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  11. Pilda


Pilda Localisation : Country Latvia, Municipality Ludza.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ņukši, Pureņi and Nirza.


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Pilda Demography

Information on the people and the population of Pilda.

Pilda Population677 inhabitants

Pilda Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Pilda.

Pilda Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 56.4072, Longitude: 27.7444
56° 24′ 26″ North, 27° 44′ 40″ East
Pilda Altitude147 m (482 ft)
Pilda ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Pilda Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Pilda and the biggest cities of Latvia.

Riga 230 kmDaugavpils 97 kmLiepāja 414 km
Jelgava 248 kmJūrmala 250 kmVentspils 392 km
Rēzekne 28 km closestValmiera 189 kmJēkabpils 116 km
Ogre 198 kmTukums 287 kmSalaspils 214 km

Pilda Map

Locate simply the city of Pilda through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Pilda Nearby cities and villages

Ņukši 5.3 kmPureņi 7.3 kmNirza 11.4 km
Stoļerova 12.2 kmIsnauda 12.9 kmKaunata 14.8 km
Rundēni 15 kmLudza 15.3 kmCirma 16.2 km
Lauderi 16.9 kmCibla 18 kmZvirgzdene 18.9 km

Pilda Zone

Time zone of Pilda.

Pilda Local time
Pilda Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Riga)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Pilda Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Pilda.

Pilda Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Pilda.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
16 January07:30 - 11:18 - 15:0606:45 - 15:5105:58 - 16:39 05:13 - 17:24
17 January07:29 - 11:19 - 15:0806:44 - 15:5305:57 - 16:41 05:12 - 17:25
18 January07:28 - 11:19 - 15:1006:43 - 15:5505:56 - 16:42 05:11 - 17:27
19 January07:26 - 11:19 - 15:1206:42 - 15:5605:55 - 16:44 05:10 - 17:29
20 January07:25 - 11:20 - 15:1406:41 - 15:5805:54 - 16:45 05:09 - 17:30
21 January07:23 - 11:20 - 15:1606:40 - 16:0005:53 - 16:47 05:08 - 17:32
22 January07:22 - 11:20 - 15:1806:38 - 16:0205:51 - 16:49 05:07 - 17:33

Pilda Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Pilda classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel EzerzemesEzerzemes
Surrounded by a forest, Ezerzemes offers accommodation in a wooden cottage on the shores of Nirza Lake, in Latgale. There is a traditional smoke sauna and boats for rent. Rooms here are equipped with a satellite TV... view more
Hotel Guest House Zirga SmaidsGuest House Zirga Smaids
Located within a natural setting in Latgale, Latvia’s Lake District, Zirga Smaigs is situated on the coast of Lake Nirza. It offers cottages with a TV set with satellite channels and free private parking... view more
€ 75
Hotel Hotel LudzaHotel Ludza
Hotel Ludza is situated in a picturesque area, surrounded by 4 lakes, and offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and private bathroom facilities. Guests are welcome to use a sauna and a hot tub... view more
€ 23
Hotel LuciaLucia
Hotel Lucia is located in the historic building in the Old Town of Ludza, one of the oldest towns of Latvia. Free Wi-Fi is available in every room... view more
€ 38
Hotel AlbatrossAlbatross
Located in Raznas National Park, Albatross offers accommodation on the shore of Raznas Lake, 1 km from the beach. Rēzekne’s town centre is 23 km away. The rooms at Albatross are classically decorated and bright... view more
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Pilda Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Pilda and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant 115.7 km  

Pilda Page

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