13 - 17:2005:29 - 18:04 04:45 - 18:48
19 February06:49 - 11:46 - 16:4306:10 - 17:2205:26 - 18:06 04:43 - 18:50
20 February06:47 - 11:46 - 16:4606:08 - 17:2405:24 - 18:08 04:40 - 18:52
21 February06:44 - 11:46 - 16:4806:06 - 17:2705:22 - 18:10 04:38 - 18:54

Kazdanga Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Kazdanga classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel LejiņasLejiņas
Situated in a quiet area with a pond, Lejiņas is a two-storey wooden house with a sauna and a terrace. Lejiņas features wooden décor and light colours. There is a living room, a fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom with a shower and a hairdryer... view more
€ 77
Hotel Mētras MājaMētras Māja
Mētras Māja is located in the city centre, 500 metres from the Old Town. It offers accommodation in pastel-coloured rooms with free Wi-Fi. There is a sauna in the building, as well as a hairdresser... view more
€ 21
Hotel Piena muiža - BerghofPiena muiža - Berghof
Piena muiža - Berghof is a renovated neo-rococo manor house with a prestigious past. It offers luxurious accommodation in beautiful, natural surroundings. Its magnificent spa complex features a remarkable variety of facilities... view more
€ 36
Hotel KalnakrogsKalnakrogs
Located by the main road number A9, Kalnakrogs offers accommodation between the cities of Riga and Liepaja. Free private parking is available. The rooms are classically furnished and decorated in fair colours... view more
€ 21
Hotel Hotel-Cafe SpāresHotel-Cafe Spāres
Hotel-Cafe Spāres is located 500 metres from the Rīga-Liepāja A9 motorway, in an area rich in lakes and woodland. It offers accommodation with free Wi-Fi, newspapers and private parking. There also is a sauna and a hot tub... view more
€ 21
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Kazdanga Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Kazdanga and its surroundings.

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