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Strazde Demography
Information on the people and the population of Strazde.
Strazde Population | 458 inhabitants |
Strazde Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Strazde.
Strazde Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 57.1306, Longitude: 22.7242 57° 7′ 50″ North, 22° 43′ 27″ East |
Strazde Altitude | 84 m (276 ft) |
Strazde Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb) |
Strazde Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Strazde and the biggest cities of Latvia.
Strazde Map
Locate simply the city of Strazde through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Strazde Nearby cities and villages
Strazde Zone
Time zone of Strazde.
Strazde Local time | |
Strazde Time zone | UTC +2:00 (Europe/Riga) Summer time UTC +3:00 Winter time UTC +2:00 |
Strazde Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Strazde.
Strazde Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Strazde.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
31 December | 08:07 - 11:32 - 14:56 | 07:18 - 15:45 | 06:28 - 16:36 | 05:41 - 17:23 |
1 January | 08:07 - 11:32 - 14:57 | 07:18 - 15:46 | 06:28 - 16:37 | 05:41 - 17:24 |
2 January | 08:07 - 11:33 - 14:59 | 07:18 - 15:47 | 06:28 - 16:38 | 05:41 - 17:25 |
3 January | 08:06 - 11:33 - 15:00 | 07:18 - 15:49 | 06:27 - 16:39 | 05:41 - 17:26 |
4 January | 08:06 - 11:34 - 15:01 | 07:17 - 15:50 | 06:27 - 16:40 | 05:40 - 17:27 |
5 January | 08:05 - 11:34 - 15:03 | 07:17 - 15:51 | 06:27 - 16:41 | 05:40 - 17:28 |
6 January | 08:05 - 11:35 - 15:04 | 07:17 - 15:53 | 06:26 - 16:43 | 05:40 - 17:29 |
Strazde Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Strazde classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Ūdensdzirnavas Strazde Ūdensdzirnavas offers accommodation in a renovated watermill on the shore of Dzirnezers Lake. There is a chimney with fireplaces going through all the floors of the house, and in the cellars, a hall with an open-fire oven is available... view more | from € 40 | |
Rezidence Kurzeme Kāķīši Enjoy Latvia's beautiful countryside at Rezidence Kurzeme. Surrounded by forests, meadows, this country resort features 3 private log homes and apartments... view more | from € 40 | |
Sumbrs Kandava Sumbrs is located by European Route E22. It offers classically furnished rooms with free Wi-Fi. Rooms here will provide you with a TV. Bathroom facilities are either shared or private. At Sumbrs you will find a sauna, available at extra charge... view more | from € 27 | |
Hotel Kandava Kandava Hotel Kandava is set in the centre of Kandava in the Abavas Valley amid the Kurzeme region. Each room is functionally furnished and has a flat-screen TV with satellite channels and free Wi-Fi... view more | from € 36 | |
Pils Kandava Located in the small town of Kandava near the Abava River, this guesthouse is 100 km or about a 1.5-hour drive away from Riga. One of the oldest buildings in town, the Pils is situated near the ruins of the Old Knights Castle and the Powder Tower... view more | from € 30 | |
More Hotels » |
Strazde Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Strazde and its surroundings.
Strazde Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Strazde /5 (2016-09-05 01:00:00) |