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Saltillo Administration
Saltillo Code | 030 |
Saltillo Post code | 25000 |
Saltillo Mayor | Manolo Jiménez Salinas |
Saltillo Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Saltillo? Here are all the details of Saltillo available below.
Saltillo Postal address | Blvd. Francisco Coss # 745, C.P. 25000 Saltillo, Coahuila México |
Saltillo Phone number | 844 438 2605 International: +52 844 438 2605 |
Saltillo Email address | [email protected] |
Saltillo Website | |
Other information | Municipios de México : Saltillo |
Saltillo Birth certificate, Saltillo Death certificate |
Saltillo Demography
Information on the people and the population of Saltillo.
Saltillo Population | 807,537 inhabitants |
Saltillo Population Density | 118.1 /km² (305.9 /sq mi) |
Saltillo Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Saltillo.
Saltillo Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 25.4333, Longitude: -101 25° 25′ 60″ North, 101° 0′ 0″ West |
Saltillo Area | 683,700 hectares 6,837.00 km² (2,639.78 sq mi) |
Saltillo Altitude | 1,566 m (5,138 ft) |
Saltillo Climate | Semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSh) |
Saltillo Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Saltillo and the biggest cities of Mexico.
Mexico City 688 km | Ecatepec de Morelos 678 km | Tijuana 1749 km |
León 485 km | Puebla 767 km | Guadalajara 582 km |
Juárez 882 km | Zapopan 580 km | Monterrey 74 km closest |
Nextlalpan 667 km | Mexicali 1617 km | Culiacán 652 km |
Saltillo Map
Locate simply the city of Saltillo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Saltillo Nearby cities and villages
Ramos Arizpe 13.3 km | Arteaga 15.3 km |
Saltillo Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Saltillo has international agreements with its different pairings.
Saltillo Zone
Time zone of Saltillo.
Saltillo Local time | |
Saltillo Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Monterrey) Summer time UTC -5:00 Winter time UTC -6:00 |
Saltillo Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Saltillo.
Saltillo Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Saltillo.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
17 January | 14:31 - 19:54 - 01:17 | 14:06 - 01:41 | 13:38 - 02:09 | 13:11 - 02:37 |
18 January | 14:31 - 19:54 - 01:17 | 14:06 - 01:42 | 13:38 - 02:10 | 13:11 - 02:38 |
19 January | 14:30 - 19:54 - 01:18 | 14:06 - 01:43 | 13:38 - 02:11 | 13:11 - 02:38 |
20 January | 14:30 - 19:55 - 01:19 | 14:06 - 01:43 | 13:38 - 02:11 | 13:11 - 02:39 |
21 January | 14:30 - 19:55 - 01:20 | 14:06 - 01:44 | 13:38 - 02:12 | 13:10 - 02:39 |
22 January | 14:30 - 19:55 - 01:21 | 14:06 - 01:45 | 13:38 - 02:13 | 13:10 - 02:40 |
23 January | 14:30 - 19:55 - 01:21 | 14:05 - 01:45 | 13:38 - 02:13 | 13:10 - 02:41 |
Saltillo Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Saltillo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Premier Saltillo Coahuila Saltillo Situated in downtown Saltillo in the historic center, this hotel offers rooms with free Wi-Fi. The hotel is 2 blocks from the Cathedral and includes foreign currency exchange services... view more | from $US 40 | |
Hotel San Jorge Coahuila Saltillo This hotel is located in downtown Saltillo, Mexico and within a 30-minute drive of the Saltillo Airport. The hotel offers a heated outdoor pool, gym and rooms with free Wi-Fi. Hotel San Jorge Coahuila rooms include air conditioning and cable TV... view more | from $US 48 | |
Hotel Urdiñola Saltillo Coahuila Saltillo Situated in the historic center of Saltillo, this hotel features a cozy restaurant which serves traditional cuisine. It is half a block from the Main Square and offers free Wi-Fi. This colonial building provides rooms decorated with paintings... view more | from $US 40 | |
Quality Inn & Suites Saltillo Eurotel Saltillo This Saltillo, Coahuila hotel features an indoor heated pool, a sauna and Mexican and International cuisine is available at the restaurant. Guest rooms provide free Wi-Fi and a minibar... view more | from $US 74 | |
City Express Saltillo Sur Saltillo Situated 10 minutes’ drive from the centre of Saltillo, this modern hotel offers free transportation to destinations within a 10 km radius. It includes a gym, free continental breakfast, free parking and free Wi-Fi... view more | from $US 67 | |
More Hotels » |
Saltillo Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Saltillo and its surroundings.
Estación Almacenes 1.9 km | Saltillo Old 1.9 km | Subestación Eléctrica Saltillo 2.3 km |
Jardín de la Madre 2.5 km | Abasolo 2.5 km | Cerro El Pueblo 3 km |
Lomas Las Tetillas 4.8 km | Ocolotlán de Enmedio 5.3 km | Cerro del Pueblo 5.4 km |
Estación Zincatex 5.8 km | Los Viveros 6 km | Los Portales 6.2 km |
Fraccionamiento San Lorenzo 6.3 km | Loma El Risco 6.8 km | Cerro El Barrilete 6.9 km |
Flora 7.6 km | Sierra del Venado 8.1 km | El Cortijo 8.2 km |
Boca Negra 8.6 km | Cerros de Ramírez 8.8 km | Cerro Colorado 8.8 km |
Cerro El Rosario 9 km | Terecata 9 km | Cerro Colorado 9.2 km |
Rancho Delicias 9.4 km | Las Delicias 9.4 km | Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro 9.5 km |
Microondas Vega 9.7 km | Buenavista 9.8 km | Cuadrilla de tramo San Juan 9.8 km |
Saltillo Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Saltillo /5 (2022-05-10 14:45:29) |